-------- ------ · -- --~· ----- -A- · -------- ·~- - RecreatiatD Boanl s,-..... E.-t at Howanl G,...; Wnst1in· to Be c-npeniea F·tare . The Boxing and Wrestling show being sponsored by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board is just one week away. The ·a flair will be held March 9 at "/ :30 o'clock at Howard school gymnasium. The boys have been working hard to make this show better than the one held last year and the program listed below is the order in which the boys will appear. The wrestling matches will be 'I and 10 minutes, respectively, and the boxing bouts will . consi~t of three three-minute · round5, with the exception of the wind-up which will be a five-round bout between two first-rate amateurs from Chicago. In the third act of the show in which Paul A. Kier, boxing coach, appears, there will be a demonstration of the work and grind that a fighter must endure to get into condition for a fight. This will include work with bags, apparatus, exercises, shadow boxing, and rope skipping. Parallel Bar Work A clever parallel bar team is slated for this year's show and the members of t~e team have been working hard to perfect an act that will take its place with the best. Those who have been spectators at the Tuesday and Friday evening .. classes know how the boys who are the other performers in this exhibition of defense and offense have im.. proved in their acts. Boys who were third raters when they came, are . showing first rate skill now. A squad of 41 boxers and wrestlers are determined to put everything they have in the show on March 9. The Propam The program will be : 1. Wrestling Hayden Jones vs. Lowell Johnson Two Northwestern wrestlers II. Parallel Bar Team . Lincoln Turners III. Boxer's Training routine · Paul A. Kier IV. Boxing Lewellyn Jones vs. Adam Bauer Robert Brown vs. Cliff Darling Bud Steffens vs. Eddie Bauer Mike Bower vs. Kid Runge Bob Knowlton vs. Tom Kennedy h c ool BoyS and HAVE YOU ENTERED THE irl '· SERVICE CONTEST? 10 PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE Also special daily bonuses to be paid during the period of the contest Boys' Fint Prize-Complete outfit consisting of SHOES, SUIT, SOCKS, SHIRT, TIE and HAT. 2nd and 3rd Prize-Complete outfit consisting of KNICKERS. SWEATER and HOSE. 4th and 5th Prize-Choice of-SOCKS, SHIRT or TIES. I ~ .... .. Henrg C.Lyttonl SoDs ABOVE TO BE FITTED AT . ) STATE ··I JACICSON-C6W... ORRINGTON ··tl CHURCH-.!Nute· Girls' First Prize-Complete outfit consisting of ~HOES, SILK HOSE, LINGERIE, DRESS and HAT. 2nd and 3rcl Prize-SILK LINGERIE and HOSE. 4th and 5th Prize-SILK HOSE and PERFUME. ABOVE TO BE FITTED AT KAPPA · KAP·PA. GAMMAS The Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority of Northwestern university held its formal initiation Saturday evening of last week. A banquet followed at th~ North Shore hotel. Immediately after the dinner a party was given for the new initiates at the sorority house, where a midnight supper was served. Those initiated were Margaret Carter, Gail Crawford, Margaret Decker, Edythe Dixon, Harriet French, Grace Glennon, Adrienne Grant, Frances Guylee~ Mattiebelle Hubbart, Rachael Laramy, Catharine Lannon, Ada Larson, Elizabeth McCullough, Virginia Schaeffer, Margaret Sprankle and Vesta Swenson. Spoke X li of the Wilmette· Presby.terian church met with Mrs. Herbert Weld of 315 Sunset road, Winnetka Tuesday. Following the business meeting at which the mite boxes were turned in, luncheon was served. and the afternoon was spent in sewing for the Visiting Nurse's association. -o-M iss Helen Maloney and Miss Hadden of the Orrington hotel entertained the senior women advisers of New Trier High school Saturday, February 25, at an afternoon of bridge and a dinner. after which they all went to the New Trier-Stivers basketball game. ~EW DINNI DN&·I.WISUII ~ot4 It is simple, pleasant and educational. · The purpose of the contest is to acquaint the community with the important feature of a complete service offered by the FLOOR-O-LEUM CARPET STORES, the largest and most modern floor coveri~g store along the North Shore. It is our aim to use the furnishings already in the home and by addition or rearrangement, create a charming new effect. .Those entering this co. ntest do not have to sell and your efforts are to be used after school and Saturday only. · Contest begins March 3rd and ends April 7th, so enter at once as no contestants may enter after March lOth. Come in today and ask Miss Nelessm for particula,-s FLOOR-O-LEUM CARPET COMPANY · 1007 Davis Street EVANSTON Phoae Greealeaf lMl