WILMETTE LIFE Dcc=ember 16, 1927 tlrtJ' accompm·y a kit bag of beautiful UJalrr~s gram black lcatlur $24.50. And tvhat naan ·wouldn~t re- Good Cl&ristmas wishes tmztel in disti11Ction ·wile_~& joice· in recefvi"g a pair of pajamas, $2.50; atz~ a pair of slippers of soft· leather at $5.00! A_n ltalr~n ttvill tic ;,. red and rose at $2.00 at1d a /'alr of sdk .mspcnders at $1.50 tvi/1 /ttrtller solt·e tlzr problrm. "IV/rat to gke lrim." Tlr.· ari.,·to.-rttf of uift.,·: a ·wltita.· radium siU· slri,-t n·itlr collar !o matt'll, $8.50. A11d ij lu golfs, there's a. fiuc .m.'·' ala at $7.50; silk IJWJW!1rmum.·d ltt~tlr.-r Smull yijts wdl clrost include a satiu tie, $3.00. or a brotad£·d silk tit' at $2.50, Hickok belt, $2.50, ·wit I& 10/.: ~1old front lntfkle and fJL'ilogram, Si'. Tie lrolder, $1; tu.rcdo set, $5. 1 " muj;!·.,., $3.50; a·ul ·1 tict1o·r fmm.· made bJ,' Sim.mrl.·lfi iu Italy. $2.50. ·' Distinctive Gifts For Christmas "Hims" fl e simp!.,· 11111.d lrav.· a t'i.tlarelle li[!latcr for Cllri.dmiu. Here's a Golde" Wired liglrla mad ci~Jarl'tt,· lwl«<er of o.dricl· leatlaer for $16.95-and a tlt"l.-.' Stllifk artlmmrtit ra::or for $5. T'l.,·o kits, eacla carrJilrg Clzristmcrs giftint~S.f-tlze one complettlJ,· fitlt"d, $25; tire otlrer tc:itla a comb, bmslr and slaot polislr,·,·. $1.95. JVJwt boy ,,.o,fd~r't ,.,.,101ft' in rl't't.'l'VIIl$1 a tuir uj '"'otJI ,md fur liPlt'ci giO'l'l'S, S3.oo. or 11 sin· lit."-lrmulkathi,·f s.·t t1f '$./ .11(1) Por tlu skattr, tlrae cll'a.' Jlr ..·s~ l'lt'Ca.'tl.:roy brti.·clus at $5.95, ami a fatquartl .~'l'-'t'clf,·r 'l.('ilh all t·he color and dc1sh a bo.\' rmuts. $4.95. lie cmz llt"i""' hm.·.· too IIWJlJ' ti,·s and /,,.,.·. i... 11 c/,,ucly ou,· at ouly 75c. RosENBERG'S Davis Street - - Doumtown Evanston ~, t/1is day of spud, boys w(mt this avtalor lrel·et. '$1.50, tmcflleY set at $1.50, and tl:e ti.. mul bdt set at $1.00.