Chiltlre· to Hun~ Eater Bu·ny'8 Treasure Sat·rday Thirty-seven new members were Should rain prevent the holding of added to the roll call of the Wilmette the annual Easter Egg hunt sponsored Chamber of Commerce · during the by the Wilmette Playground and Ree· · 1 · · reation board. tomorrow afternoon, the d rtve JUSt .comp e!ed, tt ":as reported hunt will be postponed u~til ~unday by the membership commtttee at the afternoon, Daniel M. Davts, darector ed. meeting of the Chamber la-3t Monday of recreation has announc_ The affair is to take place at 2 night. C. E. Randall of the Franklin Life o'c~o_c~ at the Village Green and the Insurance company addressed the ad~ommg Howard. sth~l grounds. members on the $Ubject of Life In· Wtlmette school chtldren m the fourth · 1 · b · grade and under, as well as pre-school sur~ncc: tn re alton to usmess or- aged children, will be eligible to pargamzabons. . . . ticipate in hunting the eggs. A_mong t}Jos~ JOmmg the Chamber Children of the first grade and undurmg the . drtver are Peter Barges, der will meet in the Howard school for Barges FrUit store; Dr. N. R. Barker; instructions and children of the second, B. H. Barnett of R. S. Hambly and third, and fourth grades will meet at Co., real estate brokers ; H o w a r d the tennis courts of the Village Bowen, architect: B. E. Busscher, Green. More than 1,000 eggs have been progrocer; A. Demopoulos, fruit store; Charles. N. Evans, attorney; E.. P. vided by the Recreation board and the Fa~ch, msurance; Charles A. Fl~mmg, members of the Special Occasions combudder; Paul P. Hardman of ~til and mittee had the responsibility of dyeStone; Roger R. Jenness, Ftrst Na- ing them · tional bank; Dr. L. W. Jones; Charles · H. Jackson, attorney; J. L. Knowles, M Anna--M----Di-. Wilmette Variety store; Elmer Kropp, n. uuar ea Wilmette Taylors; Paul Kruppa, conH t A- f 64 y tractor; S. C. Meyers, Teatro del Lago; ere a "~Se 0 earl Marcus Mick, Skokie Valley Coal Co.; Mrs. Anna Mussar, mother of Mrs. Leo Mickel, the Dutch Oven; George Mathia Herberholz of 147 Prairie aveMiller, Miller and Miller; G. I~. Pa- nue, with whom she has made her home . and Rubber Co. ; during the past four years, passed away nus hka, U . S. T 1re John J. Peters ; L. N. Place, Hill and at the age of 64 years last Saturday Stone; Dr. John Segsworth; Lo~;s C. morning following a long illness. FunSimmel, Club Vista del Lago; Ray H. eral services were conducted on Tuessm1'th· Sm1·th Bros. ; T . L. Seavey, day from the St. Joseph's church, the automobile dealer; Bernard Steiner, Rev. J. A. Neumann officiating. Burial plumbing contractor ; Esther R Stone, was at Memorial Park cemetery. Hill and Stone ; Mathew Thomson, NaMrs. Mussar is survived by her hustional Biscuit Co.; Dr. H. 0. Weishaar; band, Martin Mussar; two sons, Peter William R. Wilson, carpenter contrac- of Ontaria, Canada ; and Martin, residing tor; Walter H. Zibble, Fire Chief; and in Europe; and two daughters, Mrs. John A: Walsh, Chicago and North Theresa Wenzel of Ontario and Mrs. · Katherine Heberholz. Western railroad. SELLER OF GOO/)f~'"awnftfti Ceatnl ····. . aad 1. Plloaes Grocer, 510-511-512-513 '-. SPBCIAL APR.I L 6tb SPECIAL SATURDAY, APRIL 7TH ONLY·· ~ · · · · ... ' · J.,. F'l':~.~~~-~~ ~~~-~~~- ~~-..... ~o~~~~-~~ -~~~~~ ~~·...... FRESH COUNTRY EGGS. 36 28e Received from three to four times a week. Doz. . ............................... . FLOUR. There has been a decided advance in · the 'vholesale price of flour, indications are there will be another advance. % bbl. sack · LARD. Armour's Star, Pure Leaf, in 1 lb. cartons. Lb. . ................ . 37c $119 l&c · COFFEE. My own blend, equal to any of the high grade brands. Lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 s~~-~~-t~~ -~i~~ ~~~~~t:~ :~~~~ -~r~~~~~Y· 53c LAWN Albert Dickinson's Best Evergreen, lb. 3Sc; 10 lbs. . . . . . . SJ C ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~-.................. 36c GRASS SEED. S3\ 25 · Now-: a Complete c~~~~~ :!~!!n~~~ ~~~~ .....· .. &Oc R~~~~~~~. ~~~~~-~- . ~~~~~t~~: ..... : .S9e 1 P~~~~·. ~-~~~~ ~-~~ ~. ~~~~~- ..~~~ ~~z_~: IIic p~~~~-. -~-~~-~i~~:.... . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. 22c Peu. Baby Stewart tiny sifted sweet wrinkled ...... ...... Zlc Doz......... ............. $2.51 Beeta. · Plymouth Rock, cut. Large No. 2~ can ........ lSc Tomatoea. Plymouth Rock. Fancy solid pack. No.3 can 17c. Doz..... ·.. $2.11 No. 2 can IZJ'c. Doz. . ... $1.51 Ma,.oanaiae. Wright's. Large qt. jar lie. Pt. jar ............ 4Sc 8~-oz. jar . . .............. ZZc Crab Meat. Richelieu, the very best and choicest packed. Lb. can ........ .... ..... ...... ISc ~ lb. can ................. 4Sc With the approach of spring we are reminded that the usual house-cleaning season is at hand. Below are a few items which you might need. . ' Gold Daat. Large pkg. . ..... 2lc Kitclaea KJe...... 10 cans .... lie AJDericaa Fami17 Soap Flalrea. . Large · pkg. .. .............. Sic Ammoaia. Webbs. Standard of exce,lence and purity. Large qt. bottle 33c; pt.......... Jic P.U.. Galvanized. 10 qts. Each, ._ .,._ .......................... lie GOotl Lack Scnlt B....._ ... Jic ........_ No. 10, exceptional value ...................... lie Cryatal Wlaita Boraz Soap Flab.. Large pkg. . ...... De SMALL GIFf SHOP which will enable you to niake your selections of Gifts for BIRTHDAYS, SHOWERS and all kinds of PARTIES without the inconvenience of making a long trip from your home. This NEW GIFT SHOP will specialize in small gifts ranging in price from 50c to $2.00. A Large Assortment to Choose From BOOKS Toys for Children and Adults Score Padl FaiJors Perfumizers Place Cards Stationery Vases Card Game Sets In fact, small gifts of all kinds. We invite yo1:1r inspection and assure you of service and satisfaction. RIDGE AVE. GIFr SHOP C. C. RENNEC,KAR Oppolit· St. IORpb Cbrucb, Adjoining PIMttrMCrJ Telephone I '11 Wilmette APRICOTS. F-ey Blealaeim. l.b. . ... .................. .3Zc Cand,. Easter Egga. Chocolate M a r s h m a 11 o w. Egg size. Doz. . . .................... Zic Pan Manhmallow. Assorted sizes and colors. Lb.. ... . .31c Chocolate Molauea Chip. Lb., 3lc C h o c o I a t e Dip Caramels. Lb. .................... ... .41c C h o c o Ia t e Peaaat Goocliea. Lb . ......... ... ... ... ... . . .Jic ~.MarahmaDowa. Campfire bulk, alwavs fresh. Lb. .. .·..... 34c 12-oz. tin .................. Z7c Fruit Salad. None Such, only the choicest of fruit used. Large No.2~ can ............... 41c Doz....... .. ............. $5.51 RoJal Aaa White Cherriea. Plymouth Rock. Large No. 2~ can ..................... 37"c Doz. ................. .... $4.35 JeD,.. Webhe's pure fruit and s u g a r . 8-7-oz. jars, assorted ..... ... ........... $lAS Large 12-oz. jar .......... 3lc Pre·· na. Ma Brown, pure fruit and sugar. Strawberry, Rasp. berry,_ Peach, Apricot, Cherry . :and _Blackberry. Larg~ 16-oz. jar ........................ 3Zc Peachea. Baby Stewart Lemon . Cling, sliced. Large No. 2~ can ....................... ZSc Doz.. .... ............... .P-11 Aaparapa Tipa. Richelieu Na. tural No. 1 square tins. Can Jlc. Doz.... ... ................. . CO.... N._ Durand-McNeil-Horner Co.'s best quality. Can ....................... 14c Doz.......................... · . , ·. . .. ·. · . ·· s-. Americaa Fami17 ···....,. Soap. 10 bars ................... lie IYOJY Soap. . , 10 large bars ............ $1.11 10 mediu~n bars ......... 761 · Toilet Paper. Saraha White . Crepe Tissue. 12 large rolls, · MateJa-. Richelieu. 6 large boxes . in .................. . ·