Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Oct 1927, p. 46

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WILMETTE LIFE October 21, l9l7 Shawnee Club, Bright Spot for Wiltrlette ·------·-··· -------- ··--- - OFFICIALS AIMING HIGH -. ~mll~--·~ ~----·-4d_d_~_t_B_e_a_ut_Y_~_w_u_m_e_u_e~_·_L_ri_e_F_r_o_nt_ _ _ _~ 1 Fine Clubhouse on Site of Old , I.. ~ :\' ·:- :.·_ . ·r: · Ouilmette Club Planned on : Beauty Lines ' ' -·· .... --~···---------· · 1 ' · ··. · : .· · · l'ountn· duh 011 \\"ilmt'ttt· lake fronth u \\ ia . . t """' an· Jllo\·ing into a hig g~.·r :tnd lH: tter '\·lnhhy" at our d \\'11 )\\" N ~ 8)· Ray C. Pearaon \\'c :tre to han· thl: new :-' ha\\'n~..·e ·· mj , . . plwrt·! lt i :o-. llut tll"\\' ~ that ~laa \\'IH.T ha s I "arrt\'t'(l." itn· tlw tH~,r ~ of the i ml'r~\: r oi tlu: nhl Oniltttl'tk Country duh, w hich inr mon· than a s~..·orc of ~·l'ar:.'" n6tl,·d amon).! the tre<·s on the · wrnt:r oi ~fichi~an and l.ak~.., Avenues :md th(' F.van~ton CenturY duh of E\·anston, \\ hi-ch hroug-ht ~hawnl'c into t~ Xi!->h: n c c h:t~ hn·n hrml<lcast in the : public print:. :md au.: e<ls no rcpditittn ,. l~t·rl', hut thi, .;; tory is written to g-in· tht· rt·ad ...·r :; oi this newspapC'r an in'ight imo ju~t what this rww club on the lak~ front is to ht· to \\' iln11: tk .tlld I to it~ 11\t' tnhas. I I · Three Points of Interest Thert· art' three point !\ of high intt·re ~t wht.'fl "Ill' considers this cluh and ·ts .1i111:-.. Th,' rc is thr social . side, whil'h i~ ,·astly important. for Shawut·c hold!' an ···n-iahle position a~ a focal I point Ill r\orth shore social arti\·itics: then· is the: arti,.til" si·k. \\'hich nwan s rnurh tt) \\"ilnwttt and tlw mctnhl'rs of th1..· duh and thNt' is th·· athh-tir -,itJt·, \\'hirlt \\'ill ht.· di!->C'U S ~t·d latt·r. \\' h,tf ~lq\\· nt·t· willmt·:m tP tht· \·il lagt· o i \ \" ihlh't k wl~t· u t lw lit' \\ d 111.hott:-l" j, \·, ··k·l m ·x t '-tlllllllt'r \it j, tfH· t > n ·:- \'lr t pla n It\ start hnildin !.! ··arh·' in t ht· --t · rim~ · 1"\.'tlttirt·..; littk t·xplaua -' ! I(JI I II \l rl t ' .·::,:.~k.~:t;, :: ;-,. .-'::'< :· ~... ;, : ."'· p. ~: :.:·~~.~~~{~ ~~~~ . ·t·· ·: ~ ~, . ..~ ..· ··.. ·.·:.·f:J~~r.. , .' ;~~~ ;~,-~.:;:;~~ ' . '. l'. l ~ h a ! fh · Ph' llll"l ' " (" (lhlllltb "1 1 ich t }Jj..; cli :' l"t'rllill .~ l'\"(" Oil ; u· t H: :tr i11 aclj1·inin:..! : 11 11 p;H.:t ·. \ - t~ll . rltlt' :t duhlrdtl.~t· thrn· :--tori~· , high, ir, HJtin!.! 300 tnt nu ~l irhi~·an :an·nth· o\·t·rlt·tlkin!.! th .. lake, a huild -· inl.! a :-: :trti-.lio.: :rs till' skill oi tlu· architc-rt ,·an m:tkt· it- hut \ott (lon't ha,·c to · vi~ualitt · . _ ill't l·ast an · t'\T on tht' pic - , !llr,· r.. h,·rndth pr~.,·-.t·ntt-cl. Tht·st· art· tlh· tt·ntatin· drafH of D. H. Hurnha111 · .mel curnp:111y. an·hitt'l"b Th··n· ma,· h .. c han ~ ·"· s madt· hut th~· , . .· will he m~a«le to pn·tllntt· impron·nwnt. Tht· rltth - . hnP't' ~ IHH\ :- lines oi l·c ·auh· ancl th,· in - !. teriur, llHl, \\' t · ar,· iniormt·(l. wilt earn a rr:ttl('('llH'nt. . Be Feature , But tht· clt-..;rript ion of thl' arti·ai,· i ~irl· · dnt'"ll·r ,·rHI " ith tht· hniHing it - i .,di-t hat.· art' lan·t~raning anti otJwr j ic.·atur,·-. '" !.\· rnn.;ifff·rc·cl. 'fJ.,, natural ! h(·:ttlt\' 11t tht· s mrCtttnclinrr~ will hf' l'nhan· ·t··l ll\· 'IH· land.;· "Hli··t!. .'\ lawn I :ar:.r.,· .·t th,· front \\ill ht· a nl<'asant I' ' POt in tht· warm ,,·,·atlwr. sharin~ iu nonularit,· tht· shad,· "i tlw tree~ anrl \\icstern View of Clubhouse and Tennis Courts th·· bk·· hrf'(·;c.-. -----· --· · · ·- - ---------------- - - -- - --- .. ---- ·- ..·--· Cn'l' i"11in ~.,. on tht.· .. uhi,·ct of the · · I · "ll £ 1 I · <efs·:.. L'r<· ~lf Olflflnt)f"' ,,e ~c- :. ·nl th ;tt th·'r<· :lr·· t ·_ t ao~au.: n· ga > ,.ns wa orm t 1c arc actively iutcrcst~d in thc new cluh athletics under corrt·ct ~upcr\'ision in 1 1 1 1 · . 1c noo of the f:tmilies of th('ir tn l It' t\\·n otha·r 1lllll····t·p·t l·',tttr('o; 1oor ali< wa s o 1t 1 · 1 as wef11 as arc saying that the club wil add one the compan'· J . r ·1 t 1tc pa,·cment that aces more brilliant · · H·rc · ,, . ,.11 1'C.' "'"' F nr <·II· · · ,1 '111!.! , 1 r·llt' 1 1 of 1 t tc hw~ta ' page · to the hook of friends and neighbors. t· ~·" ·l; ,. · ~,. 1lr ' '. t o 111 · 1·· r ··... t 11 1(' a · tll north shores socrch· ~fhe ol(l Ouilmettc chth 1 ". oncn ·_ , 1 (' t' If- 1 t u· poo am t 1c courts. · · · 1. successes; that f ·· 110 .. aJh- iPr!in,·<l. .\nrf inr ;"'""'t·r th(·rl· ;..,, Magni6c:ent Lounge Planned It ha~ JUst the rt~ 1l at;nosphcre ~r for the plesaure of Shawrll't: Countn i..: ·" t .. . , ' \'. im'llilll! IJt ·· ·1. 1t \\'tHrl<l , f:ut moving incloors pn~~cnt:; somt.·- ~ j:·ftrrymg 011 pleasant ~u )ttrhan ~nc·al cluh members and inddt·ntlv it should he mcntioncd that it ha:-. one of thf :at··· 111"·~ 1 1 -··:11',· Ill :Hl· ·qw····1,- tit·- : thilll.! ds(' aJ,:!ain. Th£> facilities olanned I c. ~ rn 1 · · · t 1: i.-: ·" innnPw n··nl. Thi-. _nnn! J an· ·th_ost (lesin·d at~10ng- tlu: social ~nd .T~ll..'l~ wt· li:t~·~Jctl .t.o tl_t~~: "Th~~; i~"to tint·st dance.· floors in the region. ~~ t ·· 1,, . " l 1h, - .... ,d, .·.t--t .·ornn oT tl,,. athkttc groups ot the commumty. l _duh \\l_uch ·'"II rt.dl) ht used. Tht oflit:c.·rs of tht· dul. an·: Alltt·rr h··il ,l;,,, .. . , 1 1\·ill '" ' :& 1: ··Utcloor a ... wdtl Tht·rc \\'ill ht.·. c.lancing-. howlint.r. handhat IS tlw allll 0~ t·hl· !40\"l'rHOrs th~t K Pagt, prcsid,·nt: Ur. (". II. Se:trlr. ·1.. · ··1 ··"· ,lr.r.r N11 t! I hall, and squash and canis. The ht.wl- han~ hN·n n;l!lu:d trot!l tht.· m~mht·rslup vice-president; Ehth·r S. Bt·r~harh. Th,· , ,, .,,1 ,. ill "' ttrn ..... ~ ,.,.,.11 thr t 'llltrt.; I ing- altt.·ys, oth<·r ~port court~ and locke·; of th{· hH· !wards ot the t~\'«t mt·r~t·d trc.·asurcr: Howarcl L. ~:,,gg-, sten:tary; in nn·.nhr;T\ .. h,.,- ~, 11 ... \. it-. , 1 ·a ~ ""l "'ill rooms will bt.· found in ti1e basement. cluhs . _It wtll hl' tht~ f~~vonte rt'JHI,--z. \V. L Oshorne, Jr.. c·xt~cutin· M'C"rt'tary la~t thrnw·l--nut th<' \"t·.tr. h will h;"··· :\ mag-nificent loung-e with arrlwd ("t·il- \·ous ot the north shore. Directors-Huh~..·rt Bttrnham. Arthur :'} ro ·Hi f l' ""'l.l ·· !·h .... rc.oi th:tf will ht· I ing is to ht· the prin~i~al feature ?f Children to Enjoy Club j. De Berard, James n. Frt:nch. EugciH' prr·· ·i ~... :·in .. t t1·a· '"""' (·i w;nft>r tht· J,rrouud fl?ur. 1 h<' dmm'{ rooms wall And it isn't only the t;lders of the H. Garnc:tt, Morg-an J. Hammers, Jamc~ w;" h,. rr·rnn··,..d tn rnakr :111 onl'n :1ir , cotmHaml :t \tc.·w of tht· lake. <"ommunity who will 't'llJny Shawnee l J. Johnson; C. Miles McDonald, l~,,h·,r···l i11 '-11P11)1~· r . Tt ;,. tf· ."" """"tPI~\·' _Anti _uow to. Shawnl'l' as ;a promoter Country ~tub. ~he 1~1emhers will be ert F.. l~ickscn, John Andrew f~ouan. hrg<·. rn<':'t~urnu! 4flx1nn : t'l't . (\·rami(" ot .;onal :efT:ur~. .-\ ln·:uly tho~e who 1able to ~JVe thc1r ch1ldrl'n access to John n. Utley, .hunt.·:-- H. \\'escott. · ·ttl th ,. -. ;lnH· ,·fTc.·rti,-,. Lands~apin~ to 1 I !'t " r . :·n·l l I

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