f )ttoher ll, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE NEW EVANSTON T eatro to Present Unusual Mountuin Film on W edne .f\day ClYDE ElliOTT presents I he EVANSTON PLAYERS with MARGERY WILLIAMS ., ERNEST WOODWARD in .1 COMEDY RIOT_ ! .. I .O IIB . BABY" You'll Start L~ughing When You Buy Your Tickets Greatest Comed~· Ever Produced Evening-S: I; P. M. Mat. Tues., Thurs. a S~1. Phone University 8 ;ov 25c a ;oc -Starting Monday-- ··'IBE ACQUITTAL·· The Great Dumatic Sensation t. VARSITY COMMUNITY HOUSE :'\_,\.I :'\·, 1 l'u · ' d .t '· EDGAR RlCl: Bl' RROUGHS ' Ston· "T Jr.'.lfl .111d thr Goldw l10n" t , 11 DOUGLAS MAC LEAN ill DUNCAN SIST-ERS IN "Soft Lush ton~ " , t;;ut~ · '··llli·· "TOPSY THE HILARIOUS SATIRE ON . T· 1\ · ,, · tn~,nd ~~~ y, .tl' : j:rittilh kt- :·' ·l " 1-:urotw:tn t·ictnrc· makl·r-. . TRINZ CHATEAU RR0~0WAY AT GR~CE SlRE~T THEATRE "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" ----AND- GEORGE GIVOT MINTURN PLA Y~RS with H A R R y M I N T U R N tn The Thrilling African Melodrama All this Week VISIONS OF SPAI -VIA-- "K 0 N G 0" Next Week-"ls . VITAPHONE MONDAY, RAMON NAVARRO "ROAD TO ROMANCE" ZAT So,, 8. -Mall. Sun., Thun., Sat. at z: JO Evrry Evtmng at ·' 5 B k N w Rudy Coupon oo s o . PHONE I · V£VIEW 7 1 7° s r;.oo for $4.50 PRICES-All · ntts ~5' .Jnd soc Good for Anv Pnform:anu Evtnings 15c.' soc .1nd 75'rd Applv .al aht Box Offict Except Saturday. Sund.1y o~nd Ho 1 ays