Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1928, p. 36

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- --·--... .. ~· .. Ctive Gfoup· in One of the things many north shore - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' residents are doing is joining the throng of spectators w an de r i n g BY JEAN TEN BROECIC through the art galleries of Marshall Field's, viewing the fourth annual exCommunity spirit, of which much is hibition of Hoosier art arranged in heard on the north shore these days, colorful splendor. Until · February 16, and not idle curiosity prompts the interest residents of each village feel in the exhibit will hang, and for every what those in their neighboring towns afternoon until the time of its closing, some special feature has been arare doing. It seems almost impossible ranged. now to . mention any large organizaThe salon, sponsored by the Hoosier tion in which society women are inSalon Patrons' associatioit, is held for terested that does not include residents the purpose of exhibiting the work of of one or two other villages at least. Indiana artists and furthering the inAnd smaller societies, even, indicate terest of art in that state. this inter-village relationship in the ·Among the clubs and societies havmembership lists which include persons ing special days are the Daughters of drawn together by a common tie. One · Indiana, the Hamilton Park Woman's of these latter is the Kentu'c ky Society club, the Indiana University ·Alumnae of Evanston and the North Shore, still young in the local club world, association, the DuPage County clubs, with some of its members inhabitants the Lake county clubs, and the Uniof our villages. In its case, its title versity Guild of ·Evanston. Some ()f explains the strong tie that binds. these have north shore members. Of Its history in brief is this. these, Mrs. E. H. Freeman and Mrs. William A. Kendrick of Wilmette were In the early 1900's a Kentuckian, it amon-g those acting as patronesses for is said, came to Chicago to raise funds the Daughters of Indiana day. Hoyt for a school in Lexington, Ky., and J. D. Tolotr Photo King, also of Wilmette, is one of the through the interest of southern woMr. and Mrs. Charles Nace Ramsey patrons of the salon. men the present society has resulted although a number of years passed of the Linden Crest apartments have · · before the Kentucky Society of Ev- announced the betrothal of their Evenrng Brrdge to anston and ·the North Shore was daughter, Jane, to Phillip H. Kemper, Aid Club Building organized February 7, 1921. The first son of Mr. and .Mrs. William F. For the express purpose of materialofficers were elected the following Kemper of Chicago. ly increasing the funds now accumuApn1. During the interim the numerJating to increase the capacity of the ous be~efits given for ~he b~nefit of ·Catholic Club Juniors home of the Woman's club of Wilmountam people of the1r native state · .· drew the Kentuckians and their friends Gtoe Brtdge Tomorrow mette: the ways and means committee together until the society was an out- On Saturday afternoon, February 4, of the club is completing its plans· for come. at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. the large card party on Saturday eveFrom the time of its inception it ha!; Frank Oelerich, 1201 Greenwood ave- ning, February 11. The affair, one of the large society grown in activity and membership. In nue, the junior members of the WornApril 1924 the society joined the Fed- an's Catholic club of Wilmette, under events of the month, is open not only eration of Women's Clubs of Kentuc- the chairmanship of Mrs. John Pahl- to members but to an villagers deky. Now it meets regularly the second man, will sponsor their only large sirous of helping the club achieve its goa~ an enlarged club house. Tuesday of each month. Professional bridge party of the season. A prize will be given to each table en~ertainer~, ministers, laymen, poets, The young members will have comwnters, and composers have made plete charge of the affair, for which and refreshments will be served. Those who will act as hostess during appearance before this group. Miss. Olive. Oelerich has arranged ·a tthe evening are also in charge of the :rh·s season the dub programs have tractive pr1zes. 10cluded the study of interesting places Miss Stella Pahlman, president of ticket sale. This group is made up of . and. persons of Kentucky. In addition the juniors, will be hostess, assisted by Mesdames Max W. Zabel, Nathan P. to tts meetings money is raised in Miss Estelle Englehart, Miss Clara Colwell, Ralph · Durham, A. J. Woodvarious ways for its· outstanding inter- Meter, Miss Vivianna Tarnow, and· cock, Frederick W. Bowes, A.]. Mou; est, the Hindman Settlement school of Miss Olive Oelerich. at, C. A. Keller, F .. H~ Cornell, Charles Kentucky. The junior membership invites all Broughton, Hubert Holdaway, Harry Tuc;sday, February 14, is to be the members froni. the m«?ther club to be G. ~lark, Clifton L. Keith, William Harrtdg~, Elmer ~- Claar, and George OCC!!Sion of the next meeting of the present and brmg thetr guests. · H. Pattison, cha1rman. Mrs. Walter soctety, , a lunc~e9n at the Illinois Gore Mitchell, Wilmett~ 2922, is in Women s AthletJC club, which will be Engagement Announced charge of t_able reservations. held in conjunction with · the South A · ~ Side Kentucky society. at fternoon Brrdge · Among the members of the Ken- . Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Dingee 912 Roycemore Prom Occtllion · tucky Society of Evanston and the La ~e avenue, Wilmette, announce' the of a Dinner and Supper North Shore, most of whom live in engagement of th~ir daughter, Leonora. The Roycemore Sophomore-Senior E val)atoa. are several from these vii- to J. Brewster Ktmball, son of Mr. and 1ages: lira. ~ul Chace, Mrs. A. .L. Mrs. James H. Kimball of Glencoe. prom was held at the Roycemore gymGray, lira. lrvm M. KeUer, and Mrs. The announcement was made at an af- nasium last Friday evening. This is GeCorp K. Ifarray, of GleJ!coe; Mrs. t~rnoon bridge given by Miss Dingee's always a much-looked-forward-to event ,; E.11v·· Atfa.mst.~rs. Dwight P. Green, s1ster, Mrs. L. F. McClure, Saturday, and one of the biggest affairs in the ·.rs. arganJ& Noe, Mrs. J. N. Raw- January 28. · lives of the senior class at the school. letgh, Mrs. Elm~r Gary Sutcliffe, and Miss Dingee is an alumna of North- It follows the mid-year examinations Mrs. Allen Wtth~rs, of Winnetka; western u1_1iversity and is a member of and heralds the closing weeks for the .. rs. Oscar Schmidt, Wilmette. Alpha Pht sorority. Mr. Kimbail at- girls who have spent four upper class 1"\!_ D . tended Beloit college, where he was a years in this school. The decorations .. were in charge of AnnMt 'IInce Succeu Phi Psi. Miss Phoebe Hedrick and her commitThe Spanish dinner and dance given tee, and the refreshments were planlast Satur~y evening at Skokie Coun- N otth End Circle Meets try club was a splendid success, with The . North End circle of the Con- ned by Miss Elizabeth Freudenreich, about two hundred gue~ts attending. greg~tlonal church met for a social both of Kenilworth. Miss Marion HySevenl ~eDent entertaniers amused meetmg and lunch~on Monday at the mers and two of her classmates were the guests between dances. The next home of Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford of hostesses at a . dinner for the entire senior class at the SOvereign hotel pre~eot on the Skokie calendar is the Elmwood avenue. The assisting ceding the Prom, and Miss Mary 4!nner and card party Saturday eve- 835 hostesses were Mrs. ]. A. Pancoast, Louise Hayes of Wilmette was hostess amg, February 4. Mrs. John A. Shank, and Mrs. Lester at a supper party at the close of the E. Mee. evening. On T1111Cfay, February 7, there win ~ an aU day meeting of the Crescent drde of the Congregational church at Yacht Club Gioea Dinnet The \Voman's club of Wilmette is the home of llrs. John H. Schmidt of Sheridan Shore Yacht club gave a havin~ t~e fifth of its series of eight 422 Laurel avenue. Luncheon \\ill be formal dinner dance last Saturday subscnptton dances Saturday evening at .t beo'clock. The assisting evening at the clubhouse Cope Har- February 4, at the Woman's club. Mrs: ~·a W111 Mrs. B. G. Galloway, vey's orchestra p~ed fo~ the dancing Earl D. Lyon is in charge of these afn. Henry H. Cutler, Mrs. Walter G. Max Hayford of Evanston had faits given for the benefit of the club ~A-M aad lin. Joha Clark B·ker. of the party. building fund. I I North Shore Residents · Month of FebrtJaty at Hoosier Art Salon One of Gala Events I The younger crowd has the first date on the February social program at the Shawnee Country club, with a junior informal dance Saturday, February 4. A good orchestra will play during the evening and special entertainment features, given by junior members and their friends, will add to the fun. Mrs. William R. Mahan is chairman of the committee in charge of the evening and will have Mrs. Clarence M. Puhlman and Mrs. Frank Wenter, Jr., as assisting hostesses, aided by a committee made up of Marshall Corns, Helene Mahan, Jack Higbee, Phillip V. ·Bright, Jr., Helene Seibold, Ruth Krafthefer, Wallace Miller, Jr., Ruth Wenter, Gertrude Brown and Lester G. Wood, Jr. A dinner dance given Saturday, February 11, will be the occasion for several special parties. An event of especial interest will be the masked ball and midnight supper, announced for Saturday, February 25. The variety of costumes being planned will make this a jolly evening for ·members and their guests. The regular T~ursday bu_ffet di~ners followed by bridge, are mcreasmgly p~pular, but Thursday, February 9, wdl have to make '!ay for the He~rt p~rty. The buffet dmner that evemng wll! be followed by th~ game of hearts, ~h1c~ al~ay~ prov1des. plenty · of hilarity and IS a favonte February event. The women and their guests are to have their weekly bridge games Mooday afternoons, playing at 2 o'clock, and the monthly bridge luncheon occurs Monday, February 27. Bridge devotees in the club enjoy these affairs, with luncheon at the candle-lighted, flower-bedecked tables, and pivot bridge afterwards. The grownups are n~t the onlr .o!les who are having midwmter festivities, as the youngsters in the club are looking forward to their special parties. Friday evening, February 17 the children in the sixth seventh' and eighth grades are to 'be guest; at a Colonial dancing party. Prizes will be given for the best costumes which will ~e judged by some of the' grownups m charge. The younger children will be entertained Saturday afternoon February 18, at a party featured by a ventriloquist and a magician. At both of these parties, children are being permitted to invite guests. b Sb Cl b at t e awnee u · Garden Club Meeta Today A review of Dr. H. S. Pepoon's book, "Flora of the Chicago Region " by Mrs. Ralph Huff, and a talk dn "Birds and T_heir Habits" by Mrs. Fred Dolle wdl be features of this afternoon's meeting of the Wilmette Garden club. Mrs. Paul B. Wagner 2516 Central street, Evanston is th~ hostess. The meeting hour 'is 2 :30 o'clock. · Seed. ~II be ch~sen at this time for competition plant1ng by members of the club. Betrothed Ann~uncement has been made by Fredenck Klapproth of Chicago of the engagement of his daughter Dale Mary, to G. Curtis Bird, son ~f Mr·. and Mrs. George H. Bird of 1010 Chestnut avenue. Miss Klapproth attended th~ New York School of Fin~ and Appl1, ed Arts, and Mr. Bird is a Dartmouth man. := charP

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