- - ........ ___ , The mode for ltJrgtr britru is inttrtwtled by tllu lull of btJllihiJil '111itll sltJSiatd bri· at bock tamed .mtlgly against the crO'lft, $15· .4 beige slipper desigMd of lizard alld swtk sllowi11g the StfUD'tfttss oftlli two-ltather, 011e-color mode, 110.50. ·~ This pleated p.rst luu a aiqw gold clas/1 IJittl diogOJfGI c·t ltJbs; in the .rmtWt beige sMtle, 110. found dtsigt~ed on this scarf of crepe ~e chine with deel' green border, $4.95. M oder~ustic art is TNOSE TH I N6S THAT MAKE THE COSTUME. SO SMART "Le Debtd," tJ new mflity by Hrulnut, ;,. gold, $5.00. A new chiffo" stocki11g with hem -lock ,..,. -stop tJIId grten picot edge, $1.95. This alligator grained purse i11 beige is exceedi11gly sffltlrt with its amber shell frame aftd swing clGSp, $10. Above at left, the Rio Rita necklace of amber crystal iff gradtMJted sizes, intermingled with gold balls, $16. Abow at right, the Minerva choktr, $4.95; with bractlet to match, $1.25. Gold shieldshaped disks art set with amber ·crystals. "U n Air Btllbtw~· by Rigawl, Ptlrii-G· endwrmg perfwrM fllil11 an unforgtltable odor, $1 to $10. The braided bracelet c·ff is a _smart ute in these kid slip-ons in beige or mode sluules, ·$4.95. Pi~tured abO'lle, center, the Scroll Belt of wlvety suede leather tulorned with vari-colored disks afttl metal beading. $4.50. Left a black suede belt with metal beading, $2.25. Riglll, a brown sflede belt with brilliant buckle, $2.25. of lizard Gild swde. beige, $12. A lni·P Apple blossotns art tvon& 011 the stri"'l cost·mes. Streamer effect, $1.50. ROSENBE~G'S DAVIS STRffT- EVA.NSTON