·April 13, 1928 WILMBTT .L"I'PB W almette Scouts last Thursday four Thirty-one Scouts and Scoutmasters· articles of handicraft were entered for of Wil~nette, K.~nilworth and G~encoe the honor bar. Wilbert Kunz patrol ' returned last Saturday followmg a week of fun and work in the Spring leader of the Rattlesnake patrol, got Camp, held throughout the Easter va- the bar for a large knot board which cation at the Cabin in the Woods in· h~ had made. All of the various kinds the Forest Preserve west of Glencoe. of knots were worked out and the secThe camp, it is reported by the boys, tion Qf rope. fastened .on the board. was a glorious success." The 31 Scouts John Dernehl got 25 pomts toward the were ~ivided into four patrols and an efficiency contes~ on a large . patrol otgamzed program was followed each box. Charles Stales got . 15 poants on day. The inter-patrol contest, won by a telegraph set and Martm Heberholtz the Hoot Owl patrol, was one of the got 10 points on a knot board. Witbig features ot the outing. Although bert Ku~z did not get any points beit rained-to be exact-two and one- cause he got the bar. W~ had the third days out of the four days spent regular opening ceremony, drill and in camp, the showers failed to dampen various awards of merit. -Roger Delauder, Troep 8. the Scouts' ent~usiasm and not one word of complamt was heard at any · time. BEAVERS OF TROOP 4 OUT Scout Executive Walter McPeek reports that the boys "really placed . the The Beaver Patrol of Wilmette 'co' in co-operate" by working in com- Troop 4 has worked out a scheme that plete harmony with their Junior Offi- is a success. They meet at the St. cers and Camp directors despite the Augustine's church every Monday bad weather. A purple leather necktie evening. They have a patrol efficiency was given each "honor camper," an contest. :fhe Scouts get their points award that won great favor with the by passing tests, being at troop meetboys. ings, patrol meetings and winning The four patrols were as follows : games. At the end of the month the Hoot Owl patrol-Bruce Kenyon, 4, winner gets a prize. patrol leader ; Craig Stoddard, 4, assis-Robert Werden, Troop 4. tant patrol leader; Mark Stoddard, 4; Jack Sinding, 13; James Laing, 13; and Bob Fletcher, 2; Raven patrol- Betak, 22, patrol leader ; Kermit Simon, Jack De Beers, 22, patrol leader; Paul 6, assistant patrol leader; Tom TemSterner, 4, assistant patrol leader; ple, 1 ; Billy Klein, 3; Jack English. 2; Walter Hughes, Walter Roberts, Cam- Allan Rossman, 2; and David Hendereron Brown, Harry Keator, and Bur- son, 4. ton French, all of Troop 22 of GlenGeorge Bersch of Troop 4, Wilmette, coe; Cuckoo patrol-Bob . King, 2, served as Senior Patrol Leader and patrol leader; Philip Brooks, assistant supervised the eats. Sidney Davis, aspatrol leader ; Harry Shank, Bud sistant Scoutmaster of Troop 10. asHoward, Bill Youngquist. Davis Lott, sisted the camp directors in the direcand Gordon Cutler, all of Troop 2 of tion of the program. Gordon Cutler Wilmette; Bob White patrol-John served as Scribe. 61 31 Scout~ Attend Wilbert KUDZ Wina Honor Georp a..cJa Coolm a would better ·be tel'llled a bird ..,wiai," "Mean" Meal Sa· Scoata The birds were usually in a tree over Sprint Camp at the Bar ia Troop 8 Coa~t ~ about waist deep in water. But taking The thirty Scouts at · the Spring. it all in aU we had a aood time. , Cabin in the Woods ~t the meeting of Troop 8 of the Camp at the Cabin in the Woods last -Bill Youngquist, Troop 2. week sat down to some good meals cooked by George Bersch of Troop 4. Troop 2 had the largest attendance at the c,mp, having 10 boys present. There was a hare and hound chase and some of the boys followed· a blind trail through the river. Most of the boys passed many tests. There was a point contest which was won by the Hoot Owl patrol which is going to get a cake. Bob King led a bird hike which ' "NORTH END" CAMP The Spring Camp for Scouts of the North Shore Area council from High· land Park and the rest of the north· ern section· of the Area wiD be held from April 17 to April 20. The program will be similiar to that followed by the Wilmette, Kenilworth and Glen· coe Scouts and will be held at the · Cabin in the Woods. EVERYTHING ~ MITOMOIILE ···DIG 1118.BC'I'IOR BLB" C 'IBICAL 1. Clean and adjust Spark ~lugs. 2. Clean . and Points. NEVER. CLOSED adjust Contact 3. Test Motor for proper tim- A Complete Check .. Over of Your Car for Spring Motor - electrical - clutch - transmission - axle and steering - brakes - body - universals - change of oil and thorough . greastng. If these jobs were taken individually the cost would be approximately S?5.0.0. We are .grouping them under a spnngttme reconditioning for ing, and tighten chain if necessary. 4. Clean, tighten and grease The Largest Motor Repair Shop · m Wilmette Battery Ter~inals. 5. Put water in Battery. 6. Clean Com1nutator on Starter and Generator. 7. Adjust generator charging for summer driving. 8. Oil Starter and Generator. 9. Test Battery and Ignition Coil. s25.oo Flat Rate Let ·Us Reline Your Brakes 10. See that all Lights are working properly. Thia will tusure that the cat ia in ·fir1t claa electrical condition at a colt of from $2.50 to $4.50. · With our modern equipment we c~n give you a factory job on your brakes ustng the best materials and do t~ job for less. Lake Avenue Garage A. H. MODINE. Pcop. "Jl1 M~~TREET GeMelli Rt,.Uing, Owcbculing, Lake Aveaae arar Ridae AYeaae Stor~~ge, Exptn Mechnic· Phone Wilmette )O.fO 'h~ib,yCoi J.C.a.wa