March 9~ 1928 New Trier Girls in · Adviser,. Room· Utilities Next Topic in Voters' Swimming Contest . Service Broadcast Three authoritative speakers representing varied points of view on the subject of "Power · and the Public," will participate in the March 13 "Voters' Service" program to be broadcast from the Edgewater Beach station WEBH, Chicago, and from KSD, St. L o u i s. They are : Representative Fredericlc M. Davenport, Re_publican. of Clinton, N. Y.; 0. C. Merrill, of Washington, D. C., secretary· of the F edera1 Power commission, and Homer T. Sands, of New York City, president of the National Electric Light association. The Service program, which is a weekly broadcast sponsored by the National Broadcasting company and the National League of Women Voters, will be carried by twenty-one stations on the Red Network. The local League of Women Voters is co-operating in this movement. Congressman Davenport will discuss the .subject from the Consumer's point of view. He has studied the power question for many years. Mr. Sands will speak for the producer. His association with the Electric . light and power industry in the United States extends over a period of 30 years. Mr. Merrill is scheduled to present the "background" of the power problem . He has been secretary of the Federal commission since 1920, and is regarded as welt versed in all the policies and problems of the power question. I· The Junior-Senior adviser r o om swimming meet of the New Trier High school girls was held Friday~ March 2. The winner of the seniors was Mr:;. Lighter's room, with 40 points, while their nearest competitor was Miss Waltz's room, with 9 points. Miss Cole's room won the junior meet with 24 points. Helen Gerlach was high point winner for the seniors with 15 points, having taken first place in the breast-stroke, crawl, and back-stroke. while Etzbach was high point winner of the juniors with 12 points. Following is a summary of the events: . 20 yard crawl : seniors-Gerlach, 12 :0 (Lighter) ; juniors-Klewer, 12 :3 (Kent), Plunge for distance : senlors-I~fllng wel1, 39 feet (Lighter) ; junlors-Tencher, 52 feet (Fulton). 40 yard crawl: Aenlors--Frazer, 29:8 (I.lghter); juniors-Etzbach, 28:0 (Cole). 20 yard breast: seniors-Gerlach, 16.8 (Lighter) : juniors-Cooke 18.0 (Cole). 20 yard back : seniorS-Gerlach, 17 (Lighter); juniors-Etzbach, 17:0 (Cole). Crawl stroke for form (10 perfect) : Renlors-Letfingwell. 8 :7 (T...Ighter) ; junlors-Johnstone, 9:0 (Kent). ReI a y: senlors(Ligbter)--swlmmlng, Frazer, Gerlach, Letlingwell- time ·12 :00; juniors (Cole)-swlmming, Etzbach, Forest, Cooke-tl~e 43 :0. I \· 1 So the fitting of your child's next pair of shoes: . not alone the foot comfort of · the present, but also the beneficial influ- . ence that determines the foot-health of a whole life-time! Ston Hoan-1 to MUCH DEPENDS .on .... I I HIGH IN SCHOLARSHIP Miss Catherine Behrens of Genoa City, Wis., a graduate of New Trier High school in 1924 and a forrner resident of Glencoe, has been listed with eighty-four other seniors at lilinois college for Honor Roll rank durAT LEACUE LUNCHEON ing the first semester of the current Mrs. W. Gold Hibbard, of 840 Wils'Chool year. . low road, Winnetka, entertained at luncheon for the state delegates of the Mrs. E. L. Belshe, of · 530 Forest League of Women Voters. Mrs. C. avenue, is entertaining lfrs. E. Long- W. Cozzens, of 626 Maple avenue, and pre of Kankakee, Ill., who is visiting Mrs. S. M. Singleton. of 1104 Forest avenue, were among those present. here over the week end. 6 PooL & PtPER· ; ·INC· CHILDREN·s SHOE SPECIAUSTS 1608 Chicago Aveaue KEEP YOUR COAL BIN FillED You can safeguard the health, comfort and happiness of yourself and family by keeping your bins well filled with the right kind of coal or coke. Don't wait for the blizzard. If your supply is running low, re-order now. Many hundreds of homa on the North Shore are heated with ConiUmeta GUIIrtmteed COlli md Coke. It is the safest, most dependable and economical fuel. "Every ton must satisfy or we remove it and refund your money." BUY YOUR COAL ON APPROVAL EVANSTON OFFICE 1015 CbuKb St. Pboat UDi·enity 4500 . @tsumers @npaiJ COAL- COKE - ICE - BUILDING MATERIAL THROUGHOUT THE NORTH GLENCOE OFFICE 712 Glmcoe Road Pboae Glmcoe 75 DELIVERY YARDS SHORE DISTI.ICT