20 WILMETTE LIFE June 3, 1927 MAKE KNOWN OPENING OPERAS AT RAVINIA 3 PAIR fOR $ 5.50 19· 5 A t=AMOUS RUNPRUrf R..UBY'.S CHifYON HOSJ: INALLTtlf SWONS NfWf.ST SHADIJ c.Al~ed 60 f:.WASHINGTON ST. 1365 EAST S3JU>st, .RUBW. HYDE PARK EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEl . OIUUNGTON HOTEL. 'EVANSTON emphasize the broad range of human emotion s, which is .so ideally reflected in opera. Some of these work~ sound the profoundest .· depth=- nf tragedy. while at least one of them i:; light and First Week to Bring Before Pa- airy, filled with glittering tutH~=-. and trons Virtually All the Princi- presents life in its humorou :-> aspects. pals of Season These \\:orks which arc to he heard during th e first eight days of the HaPlans for the opening· of . the stx - vinia season se rve a(lmirably ttl indt:x tcl'nth :' 1 .:a:'o n ni J\a\'inia opt:ra ;tnd the entire repertoire with which Racon·cl'rt:-; han no w progressed to sue h an ex tent that Louis Eckstein finds it vinia patrons will he regaled cluring pos=-ihle to announce the list of operas the ten weeks and three days of t ht· irum which choice of tht.· first seve n seas'On. This repertoire has been cart perfonnam:es \\·ill he made . To thi s lis t fully chosen, with many things in mind. ma\· hl' addl'd the first of the series The taste of · Ravinia audience~ h;,~ oi ·~londay night concerts, which will been given the utmos t consideration . iorm a regular weekly fea:tnrc during with the result that ther e is no otH·ra the season. It i:; impo ss ible at thi-. 10\·er who will not find hi s ia,·oritt· time to make definite announcement of worb on the list. There will be the order in which the early perform- enough of revival and novelty to give ance~ will he g-iYcn, hut they will in- the season many interesting high spot'. cludt presentations of "Andrea and what is perhap s most important 0i Chcnit·r.'· 1)\· Giordano: "Romeo and all, the operas have been cho~cn with J ulitt," hr ·Gounod; "La Boheme," hy the artists in ·mind. and the galaxy t·i Puccini: "Uartha," by Von Flotow; stars who will as se mble at Ravinia "Faust," 1)\· Gounod: "T he Love of the within the next few weeks will he gi,·Thre<' Ki;1gs." hy ~1ontcmezzi, and en every opportunity to sing tiH, ~e "Aida." 1)\· Verdi. The ~[ondav night roles which fit them mos t perfectly. c0 ·1cert ,,:ill, of ·c ourse, be given- by the The operas which will be giren C. 1icagn ~ ·· mphony orchestra. with earliest presrntation at Ravinia serve soloists chosen from the rank s of the as striking examples of the splendid opera company and the orchestra. system of ca s ting which is to prevail This lis t of works offrrs splendid at Ravinia this year, as always. Thrre possibilities . It will serve to hring he- is, for example. "Andrea Chenier," in fore Ravinia patrons nearly all of the which Madame Rrthhcrg \\-'ill be heard artist:-; ~fr. Eckstein has engaged for as Madeleine. a role which Ravinia pa thl' new season. and will present them trons will rcmemhcr 1-{ives her e,·cr~· in roles in which they have won wid~- chance to utilize her wonderful tone. spread favor in many of the world's whi-ch is notc(l throughout the entin.~ opera houses. The 0pcras themselves world of music because of it s power arc prime favorites with all Ravinia and the· exquisite beauty of its quality. patrons. Thry arc broadly representa- Giovanni ~fartindli in the nanH.: part tive of th e best of all operatic litera- of this thrilling opera has a role which turr, inclucling five of th e be st kno\vll makes the most trying demand s upon oi the Italian operas. aml t\\·o which a dramatic tenor, hut ~fr. ~1artin clli ma\· he considered as classics of the ha:-. fully demonstrated that the~c..· ck Frcnch school. They like\vise se rve to 1 matHis present no difficultie s ior hin 1. Q UR entire busine!'>s sue~ Economy plus travel comfort far surpassing vour expectations. Round trip fares from $170 to $190. From Montreal or Quebec you will sail down the beautiful St. Law· rence-the mighty wateT bouletHlTd to Europe -then only 4 dave open sea. Direct services to Liverpool, Southampton, Glasgow, Belfast, Cherbourg, Antwerp, Hamburg. Couepate Tours to Europe .S ummn Season-192 7 37 days, $385-all expenses-personally escorted- England, France, Holland, Bel· gium. Most complete itinerary with maxi· mum benefits. Cabin and Em~Wus Tours, $850 and up. Alwavs carry Canadian Pacdic Express Company's Travellers' Cheques, negotiable everywhere.' Full in/onncati·n and ICiiliR& dGkl /rom local ~.......... or H . :-; , El\\orthy, .-;t··alllship t;t'llt·J'al Agt·tlt, ';1 E . .Ja cb·on Blvd., Telephono ""' a !Ja:-;h , !1114, <. 'hkago, I II. For Frt"ight Apply to W. A. Kittermaster, General WH.:tt-rH Fn·ight .\gt'!lt , !140 Th · Rookery, Chicago , Ill. cess depends on one thingthe perfect satisfaction of that pair of shoes \vhicl, '"e are fitting at any g!ven mon1ent. Telephone Vniver~ih 973 Canadian Pacific World's Greatest Travel System