. . LIPE Rabbi Louis Mann. heht~ errices· at for Theta Bridge PartJ .. tion IsraeL ifteeath street announce the mar- the North Shore Coagr Tickets ·for the Kappa Alpha Theta . of their daughter, Mary Ethel, Friday ·evening, AprirJ~ · ..!l'he subj~ct to Howard F. McMurdie, youngest of his discourse wai, · " Freud Psycho- alumnae association bridge party to lOll of Mr.· and Mrs Frank McMurdie Analyzes Religion:·; it being a discus- take place at the Country club, Wedof kalamazoo, Mich, which took place. sion of his latest book,. '~Tiie Future of nesday. April 18, at 2 p. m. are now Karch 31, at Washington, D. C. an Illusion." : beiq sold by the alumnae and the active chapter. Mrs. Harold Boyle, Mrs. Katherine Neiweem of 2032 Miss Ida Krumbein of Chicago Wihnette avenue entertained her chit- spent the las~ week-end with Mr. and 2002 Colfax street, Evanston, has been icket3 with ~~ rs. dren and grandchildren at a family Mn. George E. Tarnow of 126 Fourth placed in charge of t_ reanioo on Easter, the occasion being street. Miss Krumbein is a niece of L. E. Mitten of Winnetka. This · year is the fifth the Thetas · her seventieth birth~ay. There were 1 Mrs. Tarnow. Mr. and Mrs. Charles present · forty -two ch1ldren and grand- Enger of Chicago also were visitors have given a subscription bridge in the spring to benefit the house fund. Both children. at the Tarnow home. floors of the club be thrown open to the affair. Mrs. George Peaks, who has been chairman of prizes in other years, is again at the head of the committee assisted by Mrs. Frank T. Murray, Mrs. Ericsson McLaughlin, Mrs. Frank Oates, Mrs. John Herrick, Mrs. Julian Smith of Wilmette, Mrs.}. G. S. Orchard and Mrs. E. 0. Blomquist. In charge of refreshments are Mrs. Joe R. Weese, chairman, Mrs. George Smith, Miss Ruth Marshall, Mrs. Thomas B. McMartin of Rogers Park, Mrs. P. T. Miller, Mrs. Harold Boyle. Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Mrs. Mitten, Mrs. Norris K. Levis, Mrs. William ·v. Bardwell and Mrs. J. C. Elliff. j/ 13, 1928 KAaaJAGE llr. aad Mfs. A. C. Jackson of 932 DISCUSSEs. Jtitltui) TICicela Pi-.1 0:.. Sale · Fretl'k B. Thoiluu ReJ~orl Numer081 North Shore Deals to · "house cleaning" and all A that it solution symbolizes, is a few words to the HAPPY Frederick B. Thomu and company report a .very active market in Win: netka and Glencoe for ~cant property. particularly in sites for large residences. They have recently closed sales aggregating $200,000, among them: The northeast corner of Locust road and Avoca avenue, comprising 2 1/3 acres, to Chester F. Ericson of Gorrell and company, ·for Martin Lindsay; over an acre on Winnetka avenue to Joseph G. McNabb, president of Bell & Howell, for J. G. Hubbell ; to Charles S. McCoy of . M.arshall Field and company, for I. A. Esch, 225 feet OR Chestnut avenue and Hill road; to Carroll Shaffer of the Chicago Evening Post, 1~ acres on Ardsley, a private road in Skokie View subdivision: for Sarah McD. Burlingham, '200 feet on Spruce street ; and 67 feet at the northwest corner of Westmoor and Rosewood to Harold H. Egan; also 100 feet on South avenue near the Skokie Golf club in Glencoe for Ernest Kimball to John W. Wilder of Evanston; and the following residences: to Robert }. Linn, Jr., the 7-room residence of ]. Ward Butler at 315 Poplar street; to Leon C. PRESENTED WTIH TOKEN Hunt the 8-room residence of Eugene Two hundred guests attended the attractive get-together given the Club C. Marble at 844 Lincoln avenue. Vist!l del Lago Tuesday evening at the Opera club. Commodore G. Stuart Millen Hardware to Hold BJackton presented Mellen C. Martin Demonatntion of Lacquer of Winnetka a gold membership card A lacquer demonstration of unusual with the club se~l and hjs own signature ~s a token of the club's appre- interest will be held at the Millen · ciation · of the valuable services he Hardware store, 1219 Wilmette averendered. Construction work on the nue, April 16, 17 and 18. A factory club was resumed Tuesday of last expert is to make the demonstration, week. applying the material to small articles which those who attend the demonstraMr. anQ Mrs. Elias Markens, with tion are invited to bring to the store, their son, Elias, }r., and their daugh- having the work done without charge. ter, Harriet ] ane, of 120 Dupee place, Free soil tests will also be made at just have returned after spending their Millen's store Monday, April 16. Easter vacation in Detroit with their Amateur gardeners have been invited son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and to bring to the store a tablespoon of and Mn. Dustan Cooper. Mrs. Coope.r soil from their gardens which will be was Miss Helene Markens. tested for acidity. will Washington Laundry Man. Give him the things that make house cleaning a task . . . blankets and quilts · . . pillows . . . curtains . . ·. slip covers ·.. rugs. He will return them clean, ready to wear or put away. The Washington Laundry WILMETTE 145 ?«ck, Hetilth!J Turf Noarlahea the roota OJrJ~fW '1011, 8od promotes rapid, colorful powtb. For laWDa, Dt'dene, abrube and tre& Ins, 10,25, so aDd 100 lb. bap, ac. HUBERT HOFFMAN, FLORIST Bldre Road. P·oae Wilmette . . . VAUGHAN'S SEED 8TOBE, CHICAGO l ..