WILMETTE LIFE 'rht'Y have taken J7 a ucw line or ranis thi~ yt>ar, and peoJ·Ie at·t~ flnding· Uwm exC:·'Nlin~:.· Jy attruC'ti\'t!. ~unday, ()ctob.-·r 2:\, will ,,.. th{· nhu·Ph'asl' <'all \\"iJmelt·: ft!~2-.1 if ~·ou wcmld teenth :Sunday ufh·r ·rrinit~. 'rh··r., will lik .. "" lo)nk oq:r ()Uf HO· ·k . be Hoi)' Communion at 8 A. ~1., ('hurc·h Rehooht and Hible dal<lfi!i..S at !J :45 aml morning tn·a~· \·1· with ad4'1r··S!' at 11 o'dtJCk. r Th·· Wumcn'~ .\lol~odntf:d ·iuilds will ni\·d ll)tlay in the· Club Hnu,;e from tO A. M. on, with a lh:ht luncheon at noon. !\fcf·tingH will b· · held "·eekly until furthc·r nutic···, in Jll'i.'Jlaratlon for the bai'.aar, D_...~mlwr 7. .-\nooun~ements of (:ummilto!e lmwh\·hll~ will lm ~;h·f'n at thi· guild nw·~tht~· . t, fur Christmaf' ~'ard~. St. Augustine's Church t· d tl " i\ ' t' E II' t! s ·r '· l1 I, Th·· t lt ·ot r . 1111d· r tJ ... ·l ·r· · 11 .. 1. . . : .\ir. Lutt .. n . ·~ :.:1·.,\\·ir.g "' 1111!!11 .. r:- .·... ,,, 11 .t~ iu tlw J·lt\\t r tn J·r·,,, rei·· , \1, ll··r,i · ·htu·, ·t, uou ~ r· ·. .\1!, .. 111.;' tl1· ",.,, ,.· ,., 1111, ··f fhl· ,.;,f·Jr :tfl · · ~~i:-;~ FI······JI ··· · .\f, ·l;tlir· ·f \\ lld ... th;, : .\li:- :- .\lal.i··l'l· · t;l,i·lld: l r , .\lh··rt 1':-··11, anti f'liff., t tl ),, .... r,f \\'r( . flit tl·· 'I'll" IIIU:-io · f.,l' ll· · l-t 11 :'I! Uti;,\· l' , . \ t f l \ 4' II 'll t1 1 f·oli"" ~ . " F··:tr :\.'··! , :O:pi.·k··r .·· url · ·:-;,,, ., t 1:- .t~ 1:-r;.. · 1. ·. Th·. .\J, r ··:· . dtt· .J lJt:--d·l, 'h'\lllltf ~: 1, ,It Lord,' ' it:· ·I ~11:- :- l: :. n.lo~. . : · .... 1-: ' ' " ' :tl · :n~ i·.:---t~,tti·II:, Th· · .J tlt.i··r· · l ll· :r. .\·1· i.tt·ltrr-. ··I·Jh·ar.tr.· ,. Lt:-=1 Su11da\ ' ""n'"'L: :tl:t! -, alt~ tiJ· <· llf II· · ln. "l'rai:-· 1 ), , l .··rd. · 1 l· · rll:-al· Ill.' ' It~ . \tl;.lll ,.., Ito t L·· gl'· ,t[ II· l igf,f ·.f t l1 · ,.,, ,,!.:n ·:..:: tt i· "· J·l'· ... , ,,, }I ~<:tti· : · t i11 .l··lr· :-. ~rt:t tl · r 10111 ti 1-: \'. il. 1 1 .. , l · ,,.,,,,.,..I.! :\I ' ... . 111\tlt·d t .. \\1 ', 11' ;, d !:l ·\ · ···:--ltlflJt ttl \\IJ ~tr :· ·Ill tit·· tit J, . .,f :t t ..... J- 1 ·., ,.. · ·,. · \\ , ,., . .\1 r ... ' ·,., . .\1 r .... Ttl· 1 .. I 'otll t ·j.! · id fi, I·:Jl 'l lit· Ill ,. : . .:.lit'- I·J.t! ~ 0 HI 1' f, !Ito\\ -.}l'Jt ho,·JJI' :-:11! .Jriy,. x .. ,· ·.,,,h,·t· ,; , Tl11s will To~k· t! ·· · t: .· ·ur··· t·t ;, , , .,· .. t:rliti··ll 111" tit1!... ill h. rr:ri! ·· f tit·· , ,· ._,. ir,q'""'"l'. l·r . t< 1 ·:. \ ···i~t h;t\o :tlt I \t·ftJIJg .,. :t' Now A COMPLETE FUEL SERVICE! tl) ·ll An Announcement of . I tlterest To our friends and customers who have insulled oil burners in their homes. Consumers Company announces tht addition to its lint of furls of Stanolind Furnace Oil. After an extensive investigation concerning the merits of many kinds of furnace oils, we are confident that we have chosen the kind which will give our customers the greatut satis· faction and utmost economy. Users of Furttace ·Oil rl STANOLIND FURNACE OIL, made and guararuetd by the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) is of the bithtst quality. It is dear, clean. heavy in heat units and dependable. It burn1 dean. leaving no waste or residue to dog the burners. It i1 ide:lly suited to any installation requiring a 38° to 40° gravity oil. Don·t w11it for cold weather. Whether you burn cotJl, colt· or oil, phone us your order now! @nsumers @mpa!!Y 4500 Dist. Office 1015 Church St., Evanston PHONE UNIVERSITY Phones Glencoe-Glencoe 7 5 Wilmette- - Wil. 1300 Highland ParkWinnetka-Wit. 3 54 Highland Park 2800 DELIVERIES THROUGHOUT THE NORTH SHORE DISTRICT ·