Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 33

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~lay 27, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 33 BOB TOWNLEY'S D A Y Mrs. Victor Sanborn of Lake Forest, The Misses Ruth and Grace Crockett formerly of Kenilworth, will entertain of 821 Oakwood avenue entertained Ask Your Dealer for Kenilworth Scout ·L eader Sings Old her Kenilworth bridge club next Tues- twenty guests at luncheon and bridge, Sea Ballad Which Haa Nothing to day. -oSaturday, May 21, at the Georgian A Song In BtUW1J Seed. D0 h H. p hotel in Evanston. The occasion was a 11 at roweaa on Land 1 Mrs. " Gt'llett, ?33 R o"f ar.ewe ll party in honor of their sister, vvra lt er .-r--oJJle n , It's better than what J0\1 think Is beet. a. lud a u1011 sau c1 Gobs laid llott'll tll ch· lyn road , Kemlworth e nt ertain ed her Miss Gertrude Crockett, who will be Slt:rt bs to figllt OHC sick mcwiue." bridge d,ub Thursday. sai ling soo n for Europe. " l[ oosc" To~nley's war associations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in th e lat e unpleasa ntn ess acr oss the The North Shore Line receives countless letters commending its Lost and Found Department. seas did !1ot, eith er by chan ce or mi s-l' Recently this department received the following editorial recognition in the Waukegan Daily cl~a n cc~ m clt:d c , a close association I Sun: "We have a good word to say for the efficient work of the North Shore Line 'lost and ,nth ( ncle Sam~ sea soldi ers. l1on: found' department. We left a pocketbook on a city line car. As a matter of course we notified onr, hi s Yoicc is not one to write the road, and received the pocketbook a few hours later. More recently we left an article of home about. 1\enrtheless, Bob sing clothing on a limited train. That. too , was returned as soon as we notified the 'lost and found'. - anrl sings the hoast of the sick maThese cases, but two of hundreds handled each month. speak well for the honesty of the conductors and motormen ." rim· \\'ho ha5-hed the cargo of one more than nin e hundred and ninetYnine hu sky clcck - \Y<dkcr ~. Boh To\\"nley i5- the lllcntor .oi Ken ih,·orth\ athlete:-. He is abo Scoutlllaskr oi a HO:::>p nf 33 Kenil\\'orth :>Cnuts. For some titnc up and do\\'n tile.: north sh(Jrt:, Bob 's hoys been mix ing it pretty heavy with other teams Elkhart Lake, Cedar Lake, and Scouts and almost invariablY han: · Crystal Lake, Sheboygan, COlllt.: OUt dragging the long end oi Port Washington: Take North t hl' score. La ~t ~at'urrlay morning thl' Shore Line to Milwaukee; con· 1\:cnii\\'Orth track team went down tP nections at door of our Mil· waukee terminal with Milwau· 1·:\·ans ton ior a three--cornered dlll'l kee Northern trains for these ,,·ith \ Vilmcttc and Holtwood of EYpoints. Through tickets. anston. To make a long story short. ('\ 1ach Boh \ hoy . . , annexed a 111ajority 1oi the poinh atHl came hack home. Michigan points-Luding· In the aiternoon Bob\ Scouts broke · ton, Manistee, Hamlin 11UI anchor and stea med north to take Lake, Portage Lake, Onekema: Take North Shore Line to Mil· part in the ~orth Shore Area Scout waukee; Pere Marquette night r;-t[\y in the big woods just west oi steamer from there; arrive Ckncoe . Exactly twenty-eight of the 1 Michigan next morning. til irty-thrcc Kcnih\·orth Scout. \\'CI"l' Through tickets. prt:"ent and thev star t ed the after I1110il's en·11H by- winning the in s pection and in haYing the largest perOconomowoc, Nashotah centage (li mcmber:-.hip present a 111! · Lakes, Nehmabin Lakes, Silver Lake, Delafield, Wau~e partic ipating . Throughout the aftcrsha Beach, N agawicka Lake, ll<HHl the hoy-. continued. t11L'ir s uc:cl's~ Pewaukee Lake: Take North 011 a modified scale and, \Yhile th eY Shore Line to Milwaukee- step n·rt·i ,·ed a iew s urpri~cs in contest..; into T. M. E. R. & L. trains at OCONOMOWOC I ey Clllt·rgcd from the meet flying door of our Milwaukee ter· NASHOTAH LAKES t ! 1~ · Yictory ~ignal. minaJ, for these points. Through Huh can 't " in~ . But Bob ieels that NEHMABIN LAKES tickets. Ill· !Ja.., thl' peri~:ct right to attcm:H SILVER LAKE i ll ~ing ii he ~(I rhoo;o;cs ami ;-;i nce he DELAFIELD Lake Geneva, Twin Lakes, ;-tpptar:- t(\ l1a\'l' ample rea so n for WAUKESHA BEACH · Powers Lake: Take North i n ·ling elated. lH.' chants the so ng that NAGAWICKA LAKE Shore Line trains to Kenosha; t. 1111 ~, .. , close . t to expressing hi . e Ia tion . comfortable North Shore Line " : t 111l rt lhutiS(Hld Gnl)S l(lit/ tlnll' ll tlltil' PEWAUKEE LAKE slf'tl/)s fo fight 01tf sir/.: ?Hill'illl" .· , Motor Coaches operate from there, on regular schedule, to these points. Through tickets. w· Eleanor Bird Seed 1 2 3 I 4 Wilmette Girl Gives Concert in Fairbury \1 i~~ Je ss ie R nh in so n of 1026 Ashland :t' en ttL' . d:amatic soprano. and GcrtrwlL· Baily. <~rgani~t nf the American l· , lhl' n ·atnn· of ~lu . i~· facult\· of ChiCtL!'Cl, ga ,.e ~ l·c,nce:·t Tue s day~ ~1ay 17, : t' Channel Lake, 5· Antioch, Loon Lake, Lake Villa, Grays Lake, Volo, Fox Lake Resorts, McHenry: Take North Shore Line trains to Waukegat.; North Shore Line Motor Coaches from there on regular schedule to these points. Through tickets. Mundelein: 6· Libertyville, Norrh Shore Line to Lake Bluff where connections are made with. trains on our Libertyville· Mundelein division. Through tickets. tIlL· \lethodi :-.t Episcopal church in l; airb un·. 111. \ I i~s - Hobin~ un abo included in hl'r l·i · ~ '. L!'ram t ht· aria from Aida, "Ritorna \'i nri t :::>r." " '"" quoted by the Fairhmy ll1'\\ >PaiH·r ;1" rcYcaling "a rich voice 11l .~reat re~t~nant:l'. power and range, t~~~ether \\ith grt·at dramatic ability and mu si·cian,!Jip." Her encore:; indud cd "Danny Bn~·, " "J u~ t a-\\ . cary in ' i11r You" and "Jlollle Sweet Home." 1\.adio ian~ h;t\'c doubtless heard Miss Rnhinson man~ time~. for she hroadrasb CYcry ~unday eve nin g bet\n~en r, and R o'clock. ( n·r \VEHS . EYanst () 11. llrs. J. J. Siddall of 8-tO GroYc street. ( ilcncoe. \\'ill ~·ntatain the ten members of thL· \\'ilml'ttl' hoard o f tbl' \Vnman' s auxilian· oi the Evanston ho:-;pital, at lunch~on, Friday, May 27. This will he the regular monthly meet ing of the board. ((ACINE KENOSHA II ZION \WAUKEOAN Extra Service Extra rail and motor coach service will be supplied on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, to meet the needs of those traveling over the Memorial Day week · end. Baggage checked through to destination. For schedules, fares and other information, inquire at ticket office, or at Traf-. fie Dept., 79 W. Mon· roe St., Chicago, phone Central 8280. I~AKE BLUFF \SUBURBS NORTH SHORE Telepllone Wilmette 1167 Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Company The Road of Sut~ice DR. FRANK B. ERWIN SpeelaUzlnr In tb.e treablleat ot JOUr best frJe·4· tile VETERINARIAN "Dor ··· cat" WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Baggage Checked Telephone Wilmette 2; 14 1·95 ,,, ,CAGO All ealls reeel·n mJ pertoaaJ at&eatloa

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