Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1928, p. 32

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· liore Society ConcernS Itself with Ma'flj Things ~Bridge One The vocation of puppeteer is even Art devotees on the north shore are more difficult than many people be- being invited to attend a tea, and an A b 1 .b1 ·t1 ·0 n of the works of Karl Buehr The marriage of Eleanor na e 1 exhl Jtj E. · G. L Buckman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lieve, according to Edward Mabey, The long anticipated annual card who, with William Duncan, will ·b~ing of Evanston, Mrs. Karl Buehr and Fred Duane Buckman of 925 Elmwood party of the Wilmette League of Wo- the Tatterman marionettes to the their two talented children, Katherine avenue to John Alfred Thompson, also men Voters will be held at the Masonic auditorium of Central school, Glencoe, and George, and wood block prints by of wdmette, will take place Friday, temple, Wednesday, March . 14, at 2 on· Wednesday evening, March 14. Gustav Baumann; paintings by Earl March 16, at 8 :30 o'clock in the eveo·dock. The popularity of this affair . · ning at the Shawnee Country club. evening's entertamment IS spon- .Reed, and etchings of Ralph ;Fletcher The se...Hce wiD be read by the Rev. is far reaching, as this year tickets The by the Woman's Library club d b · ,. have been wanted as·· far north as sored of Glencoe, and tickets may be se- Seymour. The affair is sponsore Y Francis Carr Stifter. Highland Park, and as far south as cured from members of the five de- eleven Glencoe women and will be The bridal party will include Miss Beverly Hills, and Mrs. S. M. Singleof the club, or at the box given on Friday, ~arch ~. fro,m 10 Virginia Thompson, who will act C!s ton, the league president, is expecting partments office on March A matinee per- o'doc·k in the mormng until 7 o clock maid. of honor, Mrs. Robert Louts guests from Sycamore, Ill., to attend. formance is to be14. given in the after- in the evening at Glengables Tea Osgood of Kenilworth (Eleanor Buck), There were only one hundred tables noon of March 14, sponsored by the room. Mrs. Robert Larimer of Ev- Mrs.· Granville . Revere Lewis, Ill, _of planned for, and aU are sold. The anston, a niece of Mrs. Buehr and a Evanston, (Natalie Yonkers), Mtss four hundred women who have tickets school for school children. Mabley and Mr. Duncan will friend of some of the Glencoe women, Winifred Metzel of Kenilworth and Mr. are assured of a most enjoyable afterpresent an old French farce that. has is hanging the exhibit. She is the ex- Miss Mary Louise Fenton of Win netnoon. generatiOns, elusive north shore agent for the en- ka, who will act as bridesmaids. . proven popular for Mrs. Willis Berblinger will play se- "Master Pierre Patelin," with the tire collection of Gustav Baumann's Gerald Buckman Horton, a cousin of lections on the piano while the guests settings and costu!B~s des!~ned after wood block prints, and is also handling the bride-elect, will serve the brideare arriving, and Emily Taft, Lorado woodcuts in the or1gmal edttton of the works by artists mentioned above. groom as best man. The ushers will Taft·s daughter, will give a five story, published as far back as The women who are sponsoring the bel;eorge Delana of Chicago, Robert minute table-talk during the afterIn telling about the intricate bust- tea, the purpose of which is to further Louis Osgood of Kenilworth, Granville noon. Tea will be served following the ness of arranging a marionette "pTeh- interest in art in general as well as that Revere Lewis, III. of Evanston, and bridge playing. formance, Mr. Mabley says: · e of severai individuals are Mrs. Frank- Ballard Van Horn Higbee of Wilmette. Mrs. S. M. 'Singleton is chairman of mere pulling 0 ~ string~ and readmg Jin M. deBeers, Mrs. Edwin Cassels, A number of showers have been in. K the reception . committee, assisted by of lines are d1fficult m the"!selves, but think of the months of mtc:nse Mrs. Lionel Frank, Mrs. Maurice areluded in the affairs given for M i~s Mrs. L. C. Ayres, and Mrs. C. P. Evans, past presidents of the league. preparation before we can P!Jll strmgs ker, Mrs. George J. Pope, Miss Rutheda Buckman prior to her marriage . . Miss The assisting. hostesses are Mrs. Ly- and read lines at the same bme. Long L. Pretzel, Mrs. Mark Rector, Mrs. Winifred Metzel gave a canned goods man Drake, Mrs. Hayes . McKinney, before the diminutive actors are Charles Rothermel, Mrs. George \V. shower on Wednesday, February 29.Mrs. Earnest Freeman, Mrs. Charles ready to strut abo~t th~ir sta~~· the Tracy, and Mrs. C. Fred Weed. Miss at her home and on Friday, March 2, He Mary Andrew, a former Glencoe girl, Mrs. R. A. 'Buckman entertained the Eldridge, Mrs. John Campbell, Mrs. preliminary work as gomg on. tells how the puppet's head is modeled who is now in charge of Glengables bridal party and a few other f.riends at W. H. Hutson, Mrs. Ira L. Reynolds, · Krs. T. C. Moulding, and Mrs. I. R. in clay, cast in plaster and moulded Tea room, is co-operating with the a hosiery shower at the Georg1an hotel. in P.apier mache; and how the legs. women by giving the room at Glen- Mrs. G. R. Lewis, III, was hostess at Adkins. arms hands and feet are carved gables for the exhibit, and serving tea a miscellaneous shower Tuesday, Mrs. F. E. Parry, in charge of prizes, caret'ully fr~m wood. The bodies of and the special open face sandwiches March 6 ·at her home in Evanston, and will have assisti.1g her, Mrs. Mar- the puppets are of cloth and stuffed in which· she specializes. on Wed~esday, March 7, Miss Kathguerite Taylor, Mrs. T. E. Shepard, with excelsior. Joints of wood and While the affair is principally an in- erine Harrison of Bannockburn gave a Mrs. ]. A. Borncamp, Mrs. James metal permit free, graceful move- vitational to those of the north book shower for Miss Buckman. Mrs. FJder, Mrs. J. W. Robinson, Mrs. ments. Great skill and patience are shore whoone wish materially aid the John Higbee entertained on Thursd!ly George Iliff, Mrs. Paul Roche, Mrs. required in painting the f~ce and fit- cause of art and to contemporary artists, at her home and tomorrow M1ss Emmet Powers, Mrs. G. H. Redding ting a wig, not to ~e~tJOn the ar- anyone genuinely interested in viewing T·hompson is ~iving a miscellaneous and Mrs. William Balhatchet. tistry needed in fashtomng the war~- the exhibit will welcome. shower. Tuesday, March 13, Mrs. Mrs. Frank France, social chairman, robe. \Vhen at last the ~uppet !S R~oi.ond To4d. will entertain at . a is in charge of refreshments, and completed, it requires one thmg more · · luncheon· and kttchen shower at her assisting her in serving will be, the to ~ake it ready for the stage- Complete Benefit Plans home in Evanston. Kisses Frances Bredin, Edith Adkins, strings. Dozens of them. Ther<:_ ~re Members of the various committees Ethel Colwell, Laura Durgin, Bobby one and sometimes two to ~very J~mt, plan_ ning the annual card party of the · · McCoy, Pauline :McCoy, Mary Eliza- and special strings f~r. spectal actiOns. Wilmette League of Women Voters Supper Bndge Is Large beth McNulty, Grace Hartman, Doro- If he is to play a vtolm, fight a d~el. h h f M F d ·k .de a prancing charger, he requtres met at t e orne 0 rs. re enc Event of Coming Week thy Hartman, Jean Upson, isabel Mc- Or rl ll Bowes, 714 Ashland avenue, Monday . Allister, Josephine Cressy, Catherine specially adjusted strings. W.hen a afternoon. Ainong those present were: .One of the large events of ,the seas~n Ellis. Dorcas Tuttle, Dorothy Klunder, puppets, scenery, and properties, are Mrs. s. M. . Singleton, Mrs. Frank for of the s Cathol!c Ruth Bower and Fra~ces Allworth. completed, there are weeks of rehear- France, Mrs. Warren Cozzens, Mrs. club of Wilmette. and their guests wtll Mrs. Frederick Bowes is· in charge sal so that the puppeteers on the Charles Evans, Mrs. William J. Wei- be the supper brtdge sponsored by tht of tickets. Among the many lovely bridge iron out all the rough. sp<?ts, don, Mrs. F. E. Parry, Mrs. J. W. ways and means committee on ~atu~ prizes are pillows, lamps, baskets of working for that close co-ordmatton . Robinson, Mrs. George Iliff, Mrs. Paul day evening, March 17. The affatr wdl fruit, bridge table covers, and candle of puppeteer's voice and puppet's Roche, Mrs. G. H. Redding. Mrs. J. be held in the Wilmette Woman's club sticks. movement which is the mark of a A. Borncamp, and Mrs. William A. at the corner of Tenth street and finished production. "Yes," Mr. Mab- Durgin. All unfinished business for the Greenleaf ave11ue, commencinl{ at S ley concl~des, ."being a · puppeteer card party was taken care of. and final o'clock. Supper will be served at 11. Bryn M IIWr Alumnae to means bemg a btt of a sculptor, seams- arrangements made. Mrs. George Ludwig is acting chairGive Lecture Benefit tress, wood-carver, _an~ act?r .all man of the committee, in the absence . . Every year the alumnae of Bryn rolled into one, but 1t 1s fascmatmg Enterta;ns at rrea of Mrs. R. E. Fontham, who IS now lD Mawr college give a scholarship to a work ·" . "'~- . . · ~ California. girl going to Bryn Mawr from their The story of Patebn, an. tmpec~mMrs. Merle Snyder, 215 Woodbine Mrs. H. Klein, Mrs. T. VanDeNorth, certain district. The district including ous but scheming lawyer, will be g·v~n avenue. Wilmette, chairman for the Mrs. C. Schaeffer. Mrs. G. Tarnow, M Chicago and its suburbs has now three in English on March 1.4. Patelm Ruth Hanna McCormick Volunteers, scholars at Bryn :Mawr. Last year tht" tricks a selfish and ~oncetted draper entertained about thirty members of Mrs. J. Tarleton, Mrs. C. Bunte, rs. · e11sof prectous cloth · There t h e 1 · t ea a t F. Barry, Mrs.A R.Rob Rothing, C. committee brought Cornelia Otis Skin- out of s1x oca1 group at a charmmg W . d M 1 and Mrs. Mrs. G. ner to Winnetka. Her performance is a court scene that shows the final her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. e·.1 an · rs. · . . 0 'M L d i rs. . u ~ f that night and her popularity since outwitting of both Patelin and the Kurt von Zimmerman of Evanston S~htlbach are assJstmg draper by an ignorant shepherd, that was the speaker. Assisting the host- . w!th arrange!"ents for the affatr, whtc.t justified their efforts. This year on March 30, the Bryn has provided merriment enough to · ess were Mrs. Earl Smith, Mrs. Ira will he a· soc1ety event. }Jawr Regional Scholarship committee carry the popularity ~f the play do~n Reynolds, and Mrs. Eugene Arms. is bringing Dr. Wilfred Osgood to through the cen~ur1~s. The satire, lfrs. W. C. Cozzens poured. Pan-Hellenic Group Meet· Winnetka to speak on "Abyssinia and brilliant characterizations, and hu~or The annual Chicago Pan-Hellenic the Source of the Blue Nile." In 1927- of the play make it well worth seemg Auxiliary Meeting All Day luncheon will be held Saturday, 28 Dr. Osgood was the leader of the and hearing. Field Museum Abyssinnian expedition The Infant Welfare auxiliary is ~larch 17, at 12 :30 · o'clock, at the which covered nearly 2,000 miles by meeting next Monday at the home of Lake Shore Athletic dub, 850 Lake. caravan in one of the least known At Committee Luncheon · :Mrs. Harrv Bertram Wilson, 611 Shore drive. Dr. Francis W. ShepardMrs. F. E. Parry, chairman of prizes Laurel avenue. Sewing will commence son and Miss Lillian Thompson · will parts of the world. The lecture will be illustrated by for the Wilmette League of W O!ften at 11. Luncheon will be served, and give talks. The Chicago Treble Cleff ·slides and motion pictures taken by ex- Voters' annual card party, · entertained the business session will open at 2 quartet will sing. Reservations are to ee at o'clock. perts. It will be given in the new au- the members of her committ_ be made through local groups, the ditorium of the North Shore Country luncheon at her home, 622 Maple avecommittee in charge announces. nue, Monday, March 5. Those present Dav school. Tickets may be purchased from any were: Mrs. T. E. Shepard. Mrs. ]. A. Announce Betrothal Shawnee Country club is giving a member of the committee: Mrs. John Borncamp, Mrs. J. W. Robinson, M~s. Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Jones of formal party for its members and Reilly, chairman ; Mrs. Gilbert Scrib- Marguerite Tvlor, Mrs. George Iliff, Chicago announce the engagement of their friends tomorrow· evening. The ner, treaaurer; llrs. Robert Brown, Mrs. Warren Cozzens, Mrs. Paul their daughter, Leota, to Raymond J. cliaoer. which will be served at ·7 :30 Mn. Samuel Greele7, and Miss Harriot Roche, Mrs. Emmet Powers, Kn. G. Roth, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Roth o·cJock. is to be followed by dancing HOUihtelina. aD resadents of Winnetka. H. Redding, and Mrs. Wm. Balhatchet. of Wilmette. and bridge. of Luge Society Eoenta of Seaon LibratfJ Club Spon1oring . North Shore Art Deuoteil Marionette Performance Invited to Glencoe Tea Shawnee ClUb Scene of Eoening Wedding on Ftiday, March 16 148?. 1 ..

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