WILMETTE LIFE June 10, 1927 What is more important Than your Home! · Build charm into it. Builders of Better Homes WJLMf.TTE. ILL. Chicago Office - f"arst National Bank Bldg. Phone$ Wilmette 24l7- Randolph 143& ForYMI ·--------------~-~~R~~W~A& The \Vilmette Commandery club ts planning an attractive evening of entertainment for \Vednesday, June 22, at the Masonic temple. The program will include a variety for the amusement of everyone who wiJ1 b~ in attendance: high cla ss vaudeville, musicale, dancing, bridge, fiv e hundred, and other things. . All Masons and their friends are invited to attend. Because of the long program the en,tertainment will start promptly at 8 o'clock. A. E. Mi11er and W. \V. \rinberg are in charge of arrangement s. Tickets may he secured at the Renneckar Drug company and at the \\'inberg Drug s tore, tt is announced. Local Commandery club PUPILS DEMONSTRATE , Plana .Variety Progra~ · PHYSICAL TRAINING AU Gr.adea in Public Scboola Repreaented by Big Outdoor Event Laat Tuesday ELECTED TAU BETA PI Edward Todd Wheeler of 2o5 \Voncl court will return tomorrow from the U niversit\· of Illinois. \Yhere he · has just completed his junior year. Mr. Wheeler has been recently honored by election to Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering fraternitv. He is the ~ o n o f Mr. anrl Mrs. C. ~-\. \Vheeler.