22 WILMETTE - LIFE June 10, 1927 ··············· ····~-"-' "-"·~-- _.:.. Girls' Lacy Slips $5 Of fine, closely-woven crepe de chine; trimmed with delicate Valenciennes laces. Altogether n1ce _ e nough for graduation gifts. Chiffon Hose Silk Clear to the Top $1.39 Very fine and clear - and so slightly imperfect as to leave the wearing quality intact. Our usual $1.95 quality. Choose from a variety of thP delicate new half -tone tints ~ Lord's-Fr'rst Floor Fountain Squarj J_ Girls' Rayon Pajatnas ·youma $3.95 Blue with pink trimming, flesh with nile green, and other such dainty pastel combinations. -12-Mo Scarfs tn uch reduced! Gorgeous sunset-colored block prints - often in designs so bizarre that one can scarcely realize why they are so interesting and pleasant to the eye: Printed radiums and crepe de chines and gcorgettes -flowered ones among them, and conventional designs. Plain georgettes and crepes de chine. Literally scores of designs and colorings: Some were two and three times the new rcdU.ced prices: Natural· 8Sc val Glovesilk Pajamas~ $6.50 Nile, flesh and blue-trimmed in contrasting colors. 54c [) !'U fl t!:, "),·p I ot f' - Fr'rs Rayon NightgownsJ $2.95 Peach with nile green, or .fle.sh .1nd blue. Children's Shop Lord's-Second Floor Sweater a Sets for Va.ri -colored jacq u,1r '- l 11Jtt $ r r . 5o and $I r. 9 5. I ' Novel Gifts of $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 . . Note: The $2.95 group consists of big squ.ue sports ne.:kerchicfs- thc '"'thcrs of long scarfs for sports Jnd dre ss wear. ing on a fairway tbJn \\ 1 White Wors~ Jewelry Little girls who have not reached even the first graduation, are usually thought too young for much jewelry. Thus buying the graduation gift opens up immense possibilities! Lord's-First Floor $5. with narrow blue at neck. hip and culT SHOESParticularly Smart For Summer Wear Bracelets of curiously wrought design and rich color -· - the swirled Viking bracelet, the smooth-linked strands t h a t make the Joan of Arc Bracelet --and the newest of the Slave Links, are from $2 to $7.95. Hand-Wrought Silver Rings set with unusually well-colored semi-precious stones-as low as $3.50. Lord's-Jtwelry Department First Floor-Orrington Golf oxfords and Deauville sandals-for the sports devotee; black patents for town _ ____, wear; shoes of white and colored kidskin for sheer sum_ mer frocks. Choose from an enchanting collection here. $7.50 to $12.50 Lord' s-F irst Floot Men's Furnishings. To" First - ' " - '- " - " - "1 lllllltllllllllllltOitllltUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllltiiiiiiUI