l:! WILMETTE LI.FE October 21, 1927 BROWN FURNITURE COMPANY EvANSTON ILLINOIS FORMERLY BROWN-UMLANDT C~OMPAN'lr Louis XVI Bedroom ·Group Must be seen to be appreciated. Exqui- · sirely hand decorated and stippled in grey lacquer. Dresser .... $97.50 Chest ...... $65.00 Toilet Table . . . . . . . . . $69.50 Bed (full or single) .. $79.50 Chair ...... $21.50 Bench ... : . $21.50 I .... ~·fftl lfl ttf.,littltftltlltt· t·t ltttltttl·t,tlltlltllltl:i t flllltl lll t ··,l !·rj! ,: .I! , :,·l'·ill tt .l l t; r t l,lll ·f ~ tt1 1 tt·rllo li """'tl 1 t·l·lttllt' tjt l·il 'l' ,,, . 111! 1 t~ 1 t l Jl·l +··' tl'· tt! tit·I ,JI IIII Iilltl l Spanish Dining Room Suite This beautiful Spanish Dining-Room Suite. illustra(cd below, is well constructed of genuine Walnut. The Buffet is 66 inches long- Table extends to 8 ft. and the . chairs are upholstered in a fine grade of plain tapestry . The .C hina is attractively finished in Red lacquer. One of .Our Best ·Values Three Pieces Nine Pieces Complete-$395.00 $189.50 I The shading and matching of the Walnut Veneers on this suite are the work of master craftsmen-the Dresser is 48" wide and dustproof throughout. I J I ~llllllilltlttllttili···lll.llltl illttllltllllrtlllttlllltttlttlttlll·tll ·ttlttt· 'I ttlttHilttlttlllllltlli'ttltllll111111itllllillflltltll1tlllllllllltltilllfllitiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIItiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIItll~ -