( ktuh· ·r 2K, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE PLAN HARD TIMES PARTY. JJ.-~ otnen f/ oter.'i' JA72 Write or l·o:-~illvely Piaao Playina taught any JM·rsora Activities J)hfJIW Cor ('IIIUS·rt:.~SEN IN ZO LESSONS FREE 800KI.ET SCJIOOLS fU' f'iatu~. Salwphone, Banjo, all lmttrum· ·nt:. :_!u 1-: . .1.\('J..:SOX S1'. HARIUSON !)f\fi~· t·OPUL.-\R MUKUJ f'JII('.:\C:O. 11.1 ·. lasulatioa! Keeps your home Warmer in Winter -- Cooler in Summtr Saves Fuel - Is Fireproof Is V erminproof - -- Is Dry Is Easily and Quickly Applied Is Inexpensive. and can be put in old or new houses. Glad to give estimates. ·! R. E. Crosby i66 Center St. WINNETKA Ph. Winn. 2032 ·I ,. t I Proves How Great tl1e V ltlttes L4.re! . ',.. h