Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1928, p. 24

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Publiwd · WHklu bu 1 u~rvision of W il~tte Plauground and Recreation Board. WILMETTE, ILLINQIS, MARCH 9, 1928 LIFE Told by the Pupils Tr11velotae Clab · ; Takes Movie TriJ; · to Yellowstone · On February 20, the Travelogue club 'dalted Yellowstone Park, with the help of the movie machine. The fllms were from The Northern PacUlc Railway Co. Ia Madsen gave a talk on geysers and other Interesting things that she bad eeen In her trip to Yellowstone Park. We enjoyed It very much, and are look-: laC forward to many other pleasant trips.· On February n, w~ had some very educational talks. ·Billy · Grant who · had vtalted Yellowstone Park told the most ·tertainlng stort that ·everybody wished be might go there. Frederick Leason and Spencer Norrington also gave Interesting talks. The program w~s as follows: Railway or Motor Trip from Chicago to Yellowstone . . . . .. Bllly Grant Location and History of . Yellow. stone ............... Frederick Leason Grand Canyon and Yellowstone Falls, etc. . . ·... ... . . ... . .. .. . Betty Paddock Cauaes~ of Geyser's Formations ·... . . . . . . . . . . . . Henry Von der Hoff Animals of Yellowstone . .... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . · . S~cer Norrington Flowers aft() Trees of Yellowstone ..... ." . . . . . . . . . . . . · . · . . . . . Olive Borden -.Muriel ·Meyer, seeretary. .--.N-Q-u-.R-IN_G_R_E_P_oa_T_E_a-., 1Howard Question: Are you Boi'I'Y the Vlll~e Theater stopped runnlug and why . Where Asked: Aro~nd the corner. Buddy Howard 88: "No I am not because I hardly ever went there. ~d they charged thirty cents." Ruth Webster 8D: "No I am not sorry that It Is closed because I never went there except on special occaslons." Jack Duncan 8A: "Yes I am sorry It closed because they always had good films for the school children and It wasn't far away and it was cheap." Chester Hanson 78: .. Yes because they did have some good films but after I was twelve years old they wouldn't let me In for half." Marjorie · Seuhold: "No, I'm not sorry the Village Theater closed. Since the Teatro del Lago opened I would much rather go there." -Robert H ess The annual gymnasium demonstration of the Howard school took place last Friday evening at seven o'clOc!k. The program was the second one that has been held at Howard. It was under tbe supervision of Daniel Jrl. Davis. director of the Recreation Board, :Miss Lucy Reeser, and "Hap" Gatberooal, who are the physical training Instructors of the school. Many different kinds of folk dances were exhibited by the younger children, ranging from first to fourth grade. The fifth grade did a wand drill which was quite effective and received much applause. 1.·he sixtb grade pupils put on a flag drill. The seventh grade boys demonstrated some games. The eighth grade girls did some companion drills. The eighth grade boys did some fine tumbling, which proved the most popular number on the program, and the seventh grade girls concluded th,. demonstration with a -Jumping Jack Dance. They were dressed as clowns. -Janet McConnaughey, SA Howard Attenda New Trier Rugg Liqiud Air Many Poems Sure Demonstration Proof That StJring Interests Pupils 1.-. Almost With Us Tuesday, February 28, in the last period In the morning, Mr. Rugg came out from Chicago and demonstrated li· quid air. Air is cooled to 312 degrees Fahrenheit. A great amount of pressure is used. If liquid . ~t.r Is put in a kettle and tbe kettle is put on ice the liquid air wlll boll. This Is due to the great change in temperq,ture. This man poured some liquid air on some fresh flowers. The flowers froze and were very brittle, breaking just like JJaper. When the flowers were thawed out, they were as fresh as when he began tbe experiment. He showed when liquid air is poured on anything it will freeze tt. He performed numerous other experiments also. After ·assembly was over, some of the boys, anti girls too, went up on the stage and had some liquid air poured on their hands. This bums and stings a good deal. This man had a flask that was made in France. This flask had three layers of glass. Jt is the only one In America. The lecture was appreciated by all pupils of the Stolp and Central schools. ThP man Is a famous lecturer. The lecture was repeated In the afternoon at Howard school. -Chester Hanson, 7B Stolp Basketball Festivity Saturday night, Februaey 2'1, New rrter had a oasket.ball party In the .s;vanstoe gymnasium. New Trier played .iUvers Hign scbool of lJayton, Ohto. At .about a quarter of eight the cheer leaders came out and gave .eeveral yells. Before 'be game started some of · the New Trier PJ"ls gave a Cossack dance. Also the Sew Trier tumblers · dld some tumbling aets. · .· Then the game started. The Stivers got the ··ttp otf" but with New Trier's iCMII' man defense they could not get near the basket. In the first half of the game, score was always close but the rame was not enough. At the half, tbe BCOre was New Tri~r. 7 : Stivers, 6. Between halves, the band marched around and played a few pieces. The aext half started with the four man defense working as usual. At the end of the third quarter the score was 12 to 12. rhe last quarter was sure a lively quarter. Right after the "tip otf" the Stivers pt a basket. The crowds were nearly mad. Then Miller of New Trier shot two baskets right In succession. They fought · or about two minutes and the gun went olf and the game was over. The final score being New Trier, 16; Stivers. H. -Bob Hess, 8B Stolp Howa"d School Children Enjoy Painting Exhibit The Howard school is very much honored by have a group of original oil paintings hung in its Social hall this week. ·These pictures were painted by William Schmedtgen of Wilmette. There are several pictures of ducks and we are told that tbls is one of Mr. Schmedtgen's favorite subjects for painting. The sympathy of the children Is much aroused by the picture of a fox In a trap. He seems to be saying "Please let me go, I never took a chicken ln my life... Ther~ Is also a picture of a rainbow trout on a line fighting for his life, a moose and mftny duck pictures. We all wish that one of these pictures might remain with us pennanently. -Albert Ackermann. 7A 7A-1 Baaketball Team Wina From 7A-2 Five The '1 A girls played a game Tuesday, l'eb. 22. The game was between 7A-1 and 'lA-2. The game was very exciting Ill th,. ftrst half because no one seemed to make any baskets. The score was fA-1, 5, and 7A-2, 2. The forwards on fA-1 team were Jane Engel, and Dorothy Orr. The guards were Dorothy Neal and .-r&ncla Ellis. Our captain was Betty Tucker and she waa a side-center. Our JUmping center was PauLine Kehllng. The game was won by 7A -1 team and they hold .the championship. --Jane Engel, 7A Stolp of Holtwood made a free throw. Directly after Ward Champion made another free throw. Warble of Wilmette made a basket and Holtwood also sunk one. At the end of the ftrst quarter the score was 'i -5 in favor of Wilmette. Holtwood oniy had four men but they put up a good fight which made the game fast and exciting, Rr.y Kimbell was put In, In place of Jordan at the second C)Uarter. When the second quarter was young Warble was given a tree throw but missed. Boltwood made a basket and Wllmette made one rigbt after. The Wilmette basket was made by Swede Waters. Swede was going good in the first quarter and this was the first basket that he made. At the end of the first half the score was 9-7. :McHale went ln. in the second half. Swede made a basket ~:ight after the first jump. Wolff sunk a basket after dribbling through two Boltwood men. Just before the whistle blew for tbe end of the third quarter McHale sunk a basket making the score 17-7. Early in the last half Champion got two free throws, one of which he made. The ball was thrown out quite a bit by Wilmette d"urlng this quarter and neither team- succee<led in sinking a basket. At the end of the tbird quarter the score was l'l-8. SPRINGTIME REVERTER Clade Malne went in. In place of l"d Jike to go out in the country Waters and Ren Ostrom went In in place Where lots of lilacs grow of Quinlan. During the last of the · tast Just when the birds are coming up quarter McHale sunk a basket and Bill That:s where I'd like to go. Larely went in taking tbe place of McHale. Larely went in amid loud cheers. I'd like to go out In the country Bill made a technical foul which gave And smell the new-mown hay Bolt wood a free throw but they missed To pick the pretty buttercups so it was all right. The rest of the game That get the sun's sweet ray. was uneventful and the game ended with --Jean Munro, 7B. a score of 19-M. Wilmette won. Lineup--7 Hd. A SAD, SAD TALE Wilmette Boltwood There was a young lady · named Ruthie Waters Champion Woho had quite a bad little toothie. Warble Osburn This toothie did ache Wolff Champion So ~he couldn't eat cake Quinlan :McGaliger And that caused the deafh of poor Ruthle. Jordan -Helen Bower, SA Stolp. -Harry Kline, Stolp SA. .TEANNETTF. There was a young lady called Jeannette "Who lived in the town of Wilmette. To the city eaC'h day She wended her way. This curious young pen;;on, Jeannette. In the morning on Monday we ha v~ -Lucia Hollister, SA Stolp. Arithmetic books, Ueography, and go down to get our cooking recipes. In tne SILLY TILLTF. afternoon we have Cooking, .Heading and There was a young ladv called Tillie, Spelling. After school, 1 will go to Mrs. "\\Tho was so invariably silJy, Taylor's Art · lessons. For she met with a frown 1.'Uesday we have the fractions, History. The best people in town. and ueography. In the afternoon we Now, toward h.-r they act very chilly. have Mus1c, Art, Reading, and Writing. -Eleanor Culv'r, RA Stolp. I play after school. Friday in the morning we have gymWILLY ·NILL Y BILLY nasium, Language, and Geography. In There was a smaJJ boy caned Bi11y the afternoon we have Music, Art, ReadWho decided he'd act very silly ing, and Spelling. After school. I go to But. his rna with a sigh, Martine's lJancing class. Said, "You don't have to try. -Martha. A. Huff For you'll always be willy-nilly." . - -Eleanor Culver. SA Stolp. Boltwoocl Pla:ra Wilmette Pupils Hold With 4 Men; Lo.ea 19-8 Annual Exhibition Holtwood gave Wilmette a ftve point handicap at the ftnt of the game. At of Gymnt~sium Work the first of tfle fti'Bt quarter Champion ... 'I ! . ,, ~ ... i I ·1 Martha Huff TeUa of Her Sc:Mol Schedule INQUISITIVE HELEN There was a young lady named Helen Who sailed thru the Straits of Magellan. She satd, ..It Is true They're exceedingly blue," Meaning the waves that were swellin'. -Lucia Hollister, SA Stolp. IB CLUB ENJOYS PLAY On February 21, the 6B's club held a meeting. First, we had our treasurer· s report, then secretary's report. Then followed the program as we t·hought if we had business. we might not have time enough for the play which was on the program. The name of the play was "Only a Girl (How Elizabeth Zane Saved the Blockbquse)" The meeting adjourned at 3:15 o'clock. ·· -Frances Schuman. 6th Grade Central AI.L HAVE GOOD TEETH flood teeth mean good health to thP chlldren of the Logan school. Everyone has be~n to the dentists and that means 1 flO percent Dental certificates. MrF. Stopka, our school nurse, Is very proud of us. -Cecilia Hllls, Grade ·s, Logan Now Have 3 Safety Patrols at Howard .WilmeHe Teama Win Over Pupila Viait Chica·o Hiatoric81 Society Haven bj Score of 9 to 5 The Wilmette lightweights play~d New Raven of Evanston, February !3, at oward school. The game started at 4 _.clock. Wilmette outplayed New Haven tlor three quarters and ran up a score of nine to two. In the last quarter Wilmette put In a second team and New &aven made three points in the last cauarter and the game ended with the ~re: Wilmette, 9. New Haven, 5. -Hugh Saxon, 8D Stolp. The pupils of the Byron C. Stolp school who have .-aot been in a delinquent class went to the Chicago Historical Society Friday afternoon. ·we also wlll have an honor roll. The pupils must have, tn order to get on It, nothing below G In t·' leir studies and Y G. In Social Adaptation. Miss llayes thought thts very hlg}l hut the pupils voted for It themselves. It Will be placed in the WILIIE"M'E LIFE. -Thalia Little, 8C Stolp Howard school has organized another Safety Patrol. Paul Sterner is captain of the first patrol and John Dernehl of the second. Each patrol has six fellows in it. They used to be only one patrol with four boys. The two patrols change off weekly from inside hall duty to outside patro~ work. The patrol boys are given complete charge of the halls during hall duty. The outside patrol duty includes keeping off the grass, and keeping the boys and girls who have bicycles and roller skLttes from playing on the sidewalk. -Roger Deland, 8B Howard Bobby Likes the Book "At Miu Michinn'a" TAIE 8LBIGH .RIDE 88·1 WINS OVER 8A·l One nt~ht we went on a sleigh ride at IB-! and BA-1 played a very exciting Jean Plaher's. We jumped otr the slelgl't TMM&y. The ftnal acore waa 19 lots of time and had lots of fun. One I Ia favor of 8B-!. The lineup wu u t.lme we 1\II ft"Ot otf and t·hP, AIP.I~h "t"rtf>d Dow·: ap real tut ancl we bact to nm real tut IA.-1-Eiale Wa!le. Betty Wilson. liar- to ~et on. Eleanor Olson was the first Leach, Mary J. Killer, Margaret to get on. And then we went to th, ecaer, and Georgia Allee. 88-Z-Jdasle lunch place and had hot cocoa and hread t. Olive Brower. Mary Thaleg, JUDI) "nd butter with meat lnBlcle. · ADcl we , Jane Crawford, and Caroline had a good time. -c4'1r.-""n. -Helen Bower, 8A Stolp -Eleanor Olaon The book of "Sarah Crewe" or ..At Miss Michinn's" by Frances Hodgson Burnette, is a very good book. Sarah was born in India and her mother died . so her father brought her over to England and took her to Miss :Mlchlnn's boarding school. For a while they treated her very well but when her father died and lost all his wealth, they knew nobody could do anyVISITS ART INSTITUTE The 7A class of Wllm~ttP Stolp ~choo1 thing to them because she didn't have a went to the Art lm1titute Friday. Marclt relative. But after a while it turned out !. The teachers and ~laa all thought It all right because a man from India adopted her. · was a very successful trip. -Jane Engel, 7A Stolp -Bobby Cutler. 5A Central ........

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