Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 23

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.May 27, 1927 w ·I L M E T T E L IF E bate. In explanation , of his decision\ NEW TRIER DEBATERS he said of the six' principal points he Trier was the best in .VANQUISH CHAMPIONS considered fi \·c while Cleve land had the edge in one. He spoke very highly of the New Township High School Teams Win Decisions Over Cleveland and Urbana Orators quality of the debate, saying it was unu sually good ior high schools and a:-; good as some collge debates. "Mr. Clerk acted as chairman. Clcn:lancl se nt an affirmative t eam In the pa st two weeks the ~ew \Yhich mL:t the :\ ew Trier team, comTrier IJigh sc hool debating teams han: posed oi Rollin Simonds, the leader, defeated one of the strongest high and John Erickson and Seymour school teams in the country, that of Burge. L'levclancl Hrighh Bigh se houl, and In th e L'rl>ana debate .t\c\\· Trier llnC of the good lllinois teams, the: sent her aftirmative team composed of C rhan a High school. Henry Heineman, the leader, Victor The que stion fpr debate in both Dauber and Frank Gilchrist to Urbana ca se:; ,,.a~: "Resoh·cd: that the U. S. "·here they \\"011 the three judges' ~ hould gran t the PI dippi ne Islands una nimoth dcci sion. their immediate indep end ence." . At the sa1:1e tin_1e ~cw Trier's nega'J'} ('! 1 1 1 1 · tl\'e tea111 nt Holl!n Smwnds, the leadll' eve an< ~c 100 I~ a lllent 1 )C r · · · · . . I er Karl ) O:'t anc1 , ev mour Burge <1 ellt tht l·.nc Dchattng league tn \\'htch . ' 1 tl tc 1· · . . . t<.:atec L r1 >ana a ffi. rma t't\'C t cam at n wnn th l' un<!t sputccl champtOnshtp ~ '1' · Tl 1 · d 5 thi s vcar, pru\·ing itself the . tron~cst · ew ncr. · e toln_e-llllaln tJU gel lrs·1 .· 1 01 · ' tcm ,,·a~ th(' < tor 11s c c )a c, anc ·' ·. team 111 nort 1crn 110. [_I utc 1 ·1 1 . . I[ tcn s prcsH ec. btclt year C 1 rYe 1 and \\'lll S that MacLean Is Coach L'hamp ionsh ip the school rewards the In all the debates the ~e\\· Trier !l'alll hy gi\·ing it a trip to meet a I team~. coachecl bv C. E. ~IacLcan, l'l'Ji rL-..;l'llt a~i\'l: tt'all\ i ront an~> the r I :-;ho\\tcl a thorougl1 kn owledge of the . . ta tl'. "() 1t happened th~t till:'> Y.ear I ~uhjl'ct. They based most of their :t:T.;ttl~l'llll' ltt-. ',".tTl: 1;1ade lor tit~· 0t.:\\' argument on n·ry practical reasoning. I rtL'r dL·hatL' . I he llercland pnnctpal, ).fr. ).facLean has been developin g an il,l :t kt _tt· r. to xr.incipal Frederick E. C<lrne st, st raightforward type of cl('llerk ot :\c,,- l ncr, dcclan.: d that hl' Iiverv which is much to be prcfcrre<l ron:-idl'rl'd the \\'inning oi this debate to ti1e bombastic tvpe u eel by some: till· grl'att-..t debating lwnlir that could cJwok · come to a high school in the: ).1 idd It \\.est. ! \fr. and ).lrs. L. 11. Allen, 258 ~tclProie~:-or Bcrholziemcr, the Xort;1- rll:-\l' a\·cnm·. Kenilworth, entertained \\ntt'l'll c!l.:batc coach, judged the c)v - ~ tiH:ir c\·cning- bridge cluh (111 ).fonrlay. r · c. 0 . . &0 oo 0. B.,., Co. · 0 0. Geor~an (30,08'0 . ACha~{ ISLAN -,~, To Visit Mack~:tac lcld. Parry Sd. Can. D~troit Cleveland Chicago Buffa!.o- JOYFUL, interesting trip of over 2200 miles of beauA tiful waterway-the entire length and return of Lakes Michigan, Huron, StClaire and Erie-plenty of amu.s~ ment, new experiences, and enchanting scenery en route. 1 l The ((uncommon" Wedding Gift YET ONE WHICH EVERY .I wit.h a full clay at Nieatara Falla The Great Oii-Burning White Uners ·North A"terican ~ So1;th American are comparable with the finest Atlantic Steamers- 1 ~:....,~1".1...:!!!1~- - large comfortable staterooms and parlor rooms-aU outside with winc!owa or port holes. Excellent meals. Deck Games, · Entertainments, Music and Dancing. Our social hostess will get you acquainted. S.Jilints friYM ClsktJgo tffTY Tuaday a"d SaturdtJy, ]unt 25th to August JOth, indusi:e. R. R. Ticl:z:J belwtm ChictJgt~, Detroit, Clntlr:t!d tJnd Bu.fftzlo r.:;ill bt ltoMTtt:l for lrtJnsit upon nddctwnol poyr.w-.1. For Illustrated pamphlet &J'IJIJ' auy R. R. Tlc~et Oftlce or TaurJst A.~o.c-r or nr!te BRIDE "ADORES" W. H. BLACK, C. P. A. 1~0 Chicago, Duluth & Georgian Baay Transit Comp3ny W. Ac!ama St. Phone l'%26 I '\· ' I A WIDE CHOICEAn English Floor Seat A !(patchwork" effect of vari-colored leathers ... solidly «(stuffed" with real hair ... just the kind of a Gift that one instinctively knows came ufrom SPAULDING's." In setJeral differe~zt JhapeJ and deJigns Selling as many new Dodge Brothers Cars as we do, it is only natural that we should be offered a wide selection of used cars in trade We take the best of these- and put them in such good condition that they cannot help but reflect favorably on our reputation. SPAULDING & Co. . Jewelers and Silt'ersmiths MICHIGAN AVENUE at VAN BUREN STREET EVANSTON: 1636 Orrington AYe. PARIS: B Rue delaPaix C. M. McDONALD I o I 9 DAVIS STREET Phones: Univ. 224, Wil. 224 A USE-D CAR IS ONLY AS DEPENDABLEAS THE- DE-ALE-R WHO SE-LLS IT

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