Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jun 1927, p. 3

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·June 10, 1927 WILMETTE NEXT WEEK IN WILMETTE (Recorded at Chamber of Commerce) . LIFE 3 176 GRADS TO GET DIPLOMAS JUNE 16 Commencement Exercises to Be Held in Howard School Auditorium Thursday Night Friday, June 10 I I I t At the New Trier commencement Dr. Charles B. Blake Chosen Genexercises next Friday, June 17. the eral Chairman for Annual Sunday, June 12 Rev. John Timothy Stone will give the . Wilniette Day Program 3 p. m. Baseball, Fritzie Schantz vs. principal address. His subject is to be Wilmettr. Howard school play"The \Vinning of the Present. " The ground. One hundred and sen~ nty-six pupils speaker is well known as pastor oi the Preliminary plans . for Wilmette's 3 p. m. 11eet ing at Louis Bourgeois, Fourth Presbyterian church of Chi- annual Community festival sponsored i rom the \\ ilmctte schools will rcceh·e 356 Sheridan road, "The Herald cago. by the Chamber of Commerce were their certificates of graduation in exand the Di,·ine ~{anifestation ," hy l'l'cise s which ,,·ill be held in the a _The Re\'. Horace G. Smith of thl· launched this week at the session of native born Persian. sL ·mbh· hall of the Arthur H . Ho\\·ard \ \.ilmette Parish Methodist church will I the Chamber in the Central cafeteria .'\ chooi Thursday evening, J ltlll' l<J, at give the invocation, and the ReY. M~mclay evening. ~t that time apMonday, June 13 K o'clock. The program will lH~ feaThoma s A. Goodwin of the \\'innetka potntment of -commtttees to complete 8 p. m. \\' ilmctte Chapter, lzaak Congregational church. the henedic- arrangements for the. day-Au.gust 17 t urcd by addre sses by J. R Harp ~ r. \Valton League of America, Centtion. The president of the senior - were made by Prestdent Emtl Nord. superintcndcn t of school s, and Enoch ral cafeteria. ~teen, president of the Board of Educlass, Fred C. Hoerber, will represent Serving as general chairman for the cation. The invocation will be dcliv the class of 1927 in the program. Thc second successive year will be Dr. Tuesday, June 14 ned by Dr. George P. ~tag-ill , pastor president of the school board. Harry Charles B. Blake, well known dentist, 12:15 p. m. Luncheon, \\ ilmette oi the Firs t Pre sbytc;rian church. C. Holloway of Glencoe, will give out \Yho carried the 1~26 Wilmette Day Optimist dull. Lake Shore TerA musical program has been arthe diplomas to the graduate s. who are through ,~~,· ith flying colors. Working race . ranged which will consist of several 7:30 p. 111. Yillagc hoard meeting. to be presented by Frederick E. Clerk. \vith Chairman Blake are a few score s c 1e c t ions by the \\'ilmette Grade Henry P. \Villiams is to present the of the leading business and profesVillage hall. English prizes for this vear. The,· are sional people in the community whose school orchestra and a number of 8:15 · p. m. Guilmette Council, No. songs by the Class of 1927. singing :n 942, Knights of Columbus, Odd awarded for poetry and essay wr.iting. ranks will be sup~lemented as th~ The music for the evening will he: weeks of preparation progress unhl chorus. Following the presentation Fellow s hall. o i the diplomas by ~~ r. ~teen, the piano duet Lois Hammet and Harriet every member of the Chamber of ).[ons; voc'at solo Catherine Bickham· Commerce will find some essential task exe rci ses will he closed hy t hl' singing Wednesday, June 15 piano solo, Jane 'young. · in. th~ forf!I~lati~n of the J1!Yriad deoi the "Loyalty Song." 12:15 p. m. Luncheon, \Vilmette Admis sion to t~Jexercise s will be tatls antrctpahon. of the. brggest and The Program Rotary club, Ouilmettc Country hv ticket onlY. The auditorium j, the hest \\ tlmette day m the htstory of the club. The program is as follow:-: --~ene of the· commencement this Year, village. :\larch ........................ . ..... Band ln\·ocation .. . . .... Re\'. (ieorgt" P. )lagill but next year the school hopes ·that Announces C~en Thursday, June 16 ('horus, "The Glory of Ciod il! :\'atu:e:~.)7 :30 p. m. \Vitmette Lodge, No. everYone can attend in the new audiComniittee chairmen to serve with Bet>thovt·n ........... . .. .. < la~s ot L -· 931. .'\. F. & A. xf., Masonic l torit;m of the gymnasium. The hour General Chairman Blake were an"I 'lock Ston·" ...... . . .. Sl'hool Ordwstra is 8 o'cJ,)ck. "Old Johnny Appleseed" .. . . .. .. .... 11aur temple. nounced as follows: Class 1~12i 8 p. m. A. T. Sherman Lodge, No. "TIH· Two (:uitars" ...... . .. . .. Ortmann Baseball-Emil Nord. 892, I. 0. 0. F .. Odd Fellows hall. School Orc)wl;tt·a Booths-Charles E. Olewine. "Uh : Susanna" ....... . .. . . ... . . .. Fostt"r Business Men's baseball-Dr. W. W. Class l~:!i Friday, June 17 "Tlw Arkansaw Traveler" ... ('las~ 1:127 Hawkins. 7 :30 p. 111. \Vilmette ·chapter, R. A. "I 'aptain Jinks" ....... . .. .. . . Class 1927 Children's Parade-Frank A. \Vilson. ~L. ~tfasonic temple. l'rt>:->f' ntation of the Cla:sl-'-.1 . 1!. Hart ·r, SUJ>erintt>ndent of Sehools. 8 p. m. \\' ileYanshrook EncampConcessions-William Taylor. The first commencement exerci ses I 're::;entation of Diplomal;-Enot"h Stet·n, ment, Ko. 177. T. 0. 0. F., Odd Dance-]. Walter Nelson. President of the Board of Edu<"atlon. ever to be held from the Mallinckrodt Fellows hall. Decorations-Bernard Meyer. r..,~· alty Song ............ . .... f'lass 1927 High school will be conducted in the Distribution of Priz~s-F . .J, BudThe Class of l9!i auditorium of Maria Immaculata on Th t> class of 1927 is as follows : Ridge road on Friday, June 17. His inger. 11 Finance-Dan G. Stiles. Eminence George Cardinal ~[ undelein , 1...~;u1\. ~\n~en:S~~,' ~~~ H.~l~;·~~l~~. ~~~~ 1 Five New Grand Prize-Jack Budinger. thut· A. Andt:>rson, Virginia E. Burgess, will present the diplomas to the stuGrounds-George White. :\Tary Ellen Boozer, Lora Hunt Baughdents and will address them in re ·· man, Ernestitw Behren~. Eli7.abeth G. Judges-Earl E. Orner. Five new members were added to marks fitting to the occasion. In artnurrows, Betty D. Buckt'tt, "\\"ayne G. Lights-]. C. Gane11 . Hlankshein, Theodore B. Bu('k, Se\·ille the roster of the \Yilmctte Chamber clition to Cardinal Mundelein, it is exTransportation-]. J. Morgan. I:oyington, Raine B. Burgess, Daisy K. of Commerce at the regular June pected that a large number of th" Parade-David Nelson. narn·tt, FrancE'S S. Brown, Robert Bras- meeting of the Chamber held in the clergy from surrounding parishes " ·ill bt·ars, "!\fargaret R. Bi<:kham, ~rary E. Publicity-E. W. Weber. J:rown, Xorman T. Brut>dig·am, Phyllis Central cafeteria ~~on day evening of attend the exercises. Parking-L. J. Schildgen. Drown, Eugene Berg, Carl ~. ('Josset, Jr., this week. Applications accepted were The graduation exercises ,,·ill be Prizes, retail-A. C. Wolff . .Jane ('ohn, Ruth Colwn, Amy Clagett, as follows : featured by a musical program which 1 'arolyn G. CaZf~ l. Ethel I Cookt·, "'t'llma Prizes, wholesale-C. E. RPnneckar. Elof Lawrence. laundry proprietor. will include a number of selcNions K Cobb, John S. Chapman, :\furiel M. Field events-Ernest C. Cazel. Colby, Gordon B. Cutler, ~rarg-ucrite E. 415 1\fain street: Rqhcrt Gordon, gas- hy the ·Mallenckrodt Choral club unDog and ·wagon races-E. A. Danne<'asey, 'Marion L. Condy, Olen H. f'olby, Sally Clark, Winifred Dinglt·, ..\rian L. oline and oil retail. 421 ~lain street; der the leadership of Professor Otto mark. Dt>lander, Jack A. Durham, Jant· H. Da,·is, C. P. Dubhs. pl'troleum engineer, Singenberger, musical director at St. Refreshments at grove-Sam Lutias. l·~dward G. Dierks, John E. Dunn, E. vice-president of the l' niversal Oil Mary's Seminary at. 1-fundelein and a Refreshments at playground - EdHaYid Davis, Marjorie R. Eldred, Jeanne piano solu, "Etude" by Rachmanin- ward McGuire. Elmt>r, Geraldine G. Eddington, :\Iary J. Products company of Chicago; Paul n. Ferrarlni, Henry E. Fostt·r, Jtoan L. A. Hoffman, engineer. Central Actuar- off, which will he played hy ~I argcry Announcement of the complete Fisher, Robert E. Fuchs, Jack R. Frost, lage trustee); Hans YonReinsperg, law- Smith. working personnel for Wilmette Day '\'illiam H. Frt>('tnan, H. LouiRe F'acl.:t, yer with offices in Chicago (Wilmette On behalf of the students of thP Bradford E. !<'ike, Phyllis Fm'rmann, will he published in an early issue of school. l\1 iss Josephine O'Brian will Adelaide A. Franklin, Edith K (ireen, Village trustee). \\"tui~T't'B LIFt:. \\"ilma M. Guenther, Kathrine 0. GronThe addition oi Hoffman and von- address Cardinal Mundelein in apprening, Vet·a l\f. Gross, Margaret I. fHndf·le, ciation and regarding the commencenae H. Goss, George H. Grommt>s, Clark Reinsperg to the .membership list gives The day's program C. Oapen, Kendall Garretson, Charles D. the Chamber of Commerce three nu·m- ment exercises. Henderson, Harry B. Hunter, 1\"altt'r bers who are Yillage officials the other will be closed by a banquet served Hawkinson, "!\farjorie F. E. Hacker, ~rar for His Eminence and the visiting gf'rY C. Hume, Eunice B. Hardt, ('aroline being Trustee Ernest C. Cazel, drug- clergy by the Sisters at Maria ImThree pupils, Ruby J annes, E,·a T. Herr, Arthur J. Heinrichs. Richard gist, a Ycteran memher of the Chammaculata . ·1. Hooker. Jayne. Hardwick, Edward J. ber. 1lountain and Clarence Blum, will be 1I irsch, Florence S. Hansen. Lois H. graduated from the Glenview road Hanawalt, Jean I.... Hall. Jack K Heitschool in commencement exercises man, "!\Iary L. Hogan, William F. RorstMOTOR TO NEW YORK ing·, Jr., Virginia L. Ham:;en, .James R. which will be held in the school audiFrank L. \Yolfe and family, of 346 J\·et·son. Llewellyn Jones, Lowt>ll H. torium Tuesday evening, June 21. As .Johnson, Isyle G. Johnson, Thomas H. Greenleaf avenue, are motoring to New Commencement exercises in the St. an unusual feature of the evening's .Jordan, Pauline E. Jones. Paull P ..Jones, York where they \\'ill visit their son . Agnes N. Jones. Svea D. ~ord. :\fartin Their new home, \\'hich the Hartmann Francis Xavier school, Ninth street program each of the nine girls of the and Linden avenue, will be held Sun- school will receive a Red Cross diA. Johnson, Jr., Hazel L. Knepper, Bruce "'· Kenyon, Harvey E. Klunder, Franres Brothers are just completing. at 718 day e\·ening, June 12, at 7:45 o'clock, ploma, issued . by the National Red F. Kennedy, Charles F. Kremer. Jr. Sheridan road, will he readY for ocin the school hall. The Class of 1927 Cross to those having passed the reYirglnia C. LE>hle. Eugene H. Lou~hrin: cupancy August 1. · is of the following: naYis N. Lott, Elinor Lourie, Herbert quired tests. Robert Bollt>nsen, George Arthur Bi:>ylD. Lilly, Frances E. Lutz. Jame~ A. The principal address of the eveLauridsen, Dorothy J. Lundin, Jean M. Caroline Sehwarm, Claire E. Simon, Ethel tons, Billy Jerome Carnall, John E. CawKLindstrom. Jane P. Ludwig, :\fariori~> :\1. J. Sharp, Berniee A. Stofer, Robert C. well, Anthony Conrad, James G. Corns, ning will he delivered by Otto Aken, "ere-enthalt-r, Karl E. Meaker, Jr., l\·l ary Shabino, E. Jane Springer, William C. 0. G. Corns, Jr., Hollis G. Gleason, Jun- an assistant to County SuperintendT. Mlck.:>y, Ruth E. MrConnaughey, Kath- Sellery, YetiYe Schapiro, William H. ior I~avanagh, Alex Logan, Frank F. :uine 1\f:uwell. Jack L. ~fee. Donald P. Sherman, John S. Shank, Elizabeth !.\loran, Thomas Obermeier, George Scho- ent Tobin. The diplomas will be pre:\Tinor, W . .Tohn McDowell, Jr., :\feta A. Schwann, Louise B. Shepard, Margaret pen, Edward Leslie Simpson, Julian sented to the students by Nicholas Miller, Philip Mart.tua. .Jr.. James l\fi'- F. Stackhouse, Carl W. Thorp, David Peterson, Robert Norrington, Patsy Boyl- Miller. president of the school board. Dermott, Jr., Emily McGinley.. Royal B. Von Sennet, Frank J. Wenter, Virginia ston, l\Iary Elizabeth Browning, Amy )Jartln, Mary A. Melville, M~rion G. Werden, John ~1. 'Varren, Dorothy Win- Henrietta Crumlish, · Mary Catherine Several selecti.:>ns bv the Little Or~ettleman. Nancy Nordorf, R. Sherwood zenburg, John 'Vilklns, Daniel R. Wax, Gleason, Mary Joyce, Catherine Frances chestra, composed of students of the Xelson, Dorothy J. Newton. Grenfell Ben W. Wilson, Jr., Fredrlk R. Wille, Lear~·. Margaret Mary Manion, Margue- school playing varied types of home Older, Ruth I.... Olson, Ruth Y. Phelps, Clara E. Wolff, ~[artha I. Wilen, William rite Louise McCann, Patricia McCarthy, made instruments, and two interpreVir~inla I. Polonis, Eu~ene S. Prochnow, T. Morgan, Jr., Jane Yost, Alexander Jane Helen Norman, Helen· Louise Oberand l\f. Elizabeth Potter, Gordon ~f<'A. Ruff, Venlsh, Sara I. Rossman, Craig Stoddard, meier, Geraldine Susan Peacock, Mary tative dances, "Gypsy Dance" I.. GenP\'ieve Royer, Mary .T:1·1e RElad, Robert S. Youngberg, Robert H. Kirtland, Patricia Pavey, Marian Schwall, Betty "Spring in the \Voods," will also be Ae-nes R. Schwall, WillE>tta J. Smith, Ralph T. Kline, Isabel Cracraft, Grace Cecilia Spillane, Marion Gertrude Towles, included in the program. Rita Louise Weber. Al\'in C. Sandberg, Virginia F. Sprague, Johnson, Effie ) .. James. 7 :30 p. m. \Vilmette Chapter, R. A. M., Masonic temple. John Timothy Stone · COMMUNITY FESTIVAL I Will Address New SET FOR AUGUST Trier Graduates 17 I I m,. Cardinal Mundelein to Address Grads at · M allinckrodt School Add Members to Roster of C. of C. Hold Graduation Program at Glenview Rd. School St. Francis School Holds Graduation Fete June 12 ·

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