B. Fred' Wise, tenor, and Anne Daze, pianist, will be the artists at the second of the series of spring musicales at the GeOrgian hotel Evanston, Sunday evening, March it, at 8 o'clqck. The program will be given in the Louis XIV room of the hotel The first of this series of musicales held last Sunday, was given before ~ zaleys~ "They play more like angel~ large· audience by Clementine Schaefthan men." fer Waldron, soprano; Miss Dorothy Thll!l concert will bring to a eJoee Mia ~ell,_ harpist, and Charles Lu"ey Manhall'a aeries for thla lle&IJOD. GIVE CHAMBER RECITAL The third of the series of chamber music concerts by the Gordon String qu~rtet, under the auspices of the Chtc~go (_;hamber Music society, will be g1ven. m the James Simpson theater of F1eld Museum of Natural History, Chi'Cago, Sunday afternoon ' March 11, at 3 o'clock. Announce Artiata for Musicale at Georgian PlaDISt. J