Professional Standing is a mighty important thing with the funeral director of today. It is because he is truly a professional man that he has this feeling regarding the opinion of his fellows. This status of this organization is indicative of the time· we have spent to perfect the service we render.. We have achieved what success is ours- it dido' t just "happen." Superior An1bulance Service The Oldest Established Undertakers in Wilmette WILMETTE 6S4 WINNETKA . . Tbe Most Co·plete 'bee le~~Vlee oa tbe lfo·tb Sbo·e Power Sprayers - . Pneumati'c Cavity Machines THOMAS J ·. LYKCB TBBB SVBGBOII 564 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka -Glencoe 514-Winnetka 1294 Your automobile is oae thiD1 that we do aot wash at· this laundry. But II you wiD drop Ia with your bua~e as you drive by, our Uberal ·Brilla·and·C:aU Dis-· eouat wiD save you eaouah moaey to pve your ear at least oae extra wash ·ad poUsh every moath. . ELSON LAUNDRY 1210 Central Avenue Wilmette