Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Oct 1927, p. 30

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30 WILMETTE LIFE WILMETTE LIFE ISSUED FftlllAY OF EACJI WEEK by In our time now over fifty years long, we have walked 1niles and t!_liles. It has mosth· he('n done in small instalhnents of onr. two. or two and half m11f'~. hut it ha~ Walk Every Day t·ttaled up to se\·eral for Your Health thou:-'atHl. \fe once tio·urrd 1)\lt that dur:-.. mg- our tenu oi nn:r t\\'t' nt,· Year~ as tender of a furnace \\·e nut-.t h~~,.~ handled (lilt' million two hundrt'd anti Jlit,· thou~an<l ~hoYd-:fulls of co;d ancl ~·r,kt·. Tt i..; ,,.mHkrful ho\\· !ilttrh one can dt) In· d·,ing a Jittll' t·,·ery d:n·. ~undaY:-- :ttHl ht·iida~ . . incluckd. ··lllittin(v ..;un;tlll'r Yaration . ;-.... . tlw Year:-- ago we waJk,·d with a iriend Itt ~L Charko;;, that ol(l-iashi··llvd ttl\\ 11 1111 tht' Fox l~ivcr . \\'e "·;tlkt·(l m~, . . tl\· fJll tht· rail rnad t rar k.;;. \\·hen· t ht· di.., t;·, net· het \\'('t'll t \\·n tie:-' j, too ...,h(1rt i1·r an ordinary .;..h·p and \et "kipping- (·JH' tit· -.trl'tr}w..; dtw'-.. It:·.-..; ·undtth. \\'c nut 1tnh. " ·:tlke<l t·· · tlh· F11x Hin·r -hut \\·alkt·d lt:tt'k. \ . . . \\T 1ccall ~·ur feding·" at the t·tHI 11i y]J,· hikv the~ " ·t're fatigued tP tht· lilllit. <>nh· a ft'\\' Yt:ar-. ;q..:·,, \\t l1ikcd irt'lll ;-.... LLOYD JIOLLISTER, INC. 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. C'hle~t:o office: 6 N. 'Michigan Ave. Tel. State 6326 Teltpllone .··..·.··..·......··.·...·...·. lVIImeue lfti 8t78~CRIPTION · . ··- -0-- -·-·-·-·- -·-- -··-... ..· · October 21 .. 19.?/ SHORE LINES Plli<'E ....···..·..·· t!.ot A YEAR All <'ommunicatlon~ must be accompanied by the name nnd addr('!lf!l of the writer. Articles for puh· lkation must r"ach the editor by Wednesda~· noon to in!l'urt> appt>ar:mce in current l!'sUf'. --Resolutions of condolC'nce, cards of thanks, obituary, notices of ent('rtainmcnts or other affairs wh(:re an admittance charge is publlsh('d, will be charged at reJ:"ular advt'rtislng rate~ . ·-·-~~-·-·-·-~~-~..-.-~-n-r-na WEATHER REPORT THERE MAY :SE SO?v{E DOUBT CO~ l"El{NING \\' EATHER . C N pI 'l'} 0 ~ S .1\T OTHER SEASOXS OI· 1 HI·. YEAI~. CO~l ~1 EXTS :\lR COX IX A~ I~TER_YJE\V Pl _ l~ 1 !SHED I~ OKE OF THE CHICAGO DAILI_ l·.s, l;l;'[' \\'JI F:\ \\"IXTER CO~l ES ALO~G, \\' 1·.1.1., ,, ... , ?\ 'J E j{ IS \\' I X T E R ~~D .,~0 D~)_L·p~·l: \BOCT IT ALL OF \\"llfCH · sJl<IKI·.S l S \s .Sl;\CUI.. AJ<LY CI.:\HIFYI~CJF i\OT .-\1.TnGETliFI< J< I:.\: Sl" I~ I:\'(~. 9 1Ju\\"t\Tr, mo-,r oi lh arr: Clptii_Ili:-.h _at _!Jt.;u:·t, The acti\'ities of the P.· 'r. A. year han' hq:.!"llll. A dri\'e for memhers is on. Heallv it oug-ht' not to he difficult to s<'cttrc nr,~· mc."tnher~ · for an or- -~ani z at ion ""hich dut·~ so much . g-ood in Associations e~ur north ~llon· r11m Ill till it it·'-'. Tht.· hig-h srhool P . T . .\ .. f,,r t'X:unpk , disrttssl'S \\·ith the ~rlH11d autlwritic~ . . uch ,·ita! prnhlt.·ms as tht· automobile and tlh· studt'tlt. , prohll'm which ha~ taxed the :thil.itit·s of t.·olkg-t.· pr<·<'nt ... and de:tll:-- . lt takt.·~ up aJ,o nHhidt.·rat ion:-- Ht '-·h:ltlge-.. (If that familiar medium hetw<.·<·n . . cht)\d and home --tlw report t.·anl. \\"hirh for nn told g-etwrations lark and Till ha~ l'itlwr it·art' '1 or Jon·d. · · Parent-Te£rcher \\ lu:thtr or no \\ c rare tn ad1111t 1f . \\ e h, t m \.' 1 , 11 -.tam hopt' oi IH'tft-r thin;!.:- ju. t in the f,tf ing-; ha\·e enough rain t1 ) ~nn~ltine and l'llt·ugh ~un~hint' to rc-n:l m a llt<:t ' wet\llllll drink . J-'rigi(l d,,y.., and :-now-dad ftdds hnng 111 l'lttHl the ht·autit· . . · 1)i :\ ~priugtitlle tliat, . aft<·:-_ all, ~hin·rilll.! ~1an·h wtnd · !P.r~ · 1, 1wt ' I ' br a,,,t,. 'tll t·i the gl 1ri""" . . umnH::r to ~onw .. Swtltt·rlll~ \ngu-.t laat hc-.;~t·;tk' the im·.·gura.tJng _tang. · t ·\ntttllln .1ir, will<"h, _in turn, gn~t!-> pt~ltlll'-~· l.J." .,j,·,· j, H J._ , mpJ'V wintt·r ',\tth pknty ot :-k;ttmg '· ·· I II 111 g' ;1 fl d I " I k f. t! l l · --·.·-Look to Your Laurels T ·t r B a i ,'· . n ·c!IJ"l ... t (' nt· d \\ · i c Ill' r 1 II\ ' :: i : : · :.!lllt r.t; (iot;lt~ur "' tiH· i"""h'rior appt·tHl.q.!t ·. :: ... jw;ll'-. i-. tllllllillg a rhht'. '-l'\~O tH_l to j,r rl.t l' , ol' :\notlwr acth·itY "hid1 · the a~~ociation shart~s with the S(:hool i~ tlw ~n-ra11ed par c.~nt~· daY. when the olde folks atten<l st"hool in. the plart· of tlwir childrt'n and -..t.·c· how things an· dotH' during- a rq.~ular school s~ssion. Xot' of the least c,f the P. '1'. :\.·:-- goud work~ is the caring· for tht.· ~urial liit: t'f tht.· teadwr~, 1nauv of whon1 douhtle~:-; ha Ye ht.·t·n hroug-ht inh) a mon· intimat,· life of the t·ommtmity ln· the t·fforh 11( the assoriation. Tho~e ~Yhu ha,·t.· nc\·er ('onw into a strang-<: neighborhood w ill lind it dittintlt to t·stimatl' how much it lightt'll:' tlw nt:w ft·;u:her':-; h<·art to llHTt earh· in ·lw srhool year pan·nts (,f thl' ~rhn11l ~·hil dren and f ricnds of the srhuul. Ont· (If the most patriotic ~en·irt.·~ all\' dttz<·n of the l"nite<l ~tat<.~~ ran rt.'tHI<.:r hi:-; · t"Ptllltry i~ assi:-:ting- in the \\"ork ui .\mt·riranizin~· f n rt·ig·twr~ who· intt .. nd 1t· Americctnizing htT(IJJlt' ttst·ful nwm · ht:r~ uf the .-\m(·riran Ctt111111P1l\\"t.'alth. \ \" j JlM ~-t k:1 1n l')u ndn· lw t\\'t't'll da \\' 11 :l nd dark. \\ e r<':trhed \\"lwelm~ in tJtlh' f(lr ;ttl earlY lnnrh. Dinnt:r a\\ ;titl·d tt--. at a iriend' hon;t. in DutHlt'<'. \V t pa rtt 11 1k " i the dinth·r ];n·ishh· . Tht." result ":h a rthll ,,f J ·· ltic)(l to tiH· digT:'Itin· rq.~t"'"' :1nd a\\a~· irqm1ht'. head. \\"c:: t··]·pled ,,,1 ·r. ratllll\'. I ;,r B:tll · ·.;· ha . . hu!llan frit·tHI..; !C111 ll\1!1 t !'11'.11'1 ~.tlnd.tte. ;,-. wittJt ..... tht· iart tha.t, whtn h1·tl ·. .ttld 111':- .. i-..u·nth· J·nr~tll d by \Viwl.r. ucmt ... j, r·i !lH t'l'I11lillt \" ·lll!llll!llf~ j ... i! \\'icn,·r ~ 1 \\'ttHlnin" , t- <1-·ed,.nl. no , lc·:-:-; than half a · ' ,J~·zc··, 1(1 I 'I'IH· quartt'r qf a millio11 dt,}lar . . l.t)\li~ ~tn·n l,~ licr·JJ-.c t.t~s ct·\ t·nng anntm1-; rangnll' lrOlll . ~· t'· d:t!l' \\l'ft' iortllcoming irom a .nultitudt 'i ··ltctt'·lJ-.. ··it inn.. .\t l;t~t report lw "a" ~till ,, -. · , r·;tl J1 .!!·· ;tlJt .ul .,i tllt· akrt and l'!irt·it·nt c ···;,dt .. OptltalmoJ{ist.s J:. ]._:tlJ'JH·flht·itlH'J" ,,f \\ 'llli H·ka to tJH · l·nin·r-..ih· (,f Cl1ic:q.~·' tu h\· 1l"l'd f,,r in \'t'~tioati··11 .... in tlh· lwld h f tlpthalmttg-:. n r ~-\. Boon to , ttld\ 11i :-- trw:tnrt. 11 -· ·!·:Wouldat Have 'Em Stale? \llq1:(· itllll"tit~ll .... :llld di:-.t:;t<...(· ... t'. "ill ctrLtin h h\· t~i ltt'lllt'llduu ... \:thtc.: . . t"f·lrding- tCJ ()r. lhuwn. a prumnwnt "}'n·i:tli-.t in thi-... a tn~..· l i <·1 d a 11 d ·} H' ad 1 , t t l1 i " d t 'J'a r t n w n t a t tht.· l"ni\·t.·\·, th<' Wt>rk " hicll thi..; gift ha" ltladc ptt-..-.jJ,l; " tll rc·-.uh in . . ;l\·in~ the eyt· ).fr. J)ndJr·\' l.·r .dt \\ ";d'-(111 ill !Jj~ -.(Tillid 1r t·· :: 1 tl.< :\··rll1 ~h··l"l' :\rt lt~t~!\lr (·nll·li.t-i'lt··, F ·· 1 · ;, : 01 , , 1 i :\ n: <· n ,· ·1JJ ...... - . I >: ·.. l··l "f the n · --·.·Sport of Kings and Knaves llt·.t; ).J iqm:: lla\'illg .. tt'l'l't.·d on_t tt.· : ··' .. 1,... .\ rlingtcJll Park r al·t't rad-. a CllliJila t unt·~. f ~1,, ·ll:d ought tn tdl you s<,mt·thin!..!' aho~Jt the gu;tt" .'vl1ici \\:t- r\lnnin:.:· and the g11at-. \\hllh \\'a-.. tr~t!l~ ··· till· r'·na te. or \\a ... it fO\\·..,--\\hidJ >\al >l··k , I ,::1.. , 1·<·:-.·:d t1) hr rulllting. \Yt·\1 in the _ tTl·\\( \'.!1!~"'1 \\;t-. IJto}dilll-! dP\\ll t!Jt· ft·t} 't',th Ill tJH · )..!r.t: .d -l.ltld 1 fin;}:.; ~lH1rty, the '-:ttne a:-; holt) . . i(Jrt:; ;1! ol1t. Ttrminal. gi,ing t!J,. IH'\\" 11r -. t·lliug it. ;l11d l · tdJ . . ilJt· }H.'.._ thl· ripl' l~t·rrtt·-. wlwn it ··c·mt ·~ ' 1 pi(·killg \\ inm·r:-; . ~o I a~k ... hi.m how d(ln l:· d( · It \\'ht'll t·\'t·n tht· hnr~~- . . d1w-.n t knuw. '"\\"dl." :-a\·~ ~horn · . 'Til tt.:ll you, hut it'- .t ltttlc' ~t·rrct and I dll;l·t \\ant an~· lilt·r<· I -..joht ttf man' \\·h" might .,lhtT\\·i:--t h<t\t l(;:t that m·~ ... t \\ond~... ·riul ·i all human iantltil'~. and \\Ill al'-1.1 Jt-;,,1 t,., th<· ~dlt·\i:: ti11n oi untuld -.ufftTillt.!' 1 Foreigners T ht immigraut rumt·:-- t .. our shon·s wit IJ a fort·ig-n languagt', a fon·ig-n attitude t · ·W:l rd..; uur institution~. and· a foreig-n fl'l'ling t~~ " a rd:-- .-\ rneriran cit iz<.·n:'. Hu ~ rt· a Ii zing- t ha t h t.' has r a q h i ·" I, )t fur hl'tll'r or fur worse "·ith the fortttiH"-' of tlw nt.·w world, h~ also n·alizes that he nm:->t arquire tht.· 1lt'\\. wavs oi liYing- a:-; !'-UOJl a~ po . . ~ihk. ii he i=-- rto =-'lll't.'l'<.'d. In otht·r word' he n·alizt·=-- that he mit~t go l'r,t\ith-d \\tth \tlllr tht·att·r , :..:uild tt,·kt"t-.. lur the l1·lll" peri.nrm;mn·-.. oi thv l."lllllitq.. :· I q 27-2~ . . c ;1..: 1 111. : · 1H \' i II 1,t · i :t , · i n g a l' r ·1 .., j·t'rl 11i at h ·a . . t four < q·ning" ,,i 11nall··.' Tlte North Shore l'd ,Jt.light . \t 1<-a-.t Theater Guild \\ e haH· :tl\\'a\':- en .. i n ,. t.' d t h··n-·ugh h· tIn· pa~t periurtll"tlll't' . . t~f the guild. . It i s p l' t, ttl ia r 1y 111 t t n· ~ t i n g . i f nut ;tl '\ ;t y . . -..timttlating-. tn ~et· (tllr iri~..·tul-.. and llt·igh hnrs in role~ quite diftt·r(·nt irt>m the"...: . \nd ··llJ·LI llllllinn '"ttlll !JI'o'ljl lt · .t 1.11\:~ a1 -...amt· neig-hbors' ordinary m')~l'-'" of life. \\'C have sometimes etn·it·(l tlwm their to ~rhool. ~tudy .\meriran Li~ton·. JJe ·mn~t become acqt~aintcd with all tl1at i~ illlj)lied in hel'(JJllJng- an ·\mt·riran citizen. .-\ny(mc wh(, help~ him ~L<.·hit.'\·e these <:nd~ i~ rttHkrin~ a hig-hly patrjotic sen·ice t., t ht.: rount ry it~d f. 1\nd (1\tr t eachcrs wh(J are eng-ag-ed in this work at Communit \' 1 f<m~e in \\'jtmetka and elsewhere are tnte patriots. Incidentally the social side (Jf th<: enterprise uf Americanizing foreignt.'rs is ah(J pr<Jdttct i\·e of genuine civic good. Fur hi:-; het t c rmt.·nt a nc..l that of hi=-- adoptl'cl. l't·ttntry ht.· mu~t lt·arn to =-peak and wrJtt· rurrcrtly :u:. tlut.·nth·. J le must Yisarion~ experiences and wi . . Jwd ~ilcntl)· that \Yt' too n1igh t 1 )(.~ a g"O\'(Ttlor or a prominent poet if only for a k\\" t'Yt·nin~:--. l\·nain filthy -mindt·d p<'r:-.un ... in \\"ilmctte ha \"l' written oh~cene wonb and phra~es on ~tort· window fronts, easih· visible to all "·ho might he passing- these phtce:-'. If thi" na~tv work had heen done h,· ntorons or other feeble-minded hcin~s it ·could be understood and tolerated, but inasanuch as there is evidence that it has been perpetrated by youths of normal intelligence. it cannot be too harshly objected t,o. The place for garbage is the garbage pail and not the front steps. l c.tntr out !Lt thl' t\\'1) '-Ill;11·king "ind<·\\'- !J,,.,kttl 11:1 inr it·llrh 1 ·n ir1·ll lllt·n. I d~·n·t kn("' L(J\'. it kq· Jtt'tlf·<l. hut f Cllllt' ht·tn~· \\ 1th -.n·c!l 1 lli l t ' JittJt tirk··t.. . "bid1 l'll tl"t' 111 papt·r 111\' rc·u111. '1l! .. ,:·rt· 1' r <' tt) t i c k tt ~ ;a t hat a 11 d a 11 r ()I" r,. J: ll t : 11· \ · r" HOt \VOrth ··.' o hurk' . "I g d s t () t hi 11 kill g I c t 1\ tl d 111] \. j 11 :-I ; I ' 1' i l :·: · ' :rkcts at a stationl·n· -.torl', "'" I gc,t ht1,~· .tr:d 1!.\"t"lltl·<l the SY:-11'111 (\\a-.. L:'-lill!..!' to tt-11 ~~·11 . t!·(·n~. It's a sure f1rc ~,·o... h·nt, too. I'm ~oin~ t1 1 l'i.-k II\ e winners a 1la~·." As I have 1w;·n artHIIHl ran:tra(k-. !'inct· tlJt Tohn~town flood l tdb Shorty l'· ' hranl (1i them ~yst{·m:-, in fact I put 1t to hin that gn~..; had hccn inYcnting !'Y!-Itcms ior heating the ran:" c : n ·r since the davs of the chariots and that tht l1m" who in\"etHc;l them wt·re t·ithcr in the po··rhf·tt . . 4· f1r rutting- out paper dolk "You're )l(lkum on that Jav," return-. ShortY. "~fy ftgnres do tht! hnsin('ss a;Hl I collt·rt. T "·a ..· nut to the track y<.·stcrday and tlw old 'Y:-tt:m workt:d s\\'dl. l just pushtd sonw fiJ,!urcs togctlwr an(l all of the horst·s mv sntcm ~aid would wi1 finishNl i.n the mone\·." · · .-. "!\1 ust have clt·aricd up," I butts in. .. \Veil," say~ Shorty. uthcre.was a funny thin~! about that. I came hark wtth 1.\yo huck:'. :\ ft'lla was touting me off my long shots." t<l hl\1 1\\ :dHollt lt. tilt· npt·mng d:t\ .m·t tl J.I : . · t r. )..:~·! -Tm: Or.o Ptn;. -·:·~ :\fN·t y.,u nt th(' Illinois game. -MIQCF..

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