JheoModeof the Tailored Coat In the price rangelrom $95 to $225 there are some really remarkable Coats which portray all the vivid style personality so dominant in the creations of A roller-skating meet for children under 14 years of age will be the next public activity sponsored by the Wilmette Playgroupd and Recreation board and is scheduled to t~ke place Friday morning, April Zl. at Laurel avenue and Third street. The meet will begin at 9 o'clock. The children to participate have been classified into four . di!,isions, class A composing boys and girls under 8 years of age; class B, under 10 years of age ; c~ss C, under 12 years of age ; and class D, under 14 years of age. Events will be called in the following order: Miss Helen M. Bennett, director and originator of the Women's World fair, Chicago, is again organizing workers and entries for the annual spring mart representing women's accomplishments in every line. · .Miss Bennett has frequently spoken to various north shore audiences and has a wide acquaintance and personal friendship here. t o'eloek 50-yard dash-class A girls. One-legged raca (one skate on and one oft)-class A girls. 50-yard dash-class A boys. One-legged race-(!lass A boys. 50-yard dash--clafls B girls. One-legged race-class B girls. Double race-class B girls (two skating together). 50-yard dash-class B boys. One-legged race--class B boys. Double ~lass B boys. l l o'eloek tOO-yard dash--cla.b~ C girls. One-legged race-class C girls. Double ~lass C girls. 100-yard dash-class C boys. One-legged race-class C boys. Double ~lass C boys. ll o'rloek 100-yard dash-claBS D girls. Double race-class D girls. Three-legged race-class D girls. 100-yard dash-claBB 1) boys. Double race-cb.ss D boys. Three-legged. race-class D boys. An Apology A veritable triumph of desi!Jllins is this smartly tailored model in em· 6roidereclNavy Brameena $££5 To our customers on the North Shore we express regrets that we were unable to complete the addition to our EVANSTON BRANCH on schedule. While the new store is not quite finished we are able to display most of the new stock of SILVER and GIFTS which have been selected for the Spring Weddings. Strut Drasa and Frocks SPAULDING&. CO. 1636 ORRINGTON AVENUE EVANSTON The pronounced style effects of Youthful Modes, priced from $59.5o appeal alike to Loth Matron and Debutante