December 23, 19l7 Education will be held on s ix consecutive Mo nday evenin gt>, 6egin ulng J a n ua r y ninth, a t t he Con·grcga.tlHna l C'h u rc h . The following courses will be offert~d : Old T est a me nt ... . Dr. H ea ·b(·rt T·. 'Vill~ tt A S tudy of the P u pil ..... . · . . .... .. . . . . . .. . ... Dr. Ern t-st .Joh n Ch·n·e .Junior Materia ls a nd )leth m l s ' . .... .. ... Miss F.u l;1 ..T;~~ld~ll ... ~to r y T t.· lli ng in Rt>llginu :- F.chwation ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss B~> rt h a WheeloC'k All w h o are i ntcresl<:d i'n lh·li gious. lt;d u <'atiun are urged l H ta k t> a f'hlll ':-4· u ni-lt·r o n.:- n f t ht·se SJ)I enclld ins t n wton~. :\ small .. nrnllnwnt ft·t> nf two doll ars is (·hargt'fl tn ('t )\"t- 1' ·t ·xpens .. s. T tw f·Jll'ollm t- nt of tt-ac·hf'J'S and oflkt-rs will ht· paid hv th f· ( '!nar<· h l:w h uol. · · 'flw :-1'1' \'il'·· fm·· ( 'hri ~ t 111 a~ Sunday aw ···ning w ill h{· lwlcJ at HI ·:w. Thb will ht> a ('Olll hirwd St:'l'\'ic-(' foa· h 11t h t lh' ~dlflo l a n d tht- ehun ·h . :\ft>m lwr:- of tht· B'c ·gin111' 1':' aruJ l'rim :Hy llt·pa rt rn"nt s will go U· t h f- 11' ltWil room s for a SJit'l 'i:tl ( 'hir ~ tma ~ S(·J'\' k t' , l 111t nil otlwr~ will join with ·tht· C'ongn·gation in tho! 1·hun·h a uclitt~rium. A !'(· JTil-·· ('f!lllpn s ··ll "larg··ly nf 111\1 !-< i< · ha:h(·t'll atT:tng- t- 11. 'flw . pastor .\ \'ill lH' t·:tdl a St· J'lnon s tor~· . " 'fht· nirth of n l! ; t hy." 1_' h e < ·hilf!n·n 'fn·m ·L:tkt · l:luff ""Ph<tna,::-t· :11·,. to ht· (· lltl'l·tailh'd in th, · hunu· s ~·f this dltll'('h ~'1 ntl l'flll\111ttnit:o-· "" ~lf·n rla y . A SJI,.dal ( ':lt' wi II arrh··· .in \\'ilnwttt· at 10 o'dcwk, a1111 tlw dliltln·n mav he takPII hy. thl'ir hns ti" fl'ftll1 tht· Yill~ lgf· h a II . Tho ·J't· :t l't· st i II tl'll he ·\' s wh t, :U'f' 111\ )H'II\' ill o·fl fot· . T hosP wishit.!g" t .. ··ntt·rtain corlt' fof tho · ~ ... hnys will Jllt·:t s o· <'all !\fr·:-. ({oy lla ~ kin . .\"ilm..ttl' l:i.i . 'fho· \\"1·man' :-: Exvh :lllg"·· i:-: IIJh ·ll fl :lilv frl·lll !t-n t1· fin·. H· ·rrwmho·r that th··l't' t's In ht · a FftcHl Salt· this Saturd:t\' . Tho:-:·· wishing tq < 'f·lltl"iiJuto· to thi:- S: tlo· or to . :tllY t·f t'ht· Fn··d ~;tlt ·~ whi .. h :tr· · hE-Ill · ,·:wh ~:1t u n'l:ly monting, will pl··:t ~ · · f':tll tlw J·:x<'lw ng· ·. ".ilnu·tt·· ~~fll . . WILMETTE LIFE· lol Christmas ··and ·Wilmette ( Reprinted by request J Wilmette is a village of homesp a community of home lovers and therefore a place where childhood is nurtured and cherished. What message can Christmas- the Children's Festival. centered as it is around the story of the Christ Child bring . . to such a community? What, but the angel -old tune of Love, which we must teach our children tha~ it may set ringing in their hearts the ·stmas Bells of the Soul? One of these heart chimes is named Peace: one is Good will ; one is Faith: one ·is Hope. Play them together and they melt mysteriously into one strain- the sweet old song that God is Love. If we set not these·heart chimes a·ringing during childhood, t\ley will be r1oo often silent and unheard in later lifeJ May .these chimes be set a-playing in every heartyoung and old- in ~ilmette this Christmas! First Scandinavian Ev. "isti Elm :-tn·Pt, \\'imwth<t H"Y A. Th<lll1P~'·II. paste·!' ,ut; ·l·:: m str··· ·t T t·l. \\"inn . 2:10-1 . ~ un.tu'y. ltf' f'Pmtwr (C ' hrl ,.fmu s) :::11 a. m .· Sun ··is·· (".Ju l otta") ~··nic·t>. t :. . Sw··(Ji!-;h and Engl ish . ~JH·<'ia l 7 p. 111. s i nging-. Sunday school ff·~tintl . :- fl .. rn. . T hnrs daty. Uf'tf'mllu !9 )t id- w t·t· k Praye a· ~lt·Hing. Snturdu y . Df' t't>ntbt>r :U \\·att·h - nl g h t ~er \' ic(·. s ·JleC'ia l pwgram. ind u ding nwssag{' b v Ht-\' . 'f it us J o hn son , r f:'tu rrw it mil"~ i o n ary " ; !) (I ()Ill. ............................ Come to Church with your family. Send the children, but not alone. It will mean much to all of you. Good Preaching 'Good Music . Good Fellowship , Morning Worship at 11 - .- f rom Con go, Africa. Soda! h our, 10 t (· 11, fo ll o wt>d l.y · 111·a:n·r mt-f.·t ing- until tlw d:t wn of th ·· !':o·w Yt·ar. English Lutheran ............................ Directory of Churches: SL John's Lutheran (lurch Wilmtttt and Park· Av~nues Sunday nwrnin~. t: ::W ct'l'lock - · 'l!ri:-t mas Sunri:-· · ~· · n· it't· in th·· c·ha)l· ·l. 4' h ri~ t mas ~l'!' lllnn J.y Ho ·\·. ( 'arl I. Emp:-:on . You an· ,., 1r·lia lly in,. itt'fl to a tt t· JHI any 11' a.ll of th·· st·n·k·-s nf tlw Eng lis h Lutlwran <·.hurdJ. You will lind a Wt· l·.. nl·' h··r· ·· "\\ ' orship in \\'i l nwttt· ... St·.Aupstiae's Episcopal Church 1140 Wilmette Avrnue Re11. Hubert C11rleton Re11. H.,rm11n W ; M~tr Fint COagregatioail t\urch Lake and Wilmette Avenaes The Fint Methodist l\urch Lake and Wilmette A venurs Christian Fellowship l'ari,.;h· lf.,u :-:·· . Oak :-trn·t , \ \ "l l lll..t l\:t · l :t·\·. :\ . 4: . llt·hrh:wh, pastel!', ~ ~ ;~~ . 4 'l!t ·is t 111a :-: Re11. Stephen A. Lloyd Re11. Hor11ce G. Smith ll u nrs uf Wurs hl)t : )r .. rning· Ht·t·,·kt·. The FU'St Presbyterian t\urch Ninth Suert and Greenlnf Avrnur Wilmette English Lutheran ~ ;, :::o .lulntta. :t. Ill. !-'t l l{l~ hy :\I rs. J:ut·toll Atwoocl S \Hdi s h Rev. George P.. M11gill X m as Grtenlellf Auenpt 11nd Seventh Streff Rev. Carl I. Empson. prngT:tm' 7 :110 11. m . l ':tl't'llh :tlld f ri t· llll s Jwarti J ~· \\' t ·dllo·stl :IY : ~ltll(l:ly Sl' h ool i n\' ilt·cl The Wilmette Baptist 'alurcb Forest and Wilmrttt A vrnurs · 1 :..r r t·:-;h m t· ut l- '·1 ;u(} 1·a ll ··d t It·· C h rist o u t of·r11 it Y to Ji\'o· iu t itttt · :1n: l g:t \ 't' ll im a hncl y. H t· ·alb 11s ttllt ··f tiuw in to Et t· t"l!ity, anrl 1 ~i\· 1 . ,.; tn 11~ . th·· ~nils of God. an lllllllO t'ta l h od\' . .\ 11 n\11' f:til h is g- t'fl tll l<k(l ll )ltt ll t lw llH'!.tl'll:ll i"ll 1 ,f tl11· ~on of C:wl ." Re11. Francis C. Stifter Published by the Interchurch Adverti1ing Committtt, W ilmttte Church Federation ~~ r. and ~I r ~. \\'illiam 1·.. K cc of 1337 Green wood an· ma· have rt'turn cd home from a trip to Fo rt ~f or~a n.~ Ster ling. and Dcnn· r. C<)l. ~'[ r ~ .. Ker entert a im·d h e r lun r hcon and hn« ke club Friday o f la ~ t week.