2Z WILMETTE LIFE November 25. 1927 Sings in Civic Opera Jack and JDI Players Draw Evanston Patrons ~roups have interest in the current bill 1 1 I I'OR I'UBL---USE OIL u 1\orth Shore iotk of litth· theater A Correct Grade for Each Burner" Two Bulk Plants-Eight Trucks operated ON the north shore to assure PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE BRAuM Baos. OIL Co. 723 Oak Street, Winnetka Winnttka 3020 - Telephones - Highland Park 3290 of the Jack and Jilt Players, 943 Rush street, Chicago. The adult company is pcrformin~ everv \\. edncsdav e\'cniug, and the children's compa1;y c\'ery Friday C\'C ning, the former at 8:15. the latter at 7. The current bill includt.·s a trio oi Japanese plays: "The Comedy of tht.' ~~ irror." "'fhc \Villow Plate" aud "Bnshido." 'fh("y are g.ivcn in English aiHI arc an intl'fc!->ting exposition of the Japam·sc sta~c. The children':; company is piayin!-! .. The Emperor's 1\t.'w Cloth('s" and "The Ilorn !'," two Japancsc sketches·. The adult com pan~· also perforlll-., SaturdaY and ~tmda\· cn-nin~s. and th·: children\ playt.·r~ ~atunlay . and Sunda\· aiternoc·n~ at J. :\faric :\gnc~ Fl;ky i:-. directing- thl' < ·ompany. Talk with the BoRDEN MILKMAN Local Women Elected to Arden Shore Offices Mrs. Joseph Siddall of Glencoe wa s d(·cted n :rording srrrl'tary oi the :-\rdc!l Short.: association wht·n JJH'lllht:r~ hch: their annual · luncht·on mcetin~ Frida,· at tht· \Yoman's :\tltktic duh. :\l \\'illiam j. \\"arclall \\'a'\ clt·ctrd Yirc pn·sid(·nt. ~~ rs. Carl :\. Latham was made a director at large. All Photo by Toloff han~ 1wt·n prominent for a number of vcars in the work of Arden Short·. Hohcrt Ringling of Evanston is this ;I'JH" folhn\'ing ofliccrs were dcctcd : "Selected" cMi l"' ·IN everY neighbor.. hood there is a Borden Milkman who will gladly tell you about the excel.. lence of Chicago's He will explain why "Selected" Milk always has a stveet nat.. Mral taste that iden- · rifies its true quality. in Your neighborhood about rs. :-;cason making his dll,·tt as baritone " ·ith the Chicago Civic Opera com- ! pany. He was last week an honor · better drinking milk. ' l!ucst with Princess Cantacuzcnc when : !w Chicago Salon of Fine Art cntcr1 :aim·d at the home of Mrs. \\"allcr Bordt.'n. --------·-- Hunnrary JH"(·sid{·nt- :\1 r:-;. Hnuert 1! . t:n:J;ory; J)rt·sidt.·nt-llr:-;. l·.. r,··lt·rkk c :. \\·aeker: tin;t \'iet· J)l't·!'idt·nt-lfr:-;. ~tar <'US IJ. Hi<"hards; :,;t·Cf)tHJ vh··· Jlrt'sid··nt:\lrs. \\.illiam J. \\·:~rdall; r.-t·urclinJ; :-····n·tary-~lr~. Jos(·ph J. Siddall; <'HIT··spomlinK !'t·cn·ta ry- :\lrs. .1 a y ( :liddPn . Tlw dir..c·to1·s at largo~· an· )1r:-:. Lloyd :t Smith Shaw, :\lr!'. f:raut Hi~l~··way, :\tr:-:. Bnw·· :\Jad.t·i~h. ltr:-:. 4'arl Latham. :\tr ~. \\'. 1·~. Ca~~~lbt·rry :1ntl )fr:-: . .\ rt l tur ~ . Tutth·. l AT AU. RUt SHe And he can refer you to families in your block who are using "Selected" Milk and know from ~xperi ence how excellent · it is for drinking. This Cr4Ad·· m,,,k on rh~ h,JOJ,·,f ,.,., dnnkang wnrafi,·s Clt,.·ago's ~ucr A TRIM RUBY SLIPPER FOR AFTERNOON Effective trimming individualizes this stun· uing Ruby afternoon slipper. High arch. Tla·u aot.4~1 is slyl~d m Paleal utJtlan- ,.,,d Black Oou m·lk. lie a qtcart the pair BORDEN'S fARM PRODUCfS CO. of Illinois cAifred ll6l EAST 5}1! ST. HYDE PAI\K .a~ 60 E.WASHINGTON ST. ll56 E. 71!! STI\EET 01\1\JNGrON HarEL EVANSTON '··' I Wilmette 154 5 . I' t_ ' Service that is qq~% Accurate