Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1928, p. 3

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OtJtimuts PriMe . Hold Communit, Cheat Dr. S. A. Lloytfs Ama.t Meetia1 ToDi1ht Comma·ity Service The Wilmette CompJunity Chest Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd, minister of the Spectator. at Villap Boanl S... First church, who is aioD Seue Politia iD DraJer'a leavingCongregational Wilmette February 1 to as· J-. at Onaer ·sume the pastorate of the First Con- gregational church in Pontiac, Mich., paid a lofty tribute Tuesday of this The Wilmette Optimist and Rotar· Wilmette's 1928 political campaign was week when he addressed the Wilmette ian clubs will replace their repl&t may or may not have had its inception Optimist club at that organization's luncheons next week with a j~· at the session of the Village board last weekly luncheon at the Shawnee club. meeting and luncheon to be held Wed~ Tuesday evening. Certain it is, howFollowing Dr. Lloyd's talk on "Sernesday noon at Howard schooiiJIIIna:. ever, that the political feud which vice," the Optimists adopted the folsium. . . ~ found " its inception in last spring's lowing resolution: The meeting ·was arranged throu111 municipal campaign was still plainly in the auspices of J. R. Harper, su~rin "As one of the service clubs· of Wilevidence when Clarence E. Drayer, a mette, it with sincere regret that we tendent of schools, LoweD P. Tocld4 hold-over trustee of defeated Home say farewell to our friend Dr. Stephen principal of Howard school, and Dan~ party affiliation, challenged President A. 141oyd who has been call(d to aniel M. Davis, director of recreation~ Earl E. Orner, who headed the vic- other city. who extended an invitation to the torious People's party ticket last April, members of both organizations to ~~ "The Wilmette Optimist club has the Howard gymnasium for the meetwith the suggestion that the chief appreciated the friendship of Dr. Lloyd ·ing. executive was in danger of violating as he . has always taken a very deep certain of his campaign pledges· Mr. Davis, who is a member of the .nterest in all of the service clubs and Rotary club, has arranged the proDrayer esayed to · read campaign has given his moral and spiritual supgram, while Mr. Todd, representint statements attributed to President Orn- port willingly for the general good of the Optimist club, arranged for the er. He also indicated, by reference, that .: he public at large. It has been our iood and service and also obtained the the Public Service committee of the vleasure and good fortune to have him Howard School Glee club, which wiD board, of which Trustee Hans von as cur guest and counselor on numer· :ontribute a part of the prograin. · Reinsperg, another People's pany .Jus occasions. "In token of our esteem and friend. Plaa A·tioa Bridp · candidate, is c.hairman, had been negliJohn Davies, president of the Opti· gent in its duties, in view of the fact 5hip the members of the Wilmette Opmist club, will be chairman for the that that committee had no report to timist dub wish Dr. Lloyd continued day and Dr. C. B. Blake from th~ make last Tuesday concerning progress 5Uccess in his new field. At the monthly meeting of the North Rotary club will lead the singing. '"The above resolution was . adopted made, if any, in the relocation of the "'bore Real Estate board, announce- David Nelson, president of the Rotarj Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee and authorized and signed by the presi- ~_,ent was made of the appointment of club, has appointed SuperintendeD~ Opdent and secretary on behalf of the railroad right-of-way to take it otl he various committees which will func- Harper to represent .that organizatioll Greenleaf avenue, or in collecting the timist Club of Wilmette on this Seven- :on throughout the year. The January in an auction contest, which is to be "tax" he said was due the village from teenth day of January, year of 1928." .aeeting was held at the Glengables a feature of the program and E. ~ (Signed)the railroad in return for the privilege i'ea Room in Glencoe last Monday Dannemark ·will represent the Optimist } ohn H. Davies, President of operating over Wilmette streets . club. : . . Raymond C. Klehm, Secretary. . ight. The committees follow : since expiration of its franchise, in acAppraisal-E. Sawyer Smith, chatrFollowing the luncheon, a demons~ Dr. Lloyd is a member and former cordance with a resolution passed in president of the Wilmette Rotary club. man ; Harold D. Hill, Frank M. Orn- tration will be . given by the Physical February, 1927, granting the road temJorff, Robert L. Wyatt, and T. E. Training classes of the Howard sch()OJ porary occupation of the streets. Dickenson. under the direction of Miss Lucy Arbitration-A. }. Woodcock, chair- Reeser and Glen C. Gathercoal, in" The proposed new right-of-way of Local T eacbers Hosts ; Paul Heinsen and Mrs. D. E. structors. The complete program folthe North Shore line traversing north to Kenilworth F acuity man Wink. Evanston is involved in litigation. )1 lows: Teachers of the Joseph Sears school Entertainment-Jane G. McDowell, · fte Pnwn· WiD Make Complete Repart Pyramid J; Kenilworth were the guests of the chairman ; Walton S. Bell and Phillip Chairman von Reinsperg stated that Wilmette Teachers' club at the club's V. Jewell. f. Eighth girls . . ~ Clog dliilce his committee would be prepared to meeting last Monday. The program Membership-F. Coleman Burroughs, Luncheon · make a report in the future but not for the meeting was featured by a ~ hairman; Robert L. Wyatt and Wal- Table Activity Auction contest until such time as it was in a position travelogue given by Miss Mary Wad- ter P. Smith. Howard School Boys' Glee club to make a complete report of definite den, noted lecturer. The talk was enProgram-Robert L. Wyatt, chair- Physical Training demonstration value. First grade-rhythms titled "The Veiled Woman of the man ; Howard H. Brown, and Frank a. Hickory. Dlckory, Dock The specific challenge hurled at East" and was declared to be most in- A. Reid. Rhoemaker Dance Publicity..:._Robert L. Wyatt, chairPresident Orner came in conjunction teresting. Refreshments were served Thorne Ro8a man ; Jane G. McDowell and Ernest b. Fourth grade-games with a discussion concerning an amend- following the program. Three Deep M. Kimball. ment to the Village Zoning ordinance Heads and Talis Sports-Frank A. Reid, chairman; Alpassed by the board and designed to Bean In the Pit To Give Exhibition of der R. Tighe, and Walton S. Bell. c. Seyenth grade boys strike out "private clubs" from a secFormal le880n and ga~s Chicago Suburban council-Lewis T. tion of the ordinance referring to "A" Indian Art at School Dodds, d. Seventl· grade girls L. Wyatt, chairman; Robert ·le880n and relays Residential classification, which was reAn exhibition of genuine Indian art Robert H. Flaherty, Jane G. McDowell e. Formal Eighth grade boys cently vetoed by President Orner be- work! such as p~ttery, basket work, and Howard H. Brown. cause of a technical error. It appeared weavmg and beadmg, will be presented from the tone of the discussion, in at the Byron Stolp school throughwhich Trustee John Clark Baker also out the day next Tuesday under the President Orner Names participated, that the amendment in uspices of Fred Leighton of the InLocal Tree Commiuion question was specifically d i r e c t e d dian Trading Post, f8 East Dearborn Appointment of Wilmette's Tree against the Shawnee club building auspices of Fred Leighton of the In- commission by Village President Earl proposition, which entails a rebuilding dians and their work will also be given E. Orner was confirmed by the Vi!of the former Ouilmette Country club. by Mr. Leighton during the assembly lage board in session Tuesday of thas Trustees Drayer and Baker express- period in the morning. The general week. Village Manager Carl C. ed the belief that the proposed new clnh public is invited to attend. Schultz was named chairman of the was to be in the nature of an apartcommission, and the other members ment hotel, since, they understood, liv- r--------------~·lare Aaron T. Pyfer, florist, and exing quarters were to be provided. ECONOMY SHOP WANTS pert in perennials, and Mrs. W. G. President Orner and Trustee HoffPlease send us something to se11. Mitchell, secretary of the Wilmette man, chairman of the committee ap- We have no dishes, very little furni- Garden club. pointed to reconsider the amendment ture, scarcely anything in children·s The commission, established by viifollowing President Orner's veto, ex- clothing and absolutely nothing in lage ordinance adopted several weeks plained that a careful study of the men's underwear and trousers. ago, has as its purpose the supervision plans for the new structure, did not Somewhere in some closet or pantry in Wilmette or Kenilworth of the protection and care of trees on indicate that such was the intention of are all these articles waiting to be public property in the village. the club~ They furthermore pointed out that a canvass of property owners sent to the shop. I wish we could have them now· Hoat to Lodae Oflicert residing in the vicinity of the club house, showed plainly there was no instead of in the spring when we at Diaaer Diacuuioh · opposition on their part to the project, are given so many things by the C. D. McCallum, recently elected but, on the contrary, a general approval people who are moving. AID SOCIETY TO GIVE PIAV · master of Wilmette Lodge, No. 931, We will send for them if it is not of the move to enhance the club by convenient The Ladies' Aid society of the S A. F. and A. M., was host to the new to bring them for you elimination of its present "road house" to the shop. officers of the lOdge at dinner at his Tohn's. Lutheran church will giye appearance. home, 1225 Maple avenue, Wednesday olay entitled, "The Spin!.t ers' ' ~yeJ~ -Mrs. I. R. Adkins, chairman The Shawnee club has as yet not of last week. Plans for the current tion," Thursday and Frtclay nen lodge year were discpssed. The Wil- January 26 and 'D, in the S u n 4 made request for a building permit. Note: Economy Shop Is a charity welfare .fund enterprise sponmette lodge mem ·hip is expectfll school rooms at 8 o'clock. The The board took no action following and ROred by the Woman's club of Wilto exceed the . rk.. in .. the. near ceeds from the production . will the exchange of compliments, but mette. · toward the orpn fand. future.. - ·. ·~;: . . . pressed on to other business. association will hold its annual meeting this evening in the ViUage hall, at 8 o'clock. The session has been · called by Harry C. Kinne, president of the ass~iation, and will be the occasion of the election of directors to fill the offices of those directors whose tern1s are about to expire, the receipt of officers' reports, and the transaction of such business as may be necessary. All former subscribers to the Community Chest fund are entitled to vote and are consequently urged to attend to·light's meeting. The Chest, Wilmette's fund, subscribed annually in a single campaign, provides for all recognized charity and welfare causes, the unified drive supplanting the numerous separate solicitations made neces~ary prior to the establishment of the Chest a few years ago. N. S. Realty Board Names Committees for Ensui·t Year A a

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