November 18. 1927 WILMETTE LIFE · ·· fOVNTAIN ~QVARL · LVANSTON A Sm3ll Deposit Resuves thr Rug you want to give for Christmas. This, briefly. is the story. Some weeks ago we . were The price was so And offered an importation of fine rugs. low it \Vould have heen folly to refuse them! although it meant involving thousands of dollars that were to have been used for replenishing our regular stocks. we bought them! Their irresistible prices have made the sale an almost incredible success! of the rugs have been sold! Over half But to complete its. triumph, the balance must be turned into cash at once. So we offer them to you now at the lowest prices we -have ever known on such qualities! A Few ·Brief Pictures of Rugs in the Saleto give you some idea of the incoffiparabl e richness and ·beauty that are put within the reach of average incomes in this sale! An Early 1 7Lh Century Khorassan A Rare Cypress Hereka A rich. mcllowcd old i\'or\' fidd. with J conventional cypress morifthr Pl·rc;iln svmbol of immortJlity. Tht' PJisley-red border rrpurs the design of the cmrcr. A _ w ry fine e:omplc! 1:;-6x9-7· :\ h·1.1\.'h.1n d,·\l~n . 1\·pscll of the rug'> woHn in rh~ di·arict wh,·re Om.H rh,· T,· ntm.t!...u fir'>! . . .1\\. light. Thtrtl'l.'n m.1jor hordrrs - four tt·rn llllnor. _f\lu,··roh' b.~~~~round . 20-..:I 1 h. Clo~c weJ\· ~ -- rlrhcr ~horr n.1p. $1;ooValuc NotV$Iooo $6oo Va!ue, $475 A Deep-Piled Serapi A dc,·p hlul.' ground. !l.lnl-.,·ll lw .1 minor horda with .1 ground of Jh'.ttol'!... blu,·. Conwntron.llind plt1nh' dc'>ign .\LtJ(·r bon.ll-r of del'p rust rO'>l'. q \ 1 .! . A Superb lspahan A p .li.Hc c.upt' l. with blur Jnd rose prJcod, .1nd lot us d..- .. ign on .1 golde-n ground \\'\en border\. the m.1in border p.1lmcd. 1 ) · Xx 9- C). A Blue Lilihan with a floul Jnd plume design. and .1 rich rose border. t 6-3 x 1 o- I o. this splendid cxp.1nsc of color is designed for a room of im;>relisi\·e proportions! $395 Value. $271 Antique Hamadan A llispano-Moresqur of gcnuin~ C.\mcl $ 9 5o V a/ ue, $ 7 9 5 $1 1oo Value, $85o A Fine Meshed The double borders of skv blue. no lcc;s 1h.1n the intricate center p.lttcrn. hJve the lsp.1hJn chJrJcttristics. gx 1 3-.1n exonfinur v.Jiuc! A Royal Saruk· _ Its deep. silky pile. and dose-woven back. tell a srorr of years of paritnt labor. It is a rug that will bst for gcncrationsl Gudcn-of- roses design .on a rose !round. t8-2Xl0-7. hJir- origin.1lh· WO\'fn for .1 Mo'iquo: wirh .111 old i\'ory hlc"-Rrouml. nJ\'\'·goldrosc-~rrrn Jnd p l r t t r n e d hcxJgons. mltched in rows. l?XI.!-1. $5ooo Value, $3200 Antique Runners Superb bits of color for dim hJIIways. Desi~ns as perfect in their smJller ways $2ooo Value, $1450 Lilihan Throw Rugs The sort of which every home can use at le3st one mort! Firm-woven, thickpiled 3nd silky-rose. blue. Jnd mulberry. Anuge size. 4 x 2 }~. Baluchistan Rugs Long-napped. and with a silky quality that improvts with use! Mostly in toaa of red-and a wide vuitty of loYtiJ citsigns. as rhose of pJbce carpets. moderns. roo. MJny fine ·sss to sss Up to S32 Values, $17.50