· t Just about tbis time of year everyone nttds a tonic to brace him up after tbt 1igors of Winter. A National Habit and a Good One! The purest form of democracy wt find today is on ex hibition at any kid ball gamt t Tht gay whose dad owns tht department store and tht junkman's youngster art all on tht samt footing whtn they line up for a ball game. If tht rich man's son has some "staf" on what ht dtlivers- ht pitches. If the poor man's boy can "hold him"- ht catches. Bat no matter bow load a noise his dad makes in tht business or social world, tbtrt just naturally ain't a CHANCE for a boy to oar in on a ball lot unless he's PERSONALLY GOT SOMETHING to contribute. And a nation ma~: up of mtn whose youth bad that sort of youthful training is sure to get along right keen when bigger problems than a ball tram confront them. They have . formed tht HABIT of thinking QUALITY ia men rather than POSITION. . And NOW comes the problem of turning this thought. whach sorta bubbled out today, into something of value to ME as a business man here in town. We believe that THIS STORE has SOMETHING TO CONTRIBUTE to this community ·and that the town would MISS this "shopping point" if we moved out. Certainly · we' vt done our darndest to QUALIFY on the ~tam and wr BELIEVE meb~e we·ve MADE GOOD! If you feel different, why we're certainly not going to QUIT but will just elect ourself "water boy!" And this is Spring. Gene. Good Tooth. Brushes Are Eisential to Peptona Is " Our Best Tonic." Your Health It's pleasant to take. turb the ~tomach. Will not dis- Gives you suength and pep. Will enrich your blood. An extra large bottle for · Modern hygiene has taught us the importance of healthy tttth. To do our best work- we must be in good physical condition. Kup your teeth ciean. The Kl~nzo T oorh Brull~tl art made of good quality bristles and are designed to fit the mouth. Every one in a sanitary individual · container. $1.00 Rennec:kar's ., htt SltJI'I Wilmette, llliaoia Pbona 28-29 n.,_,, ... Renneckar's Wilmette, IWaoia SOc Only One Store-Central.and Wilmette Aves. Give your table new charm for Spring! Spring is no longer a time of mere house cleaning but of bouse renewing, as well. Of first importance is your table. Does it gleam with the beauty of fresh silver, or is its charm marred by a few pieces out of style or tht worse for wear? In any case, you will be interested to see our showing of table ;silver in the very ilewest patterns. We'll gladly endeavor to match any pieces or supply whatever ~dditions you may require. Visit us-today. MECHANICAL FIRST AID We render mechanical· first aid day or night. When that clutch is slipping, that tire flat, the motor won't start call Wilmette SO. Only experienced .mechanics work on your car, thereby assuring you of only the finest class work. Day and Night Service MILLER&·MILLER 732 Twelfth St. Geor1e Miller Phone Wil. 50 Leo Miller DOMINIC PAGLIARULO 1166 1..,.,_ II O,.W. Wilaeae Aw. ...._ w-.a..a. I J .,..,. in IM - - loalfioa 1061