Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Oct 1927, p. 32

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J! WILMETTE LIFE October 21, 1927 Coming WeekS Events Offer Varied Appeal to Society Social Calendar Shows Several Big Events Next Week Southern Woman's Club , Begins Eighteenth Year T omotrow's Bride :\f l'mhcrs of the ~outhern \Voman\ rlub. which hcgan its ei~htl'enth ytar t·arh· this month. will h:\\'c thrir SN'OJHI BY JE.\1" TEN 8ROECK mrc.ting oi thr :o\l'ason Thursday. OctoJ:, ·~ innin~ ~unda_,. t ]Jc m·\\' \\·n·k her 2i. ill tht.· 1·:;-t,t room of tht IIPtt·l !,rin:.: .. !I' 111any n<·rth :-ht~rt pt·r~(lno,; J.a~altf'. .. i/:t!.k t·\·l·nt-. !·· ... ;tti:-iy ,·ar.\ iug- t;a~tt· "· Tit(' :-ocial hPur will h(·,.!i n at 12 .\ :- tilt· \\-II\, and wht'rci··rt·:- oi tlu·:-L' o'dl)rk. J.uurlll't~ll ,,·ill ht.· ~t.·rn·cl at ll.lpjlt·nillg:-. already hit\'t· hn·u l'XJ'laill - 1.?:.-;o. and thl' pr,·g-ram at.? \\'ill .ht· a ... ni. \\ t.' t~!T.t r t ht·m 110\\' in !arid rnlllllt'. iollow:- : ~unda \ ;, itcrllt ··dJl in;t lll.!ttr;ttt·:- 1ht· "\\'Jn· thl' Y." j, tht· ln· tun· to hl· l'\'t·r tkiightiul Ch;tlllht·r \Ju:-ic """ . g i \'t'n i ·Y :\ f i:\ s :\ nn it· (; ut h rie. t· xt·nJt'l·rt ... in Kl·nil"t·rth. \\ith llltlllht·r=- ··i ti\'t' . . t.·rrl'tan· t)i tht.· Y. \\·. C.:\. Sht tht· :\lut·nttr tri .. th\· arti . . t .... The will iJiu,.trat.i.: ht·r talk with moYingillu ... irak \\ill ht· i.:i,·t·JJ in tht· .1\:t·Hil- pieture:'. :\( r:'. 1-l<·nry Higg . . R;tt hhont.· \\t~ rth :\:-~~·nJhly ha·ll llntkr till'. att:-pict·s ni Kt·nilwortlt, author and nmlpO!-er ··l tht· :\,·rth ~hort· Chamhl'r '\lu:-il· and pre~i<l(' llt of th<· T.t·ag-Ut.' of Pl·n , ..... , ,t·i;ttiut l. Frederick 1\ itttll·r \\ilt hr. \\'(llllt'll ni 111in3i~. will ~i,·t· pa=-toral :....... i . . t:tnt ani-.. . :\f r:-. rt·ading..; an <I n:tt ttrt· piH'Ill~. \\'t·dth:-.da y ;,itt rn .... n in \\'ilmdtt' Hathhone aJ .. o will ... ing a ~n·tlJI ··i indil·<ctt·' ··nt· ~>t tht· 1arl.!t':-ot -orial t hrt.·t· ,,,11~"· :dLtir .. oi the \·:intt·r · 't·:t:-llll.' the anntJ;d · :\lt:tnht: r~ oi t!tl· cluh in·l a grt·at pridt.· hriclgt· giH·rJ l·y t ht· pbibnt hn·py <It·· in t·a~t arcompli~hmc·nt:-. <,ttt .. tanding l':u·tnJt·nt 11i ti lt· \\'urn;m\ duh ,.j ;ull··ng- which ha!>i hrt·n tht.· gi,·ing c·i \\' ihnl'ttl'. \\ llich. thi-.. ~- ..·;11· . j... 111 ht· ~1.000 tn tht Flt.Pd Relit."i fund. :--rhol hdd in tht \\'<·~nan·- dnh. ;tlthotJg-h :tr..;lrip-. tu \\·orthy .. rhonl~. and !t~an : 'lll:tll ~l'<)ll]':- · .t \\c·illt:n \\ill j,,. J·la~i11...: to taknh'cl ..;outlwrn girl-.. [1 !Ja .. in l~t·llll':O. t· .. tahli . . ltl'd a !Pan fund which hdp.., Tu ..· ... da\· .11 d \\'t·tlnt·-.d.t' art· tiJ,. -..Puth(·rtt ~..:irl . . or an\· :-··utlwnu·r i11 d.t ' . . tluri.IIL! \\·hirh .t . 11\llllht·r: tti " nlllcll nn·cl. The at.·ti\ itY and rontril,utinn tti acti\·t· in i-:,q . ,·oi·al rlmrd1 rirdl'~ will l~t · ll' to tht· nn·ch· rttu . . titutt· hut p;1rt l'··lldttct :1 ".tk c·t ;trtirk:- (·i ,,Jd gold ·· i the duJ,· . . ,,.,rk ;ttltlprng-r;l!ll . :111d .~iln:r an·ttmu1att·d ir(l!ll tlh· par :\r r.... !-:cigar Fo=-tt·r :\ldt·n oi \\'in j,!Jt·... in tht· t.·ntirt· ( 'hicag(l diort·,t· . m·t ka. tht· llt'\\ h· t·lt·Cll·cl pn· ... idt·n t. Tht· llhllltLtn· rt· .. ul: . . (li t ht· t " o -d;n· in\'itt·, all \\t·llll'~l ui .. outhnn hirtl1 ... ;tlt· irn111 W .in tltl' !llnrnimr until 5 i;l t·' l~t·,·c ·tlh' tlh'lllht·r ..... tht· aitt.·rn,)llll. at Jt,J \",·rtil :\lichiga11 a\· l·tn~t·. t'hir;tgll. will ht· g-i\ t·n nn·r to Name Cast for December tlrt· inrul ic·r tlH: huildin).! ~>i tht· churl·h':- .. d1111ll f,lr L!i.rl.. i11 ,l:tpan. Production of Players llttl·rly dt·:-trl,yt·d it1 the t·:trthqual\t' oi . Tla· ra:-t lt;t . . hl'l'll rhn:-ot.·n ior "~lllil JIJ.!J 111 ThrtHtglr." a thrt·t.'-< trt ronlantil· ( lrlt: oi 1h t· 11 Jc , .. t J,r i 11 i<lll t t·n ·n t:- i 11 t'Otllt·ch 1"· .\llan l.;uu,!dnn \t:.rtin. tilt· \\Hrlf\ oi ia:-hion. l"·th in t'hical.!c· \\hirh ·,,·ill .ht· pn·-.l'ntt·d a~ tht.' tir-..t lll :tnd 11t1t. "ill ht· tht· ~.,t·il't,. F:t ... hi;·ll tlrt· t\\11 thrn act play ... J,~ thl' Thrt·..;h . ... h"". at t! Jt··\·t·tl ... ·IH·td ·tht· :·itt·r- ,.)d I'La~ · , · r:- oi ~~lt-n~·,lt' lht· tir . . t p:1rt 11l 11····11 :tncl t'\'t·ni nl-[ c·i Thur:-<lar. Oct11 · Dt'fl'tllht·r m tlu· l ~lt-rJrol· ~dw . ·l :ttl · f,t·r !.i. Y 11tl11g ... ncil'ty ~irb. d{t.·!-t'll iPr dit .. ritlll l. \:c ·n11;111 E. \\'at:-.on \\ill di tlJt·ir ,·,·mt'lil~t ·:-~. will di:-pla~ tht· latt· . . t rt ·rt tht.· pia~. and tlw . . ta!!illg will lw t l:;tr ia~hinn (tffl'r..; in i r<·rk:\. g<·wn:-o. 111 tlrt· l1and ... 1 i t'lnlt- · 1\·a . . tn ancl hi-. t:tillint·n·. ~lH·t·:o. and ic.·\n·lr\' in tht · ;l'" i"t:lllt, John R. i·rdzt·l. k .· ding . ~h.)Jh · ,[ thl' .rity . · 'l't·a \\'ill ~I r-.. ll;~rn l. \1 illc.·r kl:- hl'nl du .... l,t. "'-·n·t·d at till· dt·:-ot· oi tiH· lltatillt't' 1'll t .. play titt· clt·uhk kacl ··i "h::tth t'\ ~: ihit :mel in tht: t'\'t·niug dintu:r at ln·n l>un1!alllhlll .. and ".\1 ·'Oil\' t't ' ll i :.~., o~",·lnrk ;ntd dancing \\ill pn·ct·lk ( 'bn·." \\' . :\that 'Kt.·n·p \\ill ha~· c.· tht· t 1't' rt·\'IIL Tht: affair j .. l.!in·tJ uuclc.·r rok ,.j "loltn rartard." ht ·r tllll'k. aud t'·t· :n:...pil'c.· ...... i tht· \\",,ma;l·, ltoard ,,j l~··ht·rt \Jar \1 illan \rill pby oppt ... itt· ~t l.ukt:.., hP:-o;oital. hirn a ... "l>r. ( hu:n Harding." _J,,~t·ph K. ~l·il'l't'll. Jr .. \\ill takl' t hl' du:tl part l.:t·t on the.· l'akndar i .. r nt.· ~t \\t.'t:k 1, tlll· iniorn1al di11t11·r ;tnd danct· ~kt· · ni "K\'IIIh'th \\"anH·" :tnd hi:-- i:tthn. 1-. i,· \.·.,untn· t.'luh \\ill gi\'t' ~atunla,· "h·rt·miah \\"a\ ne~ .. Tl~t· rolt: oi .. \\'it n t'ilii!L! in . cdl'hrati"n .. i tl1e han·(<t lit." ha~ h('l.'ll ,;~-.ignt·(l to 11. C. \ 'hamp~li ... :-o Sail~· Xoh ... Jt,· will pla~· ·t ·. c·t~!l :tnd ;, ... ·l iart'\H·ll to it ... ..;mn- liu. Jr. "EIIt·n." tht· hott~t·kt·t..'Jil't': \I i ..... ]{nth~·· t l' t'! ' t·r··!.!'ranl. New Shawnee Club Gives Its Harvest Party on Saturday Pumpkin yellow. paper adonu:d ~,·it h thrn: hlark rat:; \nth rt'\'t·rst·-qne:--tiOII ·· niark tail~. \\it h ib word in~ oi jmllp_r It'! tl·r~. ht·ar~ tht· iollowin~ unique :111 uoutlrt'lllt'lll ttf tllt: jniant :-;ha\\"lltT l'ountr~ dull iur ib llanT . . t llc·lllv I' arty tontcltTd\\. t'\'t:llill~ at I :.)11 l l.. clnrk: "P\IIIIjll,in Pit·..,, .\1 it I/ l'it· ..,, lllfiJ'c· than ndr oudlt t·· t·:tt. llllll't' cl:t11cin titan i·. . ~~Hui .ior \ 11h. and r ;trd-. ii -' u!1 <lou't likt· (iarH·ir;, hut yuh 'tll.~ht t· · !·t· \\'amt·d- Copt.· - llant·~·\ ludian Ifill urrht·,t ra \\'itlr Bill T hotiiJ·"oll clirn·· iu will ht· tht'l"l' and nth knc ,,,. \\ h:t: that tllt':tlh. Tht'\ 'n· ~!~·ill "'pia~· It··:11 tht·n on to ,c.IIIL'tillh' lor na·ntl·n:- :t:!d tht·ir g"\le:-.h . . \ g-o11d tillh' i.., -11rc· . .111.! \·uh \\·:111t to IH· ~ht·r,· . " · Thl· alliJcllllh't·Jllt' llt iurthrr , ',t'· ·that th,· atlair j, ,,, J,,. quit, · i11l· ·1'11' .· ~. aJI(I tltat dtlll.~htlllb :111d ridt·r. \\itlll·'l' ,,·hirh n·, ll:trn· . . t llt~lllt ' part' j, ,., ·:. ph·!\·. \\ill h~· ..,t·rr··'l. l~, .... ,.n a· j, >11tlla\· l~t· 111 :1dt· :tt tht· duJ,!J,!tl,t ·. ·IJ I .\li,·hiL:;tn aYt'lllh'. \\' iltnt'lt· ·. .\1 j,, :\lin· ~hip 111,111 ,,j "t·ltih\t~rth and l.t·:-h·r .\1. t:rant·h. "(Ill Pi ,l~thll \\' , Branrh ol h ·..·n-.tolt. ,jlJ 111arr~ i11 tlh· ('hur,·h col th c· ll1·h ,·.,ntit~rtn at X:311 o'rlork . .\ rt·rcpti"tl .It tht· l'c·nik .. nh dult,\\tll i( ·II )\\ t Itt· \'t.'l't·ln .. n' ,,·IJirh \rill Ill' J·l'ricll'llh·d l·n tia· Rn . f.,·land llt~hart l) ;lll!Prth. \li-..- ~hiptll;lll. daughtt·r .,j Tc ·Ill IJ'rtlt'H' Illllg Men's Clothing Needed for Great Lakes' Vets .\lr .... Jt·-it·p h ·Joyl'l', \\ho i . . rh:tirlll.t !. ,,i till' rollllllittn: iro111 tlrt· :\~ -i~h},Pl !11 till' cli:-ahkd \'dt·rath :tt l:rt ·;t' l.akr..,, :t . . k:' ic·r any ai1l p.,._..,jj,Jt. 'in rlJ, \\·:ay ,,i dothin~ ior llll'll. Tht·rl· inmtilltll·cl rail i··r O\'t'rroat :uul ··t: lc·: ga t'tll t'll t .. ~uit;c!.ll· i"r \\inter. .\I r,. F. 1.. F.=-- ... 1l ' , . o i h: t'll i h' , ·n it 1 in ch:tr~l· oi tlw t;·ip to f~n·at l.:t h~· nt·xt :\(nnday ancl \\ill 111' ~lad ·o ill' tr irc~m :tll\'ollt' \\ho \\11ttld ran· t" j ·tl! tht· p:art·~ . It i, an irltt·n ·. . tiui.: 111;· and thl' L!l'<·lll' ,.j..,jh tl~t · hfl·pit;d ;,rd . iudi\·idu ;dh·. tht· 111\'11 in l'nit 21. \\hic · 1: j.., t l~t· ~t.· ighhot< p:trt icula r unit. T \:1 ~ \\i ll takt.· rnffn· :tnd t.·akt·, ,·ig:trt·t-.. :tnd cl~t·rnlak har:-; ior tilt' lllt·tt. T h.,,,. to \1 r. :111d ~I r-.. t ~t·· .r·~t · F. ~hiptll;tJI. j, t·:tr ht·r !IH 11 ltn', \\',.ddiug drt·.., ... Tilt· " nlcling p;Ht ~ I· lt~ hl' rotllJI··'cd .. i .\Jj, . . l·:lit:thl'lh :-=.llipn!:lll. · ~Jj,, Ina · l~t·!lt· l:ran rh . .\1 r-. ( :t '"l'l!t' F . ~l1ipu1atl. .I r.. \1 r· . lluL!h . . t· ·11 \lc I ~a in. ~I j..,.., F!,,rl·nrt· l".t-..p:t ri. \\':lrt ('II Br;llldt . l.t·n ·~ Hr;tllch . \far . . !J:t ll Hr;tnrlr. \1 il · \\· j,hin~ t·l ;arrttlllp:tn\· tht· ~r.·np .1' ·· a:--kt·cl - tl, t ,·h·phclllt· \1 r.., . F:- .; 1\·\· i· ·t !··It llall·t'll, ( ~(·urgt· 1·.. :-:hipn1a11 . .l r ., n· ... c.·n·atictll . . iur :\Iunday, ancl .ill ..... . :1 nd H. I! tin Br :111rh . lr:t\·inl! l·nntrihutiorh, ~Jr . . . lk:\J,·rlt ··r .\fr.., _ .. ,(1\'l't' . Tht· COflllltittn· ;tl-..<· · t" u ... ,. h(·,~~J::, ;tncl card g:tlllt"· Subscription Dance at · -. . . 1 1I\' .tppt· ;tl lll 'IICI:l 1 p .,·: t:-llrt' 1... 11 ' 1; inr!.!'tt!!(·JI in tilt' ;lrti,·itY 11i tht· \\'u · · 1 1 · \\"11!lll'ltt·. 1h ca 1 1 111a11"' t ' tt · lll t'lll ar · 1 1 11 1 '1 ltll' ll( l':- a \\'«.' ( l'lllll'( program oi clann·" ancl hridg-t' partit·"· mo~th ht·tJt' . · · lit..; Tht· "'t'dlHI :-t·a . . on oi ... ul,..,rrip · · clann·, ior tht· hf·Hdit ni the ti(·ll .J,, l . ttltll "1"'11 . ... t :l tllt)rro\\' l)lii Woman's Club ·Tomorrow Cl u b S uppers · Popular 'I I \\" 'l'. To Show Hunt Pictures 11 r. :tnd ~~ r:-o. ~~~~l·nt Tan . . ilt art· L't"crLtinin~ a numht·r ,,j irit·rul:- at their !wnl«.'. 1102 Lake an·nul·. ~und:l\· r\·t.·tJ ill\.!. \Jr. Tan:-ill ht·adl'CI th.<· .\ lt.· :-. ;c nckr 1\.l' n: 11 <·Xpl'dit i .. n 111 :\ Ia ~ k ~~ lt·it in April ior thrn· llhmth-. (,; lllllltinl.! ft·r 'Kodi<tk ht·ar. lh· rl'lurm·d with many intt:n·~tin~ tllt·tion pit-tun.·s \'. hit'h h<· will :-how Sun<lav l'\'t·nin~. T:Jl' t·xpC'dition ;,)so hn·mdn. !tack -.(·~· t·r;tl oi t~u.· Kodiak htar. Tht· S k o k i e Valle\· chapter oi Daughh'rs of Ant(·rit~an l~c,·olution will opt:n its s<·ason's acth·iti<"s M 1nday afternoon. Octohcr 2-4. at 2:,10 o'clock. Announce Chairmen for Select Ball Orchestra kl.!'t' ni !-tll{gt·stirw randidatt·s for tht· Tht· ntC'cting will he held at thC' honlt' ,·at.·ann· ariiOIH! ;tlmnnae trtbtt-t's n~ Philanthropy Party of ~(rs. Rufus Stolp, 3.16 \Var\\'ick Paul A!'\h's ordu·~tra "ill 1'~'~'\·itll· casi:)twd h\· tlw r<"tirt·lll{'lll nf :\[j.., .. tlrL· for the h<tll to ht.· gin·n Xo- ( ;rar(' \.'rorkt·r. The ht.·ncfit card party to he ~i\·en road. Kt·nilworth. Dr. Herbert \\"illett \·.... ml»t"r ~. ;at thC' new Ld.;t· ~hort· October 26. hy the philanthropy de- is to he thr SJ)eaker of the da:r. and Athll'tk rluh. ior thr lu~ru·f:t .. f tht· partllh.rt of the \\·oman's clnh of \Vil- his tOtlic will he· "'rhe Bihle and thl' \"r,r:.ttional Socit:h· for ~hut-l: t'. Bl'mctte. is nndC'r the direction of: Mrs. Nation." Mt'tnh<"rs who arC' unable to .irh·.. Paul A~h. ·tnttrtaiJwr... \\ itl ht.· \\"indsor chapter. Dau~htC'rs of Brit- Arthur Dixou, chairman: Mrs. H. F.. he prC'~ent arc re<tncsted to notify tht· l'r~:-.t·nt t0 makt tht C\'('llt a lmgt· ... ur- i..;h Empirt'. i~ ~h·ing its annual bridg(· Cutler, vice chairman: Mr!O. F. E. hostt"ss. Ct· "'· \\" rdnr=-d;n· aftrrnoon. Octoher 26. at 'McCulin, table chairman: 1\·frs. \\"il~~ r- . l.aird Bt:ll <·t \\"innetka ha" 2 o'cl()ck. in thC' GlencoP gchoo1 aurli- liam Holmes, ticket chairman : M r~. Troth Announced· nf ~dlin~ hOX(':'i ior the hall. torinm. The· tlartY i!" a htnefit for the Geor~e Iliff. chairman of prizes: ~~ rs. Mr. and Mrs. F.dgar Smith Harlan Ticla·t..-. ma\· he purcha~ed from Mrs. P.ritish Old Pconlc's home at Ri,·erside. Charles Kraft, refreshment chairman. of 430 Sheridan road. Kenilworth. an· Jam.: . . \\'. ~far shall. at \\"innetka 112R. Tickrts ma~· he prorured from th~ Persons desiring to play in Rrout,s nouncc the en~aJ!etnent of their dau({hnr irom ~fr-.. Charle~ Officer. \Vinnet- rt'~C'nt. ~frs. Samuel Goss. Glenroe 88. in homes will have prizes furnished fnr ter. Ruthlea. to Jamt!' F.rdmau \\. eher k·t 21~1. or from any of the chavter memhers. each table. the committee a.nnothlCC!'i. of Bttrlington. Iowa. ancl .. Sarah \YaYtll'," motla·r f·t Kt·n The C'ollllllittt.'t', \\·hirh j ... ht·a'd.·d 1)\· nl'th. will hl· pla~· t·(l ll\· \1 r .... Katlll'rin,· ~.1 r...-.. Earll' n. 1.\'0il, anllOllllt.'l'!' tha't Fn·JH: h Po-.rlt·. 1 his 'l.'a ... on t hl'rc.; \\ill l~t· a ~1i~ht ly lt ·\H'ft·d rat<- pt·r tid~t·t. and tlw ... ;ww Wellesley Tea October 25 ;uhuis ... inn at tht· rloor. For tht· !wudit Tlw Chit·;q,~(· \\" dlt· . . lt·,· duh ha-.. ,.j stth~rriht·r . . \\·ho ma\· find it lh'l'l'~ dtO~t·n :t:\ it' ( ktn!.,·r m~·din~ a rt·- . . ary t11 mi~~ a clann·. ·a ~tlt.':..t nH:pJ,. t·eption ior n·n·nt graclnatt·.- on Octo - ma ,. lw iu,·itl'cl to a in tun· dann· t:-> IH'r .?5. at .l o'd,,ck. at thr F()rtni~ht1~·. t'or;wt.·nsate for tlw omission. 'l'h<' 120 Rt·l1t.'\'UC" plan·. t'hi~agn. Tlu: n·- t'On;inith't' n·<turst=-. howrn·r. ·that :\Uh\'i:'ion l'Ommith·e has prt·nan·d a "C"t "rriher~ tlo not send ~uhstitutes. of h,·-law..; to ht· ~uhmittt·d br ratificatinn.' Tit._. duh will al~o ha,·C" tht' pri,·i- ' cia 1..' Prl'tzt·l ha:- ht.·t·n dJOst'n for Eig-ht "'~urh att'air~ \\ill "\Ltn· C1;ln·." ... istt·r oi ":\loon\·t·(·n :" througltottt tht· \\intt·r. he.· g t'\'l' lllng-. t , . t· 11 . 'l . .\ ·ar t" · ragg-s, 111_'\\ a . 1 '-" 1' t.'ll ot 10-H A ... hlarul an·tltlt', h rhatrman 111 . . . · a . "l'l'l"lal rolllllltt lt'l' , ' . .. 111 char~l' . ol tl1c I hur:-.da_,. ntg-ht htJfh:t .-. uppt·r .-- rn·,·nt h inaug-uralt'd In· · tltt· :-;hawnt·t· clul. Tlws... iunrtinr~:. han· ht·r"me \'('1'\ popular and t·adl "'lll'l'l't·din1! ... upjl\' : ...h(l\\·, a markt.·cl irH'rt·a:-.t' in attt·nd.tllc· ·. Thur:-.da,· t'\'t·nin~ 11i l:ht Wl't:k ' \\;,~ · clt·dit.·att·«< to fi:-.h, :uul through th· · di'ort~ oi ~rr. 'l'ri~g:-. tht.· Shawth'\' dull tllt.'lllht'r~ t·n ion:<l ~omt· i n·..;lt pik,· caug-ht in Lake \\"In nip<·'-! t ht· ~~ t)JHI.t\ ht·fort·. Tht,. arrin·d in Chit·ag·, 1lw iollowin1! \\·~·dm·.:.-cla,· t'\ t.·nim~. m:tl-in~ a record trip. . D. A. R. Meets Monday Big D. B. E. Bridge Wedntsday

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