,, WILMETTE LIFE co ll-!3 \\'ll.~MEl~,.r~: A"ENlJE MA THE J:>J -(()NE Wll H 2693-269-t If a Ftl!i~ or Ve~·· etal1le It Can Be Fot111d Here We have been in businEss in Wilmette fer :lfteen years. During these years it has been our constant ~im to supply our £ver increasing number cf patrons, :!xtend'ng from Evanston to Highland Park, with tile best fruits and vegetables that the market affords. We feel that we have succeeded in this policy to the point of setting " standard of quality and service. By freque:1t purchases and daily resorting we maintain this perpetual standard. We are centrally located in the heart of the Wilmette shopping district. We have developed a prompt . 3nd efficient telephone order department service for the convenience of cur customers. Such orders receive prompt lelivery. Each week, in this paper we intend to publish a b\J yer's guide. Watch for it, as we know that you will be interested in these weekly "lnnouncernents. .... - 13 LJ \ ' I: It S ! ~; l r I i) E st>J~<:L-\1~ \\ 'l ~ ~rl·:t{ t><rr.\-r<>J,:s .07 pound --~ ()hio J>otatocs ..... . l_."'ancy \1ontana l)ot~ttocs .Jersey J>otatocs . . . )·a~ns. S pounds l~arly s,,·cct -,- \ ·1 ~~ ( ; I ~ I,.- \ I i I .I~~ S r Special Spinach I~"t·csh . - \sparagu~: .. .2<) peck .,) ... ... -, () ):; hunch h()\. l~t·ussc I Spt·ou t s .. l~c~1n~:. Special I ~irna (:aulitlo\\·cr -. . . . . . l~"nncy 1\alatnazoo ( :clcr~ II carts l;rcsh :\ t·t ichok cs .. (~rccn J>cas . . . . . . ( ;rcen 11cans . . . . . . II uhhard Squa...:h, -f. pounds 'I'on1ntocs . . . . _.. _ _. ..... . (~tiCttnlhcrs .. . ....... · .., ., l ._ ..) 10\. ..,I ·-~ an( up .19 hunch - '? ..,. 1~ - f or .-~ .1 <) pound .......... I .IS quat·t .J~. ....-' .:~s haskct . . . . . . ... . OOUI H.f Fresh Parsley, WatP.r Cress, Radishes, Mi:-at, and other seasonable products may b~ had at extremely .~easonable orices. . M ushroon1s .................. _.. I~ I{ l J .1 0 .J<.J rrs · (:alifornia (;rapes, nil kinds . . . . . . . .10 Jonathan 1-\pples ...... ·. . ... _...... $2.49 hox California Oranges: 3 dozen .. ·. . . . . .95 Florida (~rapefruit, large size . . . . . . .15 2 for .25 Florida (;rapefruit, tnediutn size . . . .10 3 for .25 Fancy Casaba, and Persian Melons, finest ori the market at reasonable prices. Do·n't forget ou,-_ Cider and Pu1npkins /or the H a/lowe' en season. COSMAS BROTHERS 1143 Wilmette Avenue Opposite Post Of/ice Phone Wil. 2693-2694