Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Mar 1928, p. 69

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March 23, 192e WILMETTE LIFE ..,. :· .. . FOB BENT-BOOKS 17 FOR UNT-APTS. WANTED .COJIP; · WHITE MAID FOR FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS cooking and gen. bswk. no laundry employed : llgbt and pleasant ; hot and work. Refs. req. cold running water: garage space If WANTED EXPERIENCED WHITE desired. Phone Wil. 776-M. 66Ll0-tfp laundress with refs. Ph. Kenilworth 1974. 56L~6-ltc CENTRAL HOTEL-LIGHT, OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH · Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 914 Sherman Ave., 1 rm. . ....... $ 52.60 housework. 600 Central Ave., Wil. 66LT8-tfc 1320 Chicago Ave., 2 rms. . . . . . . . . 65.00 56L26-ltc 945 Chicago Ave., 2 rms. . . . . . . . . 80.00 FOR RENT - NICELY FURNISHED ~ 110 Sherman Ave.. 3 rms. . . . . . . . . 70.00 WANTED-YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO rm. In private home. 3 blocks from ~03 Simpson St., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 assist wlth housework In small family. trans. Refs. required. Ph. Wilmette 906 Elmwood Ave., 3 rms......... ' 70.00 Ph. Winnetka 1057. 56LT26-ltc 1281. 66L26-1 tp ~251 Ridge Ave .. 3 rms. . .. . . . . . . . 7L50 ' 1125 Davis St., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 WANTED WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hsewk. Fond of chlldren. Ph. Glen- LARGE RM. FOR 1 OR 2 GIRLS WITH 1208 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . 75.00 kitchen privileges. One adult in flat. coe. 1233. 56LTN25-ttc 1116 Maple St.· 3 rms. · . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 Write Wilmette Life B-642. 802 Seward St., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 66L26-ltp GIRL FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK. 1315 Oak Ave., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 ldust do typing; no shorthand required. Dempster St., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . 80.00 FOR RENT-FURN. R001\I FOR 1 1031 Write Wilmette Life B-644. 1621 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 gentleman in private home near 56LTN26-1tp 2020 Sherman Ave., 5 rm. . . . . . . . . 80.00 transp. Ph. Wilmette 1731. 814 Mulford St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 WHITE GIRL FOR ·GEN. HSWK. PH. 66L26-tfc 727 Seward St., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 Wilmette 3561. 56LTN25-1tc Main St., 5 rms............. 105.00 FOR RENT-PLEASANT ROOM, GOOD 1016 1125 Davis St., 5 rm. . ........... 110.00 meals. Gar. if desired. Reas. 1023 HELP WANTED-MALE Main St. 66L26-ltp 1311 Oak Ave., 5 I'ms............. 115.00 1202 Maple Ave., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 WI~DOW WASHING BY EXPERI- I.ARGE, WELl.-HEATED ROOM FOR 1812 Sherman Ave., 6 rms. . ..... 125.00 enced white man. Ph. Wilmette 892Y4. one or two. Convenient location. Wii- 1009 Grove St. 6 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~5~7~L~T~2~5~-3~t~p rnett~ 2699. 66L20-tfc 845 Ridge Ave., 6 rms. . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 1605 Ridge Ave., 6 rms........... 150.00 tO SITUATION WANTED-FEliALE . PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM, 3 1603 Ridge Ave., 7 rms ........... 195.00 ·· HBLPWAXTBD-PBKALB · EwWtt<0>m1 AJP)uttmmelmftl Hcunee~. JF 6 nn. stucco, 3 beclrms. .....·..... f 85.00 6 rm. stucco, H. W. heat . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 7 rm., H. W. bt., attach· .-r. · . . . . . 1!6.00 8 rm., near station, H. W. beat · · 136.00 7 rm. stucco., oil beat · . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 7 rm. stucco, H. w. ht., sun-rm. . . 201.00 or lReunt E~~lm$1t<O>nn . & Annenn INC. Phs. Wll. 407-408 End "L" 410 Linden 69L!6-ttc · ----------------------------. FOR RENT - HIGHLAND PARK. Choice east side location. Furn. or unfurn. attractive 4 rm. house on large wooded lot Living room has 5 French windows and fieplace. Coal, janitor service and gas as well as draperies furnished. 1 yr. lease only. Only those with best of references need apply. 275 Cedar St .. or call Mr. Nay at State 3900. 69LTN26-ltc FOR RENT-2 1\fODER.J."'l 8 ROOM houses· in excellent condition. 2 baths each, brk. room, porches, ~me H. W. Nokol beat: 2 car garages, large lots. $175 and $200 per month. ----------------------- WANTED-WASHING AND IRONING. blocks west of station. Phone Winn. 415 · 66 LTN 26 -ltc ~ Will call for and deliver. Ph. Wil.0. j'Q)_ fF'J mette 210. 60LTN25-3tc LARGE LIGHT WELL FURN. Rl\f. ~lJiiilla\Jfu. ~ \\Jl@ SIT. WTD--SECOND AND NURSING near lake and transp. Priv. bath, gar. 1564 Sherman Avenue by refined neat white girl. Best refs. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 66LTN26-1tc Ph. Wilmette 2054. 60LTN26-ltc n <exep 67LTN26-ltc ll JID.«:o 1177 Wilmette Ave. University 285 67LTN25-1tc Phone Wilmette 273 69L26-1tc a; FOR RENT-A PARTliENTS LAUNDRY WORK. WHITE. REFS. $4 a day. Mrs. Clark, Victory 5162. 60LTN26-ltp SIT. WANTED TO TAKE CARE OF cbJidren in the afternoon. Call Winn. 92() between 8 and 12. 60LTN26-1tc WANTED-WASHING To· TAKE home. Call and deliver. Ph. Wil. 1351. tl I~inden Crest Apts. \VILMETTE FOR RENT.r-WILMETTE, WINNETKA or Glencoe. Splendid homes from $150 to $350 per month. PAUl~ SCHROEDER & CO. ~~=~==~~~~~~6~0T;N;;3-;;3;;tp SITUATION WANTED-MALE exper. in greenhouses, hotbeds, and general gardening, wants position as private gardener or second man. Good refers. Ludwig Schrodt-r 854 Spruce, Winnetka. 61LTN26-1tp EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR AND gardener. Fine references. Swedish. Single. Carlson, 1640 Summerdale Chicago. Ravenswood 0419. ' 61LTN26-1tp 11 years GARDEN~R, 26 YEARS OLD, SINGLE, --------------------GARDENER, HANDY AROUND THE house. Contract or day work. Call F. Kares, Wilmette 891Yl. 61I..T25-3tp EXP. CHAUFFEUR WISHES PERMANent pos.. refs. furn. Call after -l :30 P. 1\1. Ph. Greenleaf 3661. 61LT~26-ltp CARPETS BEATEN ON R A C .K S.· Housecleaning and odd jobs. Pb. Wilmette 911-J. 61LT26-ltll C! SIT. WTD.-MALE .t FEJIALE ~ms. FAUST WISHES TO PLACE A first-class colored couple-best references-do not demand exorbitant salary. Man is house man, woman is fine cook. Three gardeners with years of experience-working on some of the finest estates in the country. Four white chauffeurs - one colored chauffeur. Good mechanics, careful drivers, and thoroughly familiar with all parts of Chicago and North Shore. White houseman-neat appearing-very capable. Can assume full charge of household. Will serve dinner etc. m'lll'lfl m'l 'lflffll~'lfl ffi\dO 11 FOR RENT-STORES & OPPICES Good references. · (9.!, u (9.!,U uu~u ~ uu~o 513 Davis St. Greenleaf 1617 FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU 528 DAVIS ST. 68L26-1tc FOR RENT-OFFICE FOR DOCTOR 845 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 4417-5055 GREENLEAF or dentist, well lighted, best location In BRIARGATE -· 62LTN26-ltc town. Immediate possession. Wlnn FOR RENT-HOUSES 382. 73LTN26-ltc ARE YOU JN NEED OF A SKILLED 67LTN26-ltc gardener, reliable couple, or good FOR RENT- SHOPS AND OFFICES. G. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 61. nurse, etc.? Call Elite Employment 73LTN8-Uc service, Superior 7481. 62LTN25-3tc WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO HAS JUST purchased a bouse and must sublease 77 FOB SALE-HOUSES POB B.NT-BOOJ18 his Winnetka home by May 1st. Conv. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Evanston location, 7 ·rms.. slpg. pch., 2 car FOR RENT-NICE PLEASANT RM. (Just South of Davis) garage. In excell. condition, and reawith large closet, suitable for couple ; Beautiful 5, 6 and 7 room apartments sonable rental. also single rm. %% blks. from transp. in 7 story fireproof building, In the Reas. Ph. Wilmette 3014. heart of Evanston. ONLY 1~ YEARS OLD. BRICK, TILR 66L26-1tp Appointed l(Jtb marble wood-burning fireroof, 6 be4rooma. 3 baths, sleeplq placeS Incinerators. electric refrigeraporch. On 1st ftoor, living room., II 2 VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS ATtors, btts elevators with uniformed 513 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1617 brary, open porch and lavatory and ' tractively turn. One exceptionally large operator& Doorman In attendance. Ga69LT%6-ltc toilet. Oil burner. electric refrtceratlon with twin beds. Conv. location. Breakrage In connection. incinerator, !-car garage. LancJaci.;;f fast. Ph. Wilmette !699. Read~ for Occupancy April 1st FOR RENT-GLENCOE lot. t00x187. Convenient to schools. Oifi INSPECTION INVITED 661.46-ltc Eight room bouse, corner Bluft and llallel Jllss Baumann. Rental ofBce on premises Ave. Four sleeping rooms, llvlntJ room areenleat fHO ROOM FOR RENT NEAR TRANSP. 24x16, H. W. Heat. Blg shade 67LTNZ6-ltp Gentleman only. 726 Pralrle Ave. Wiltrees, south front faclnc park, 1.03 Sheridan Roa4 Wilmette I'IM mette ff!. 86L22-tfc 'l7LTM1t-1te FOR RENT-2 ROOK KITCHENETTE block to school, arne to Skokie Club. apartment, steam heat, janitor service, Call Glencoe 119 for appointment. · Rent FOR IU:NT-FURNISHED ROOJIS BY near transportation. Call Wilmette ttS& per mo. Poese881on Jlay 1st. week or month. Phone Wilmette lUI IIORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 11 ~ 1800. 67LTNZ-tfc r 19LTNJt-1tc or 3346. HLTN20-tfc 528 DAVIS ST. AN INTERESTING LISTING OF THE MORE . DESIRABLE EVANSTON"2 RO~J:RTMENTS. 2541 Prairie AYe................... $55.00 3 ROOliS 2535 Prairie Ave. .. .. .. .......... 65.00 4 ROOlJS 2539 Prairie Ave. . ........... 70.00 & 72.50 724 Hinman Ave. . . . . . . . ....... 85.00 128 Main St. . ....... .'."............. 85.00 600 Sheridan Rd. . . . . . . . . 85.00 & 87.50 1138 Maple Ave. . ... .. .............. 90.00 613 Sheridan Rd. .. .. . ........... 90.00 820 Judson A \'e. : .................. 90.00 560 Sheridan S<J. . . . . . .. 95.00 & 100.00 1454 Oak Ave. . .................... 100.00 · 822% Forest Ave. . . . . . . . . . ..... 105.00 1518 Oak Ave ...................... 115.00 5 ROO:\IS 2539 Prairie A\·e. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..85.00 719 Hinman Ave. . .... ... 105.00 '& 110.00 1002 Crain St. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 126.00 7 46 Hinman Ave. . ... ·. ·........... 120.00 600 Sheridan Rd. . ... .. 120.00 & 135.00 570 Sheridan S<t. .. .............. 140.00 1100 Grove St.... ::..... .. . ...... 140.00 1456 Oak Ave. . ................... 150.00 Abbey-Garth Apts. . ..... 160.00 a& 175.00 6 ROO:\IS 820 Judson Ave. . . . . . ........... 150.00 723 Hinman Ave. . . :: ............ 150.00 824 Forest Ave. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .165.00 1107 Lake St...................... 180.00 1456 Oak Ave. . ..................... 190.00 602 Sheridan Sq · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 200·00 640 Sheridan Rd. . ..... . ........... 185.00 925 Michigan Ave. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 200 ·00 911 Sheridan Rd. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 250.00 7 ROOliS 1635 Hinman Ave................... 185.00 1641 Hinman Ave. · ......... · .. · .. 190.00 927 Hinman Ave................... 225.00 OFFICES 1718 Sherman Ave............... 45.00 up STORES tL p · · A 502535 and 25417'.~: raarae ve. · · · · · · · · .wv :Ed!IN&VITWE YOUR INQUIRllY 1ffi Phone Wilmette 698 CORNER FIFTH & LINDEN 418 Linden Ave. 69LTN26-ltc Beautiful 3, 4 & 5 room apartments, outside rooms. Ready for immediate ocGLENCOE, 690 GREENWOOD AVE., 8 cupancy. Agent on premses. rms., 2 baths, H. W. beat, oil burner, gar., large lot, fine hedge and trees, ! 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 blocks to sta. and school. 2 yr. lease, 67L26-ltc $150 per mo. Call Glencoe 561 for appointment. 69LTN26-ltc TN THE MOST EXCLUSIVE .SECTION 1---------~~---- of Evanston, surrounded by palatial FOR RENT-8 RM. STUCCO HOUSE, homes, overlooking a beautifully tersleeping and dining porches. Att. gar. raced garden, there is a 6 rm. apt. Hot water beat-oil burner. Conv. to offered for sublease at great saeriftce. transp. and school. Ph.. Wilmette 1468.· Need of more space makes this action 69LTN26-ltp necessary. New building, · near lake, close to excellent transportation, with FOR RENT-ATTRACTIVE LOG CABor without heated garage, gaM and In, 6 nns., 3 glazed and screened porchmechanical refrigeration included. 718 es., 2 baths double garage. Ht. water Noyes, Greenleaf 4523. 67LTN26-1tp ht. Ph. Wlnn. 146. 69LTN26-1tc FOR RENT OR SALE-2 APT. BUILD- SIX ROOM HOUSE, WINNETKA. GARing, near school and trans~· Each apt. age, sleeping porch, vapor heat, con6 rms .· large liv. rm .· with wood-burn. venient trans., schools. '$135. Winn. ftrepl. 3 bedrms., 1 with 10 window~!. 1174. 69LT26-ltp Porch. H. W. heat. Automatic water heater. Gar. Wooded corner lot. ATT. 6 RM. HOUSE S. W. WINNETKA. Winn. 1921. 67LTN26-1tp z baths. sleeping and sun porches, gar. Call at 270 Mary St., Glencoe. FOR RENT-3 AND 5 RM. MODERN 69LTN26-ltp apts. Genuine Frigidaire, best location, reas. rent. Im!:.uire at 7 ROOM STUCCO, 2 BATHS. HOT water heat with oil burner, large lot, convenient to transp. and school. 1 or Ph. Winnetka 382 526 Center St. 2 yr. lease. Glencoe 561. 69LTN26-1tc 67LTN26-ltc FOR RENT-2 RMS. FOR LIGHT TO RENT-7 RM. HOUSF.. 731 11TH housekeeping or 1 rm. with kitchen St., Wilmette. H. W. heat, gar.· lg. yd. $SO G Ph $110.00. Flentye. 729 Lake Ave.· Ph. priv. and 4 rm. apt. · ar. · \Vilmette 1382. 69L26-ltc Wilmette 1183 or 885-J. 67L26-1tp 6 RM. BUNGALOW WITH GAR. $100. 3 ROOM KITCHENETTE APT. 1 BLK. 3 blocks to steam and elec. sta. Owner, from Winnetka stations. Phone Winn. Briargate 6951. 69LT!6-1tc 2558. 67LTN24-3tc $65.00 MONTH-COZY 6 R.M. HOUSE 18 FOR RENT-FURN· .APT8. and garage, near Wilmette depot. can owner, Winnetka 1689. 69L26-1tp IDEAL FOR COUPLE OR THREE adults. Furn. apt. in The Hamilton. ,. th For details call 5 R., GAR. NR. LAKE, TRANSP., TO t f .,[ay 1s or 6 mon s. ' refined adults. Winn. 1630 eves. and IHI(Q)Jk~mli@JID JJ<eliDJk~ Suns. Mr. Pierce. 69LTN%6-itc QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. --------------------- -- ---------------------------------- FRANKLIN BLDG. & ------------------------ 1855 ·· .. 1519 HINMAN AVENUE INDIAN HILL CLUB VICINI'rY. BILLS REALTY, INC.

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