- -- ---~-·------- ---------&- WihaetteGiriWiaalliP . Pur/llB·Cio sB~· I· }," · · Hoaon at Lake . Fore~t · W.it~ler:· s orl .Year Of local interest is the announcement from Lake Forest college that several students from the north shore are included in the honor roll of 67 undergraduates who did work averaging .. B" or higher in all courses for the first term of the academic year. Eugenia Jones, a member of the sophomore cl~ss at the coUege, is 'the daughter of Dr. Hilton. Ira Jones of 1538 Forest avenue, Wilmette; Estelle Swigart, daughter of .R. B. Swigart, 1037 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, is also a junior; Miss Mary A. Tibbals, daughter of Mr. C. A. Tibbals, 511 Hawthorn lane, Winnetka; Miss Lois Truesdale, daughter of W. D. Truesdale. 570 Arbor Vitae road, Winnetka; Willard S. Crandall, '29, son of B. V. C rand a II, 515 Warwick road, a·nd Charlotte R. Erwin,- '31, daughter of Mrs. C. R. Erwin, 615 Warwick road, Kenilworth. All these students are graduates of New Trier High school with the exception of Mi'3s Truesdale who is a graduate of the North Shore Country Day schooL : ·. :·i· Sehtlofs ·Hutory Northwestern university closed its winter sport program this week with the greatest record in the athletic history of the school. In the six indoor spOrts the Purple teams tied for first in one ; took . third place in three others and won second in two. ~ive Purple athletes won Big Ten titles in their respective events. One of these five established a new world's record and the other a new national intercollegiate record. Northwestern won second place in swimming, taking two firsts, three seconds, two thirds and a fourth. AI Schwartz established a new National Intercollegiate mark in the 2ZO yard swim and Wally Colbath annexed the fancy diving championship. The water polo team tied with Illinois for first pla.ce, neither team being defeated.. Winning nine out of twelve conference games gave Northwestern third place in the Big Ten along with Wisconsin. · The team won 12 out of 17 games during the season, including a victory over Notre .Dame. It was the highest ranking attained by Northwestern in this sport in years. In the wrestling championships the Purple won two titles, the ortly school to . win more than one. Capt. Rudy Schuler won the heavyweight division and Ralph Lupton took the 125 pound event. The Purple took third place in the Big Ten Indoor track meet at Iowa City. Bill Droegemuelrer established a new world's record in the pole vault for a dirt track indoors with a leap of 13 ft. 2~ in. Johnny Gorby placed third in the half and AI Bagge fourth in the shot put. Purple fencers took third place in the Western Conference fencing championships. Zettleman won second in fencing and Fredericks took third in the sabers. ELECTION Ne For Highway Commissioner··: D JAMES A. WILLIAMS Dr. Cadman Lectures at Fint Methodist Church The Rev. S. Parkes Cadman, D. D., of Brooklyn, is speaking this evening :-and spoke la·.;t evening and Tuesday evening-at the First Methodist church under auspices of the John C. Shaffer foundation of Northwestern university. Dr. Cadman is president of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America and pastor of the Central Park Congregational church of Brooklyn. He was one of the leading figures at the World Conference of Faith and !lr~er at Lausanne. .The public is mv1ted to attend these lectures, which are free. The wedding of Madeline Drew . Truitt and Willard Cunningham will be solemnized Monday evening, April 2. at 8:30 o'clock in Christ church, Winnetka. Mrs. H. D. Hewitt and her daughter, Mary. of 824 Oakwood avenue, are spending the week-end in Bloomington, where they are visiting Mrs. Hewitt's sister. --o-. · In the Bindery enough to handle any "job" you want done; small enough to re_ t ain a true· '1Ppreciation of your particular neeqs. Isn't that your idea of your kind · of "print shop"? · LLOYD . HOLLISTER 1232-36 Central Avenue Wilmette 4300 Winnetka 2ooo Greenleaf 4 JOO Sheldrake 5687 Seventh Distrid Voten! INC. Wilmette Plump your votes for representative, general· assembly, at the Republlcan prhna.ry April 10 by marking your ballot In th1s wq : .................. are! A.ad -yolft for ao otler eaadldate ._ IB]Anna w..Ica.