.WJLMET.TE ~IFE April Zl, 1928 cmrouct TOllY HOURS Students from the National Kinder~eiJ and Elementary college will te1l stories at eaeh of the Story Hours .;onducted under the supervision of the Children's department of the Wilette Public library during the montli of ¥ay, it was announced this week by Kiss Winifred Bright, children's librarian. Miss Polly Perkins ·will tell a story at the Story Hour this Saturday. The Board of Education of New Trier ·High school has recently accepted the offer of the Wilmette State bank of three prizes to be awarded each year for the purpose of encouraging pro~ciency in business subjects at New Traer. The awards-in gold-will be presented each year to the senior students of. the Commerce depa~tment ?f The Delta Upsilon fraternity is giv- New Traer who rank the haghest m ing its spring party Saturday evening, s~holarship and in other qualities desara~le am on~ young men and wo~en, May 5. parbcula~l:y m the field of bankmg. To be ehg1ble ~ student must have attended New Tner five or more semesters. The winners of the prizes, which will be awarded some time in May, will be selected by the five teachers in the Commerce department. Saaitary Prizes have been offered for some time by several residents of the township to encourage good work in various departments of the school. This is the first offer, however, from a township business organization. Music Groups Plan Coauama Stacleata Have · 'Mn. EJiuheth Becker il ·Awarcla for Pro&cienq SUIIIIDOileCI hy Death Apr. ZS Spring Concert at Mrs. Elizabeth Becker, 816 Sixteenth street, passed away Wednesday morning, April 25, at the St. Francis hosgital in Evanston, following a brief allness. She was 66 years of ag'e. Requiem high mass will be held this morning at 10 o'clock at St. Joseph's church. Burial will be at St. Boniface cemetery. Mrs. Becker is survived by her busband Herman H Becker· a son John' J. Schomm~r of Chicago; tw~ brothers, John Kummer of Chicago and Peter Kummer of San Diego, Cal. ; and two sisters, Mrs. M. W. Dye of New York City and Miss Susan Kummer, a sister of the Order of Poor Handmaids of Christ of Fort Wayne Ind. ' ' Mrs. Becker had resided in Wilmette for the past seven years. She was an active member of St. Mary's society of St. Joseph's church. Howard Auditorium The Senior orchestra, with the assistance of the Boys' and Girts' Glee clubs from both the Stolp and Howard schoois, are again busying themselves in pre(!aration for the annual Spring concert. . Good sportsmanship has, as always, been the keynote of this year's work. The orchestra has given two concerts, one each in Glencoe and Highland Park, thereby experiencing the privilege of helping the 'schools in those towns to form organizations similar to ours. From reports both schools are now boasting of established and prosperous orchestras ·and we wish them the best. Now the orchestra wishes to do something tangible for its home town, and this concert is the means they have ·chosen to accomplish that end. The boys and girls Wf!n~ to give an hour or so of pleasure ·and ask the opportunity of returning the admission fee to the patrons-a rather odd re, quest. This is the plan : Last year, as a result of co-operation, a Haynes silver flute, a French horn and two Buffet clarinets were purchased. The use of these instruments has been gratis with the understanding that the prospective pupil agrees to take private lessons and practice the time suggested by his ina r we would like iO structor. This ye_ add more instruments which will be available under the same circumstances. Mrs. Clark and Miss Scheidler, together with the Glee clubs, are putting forth every effort to help make this possible. Now all they need to complete ·the program is a full house. The date is May 11 The place is Howard auditorium The time is 8:15 P. M. ICE-0-LATOR Refrigeration with Ahsolate Silence (See Page 10) Mrs. Eva Blake Glau Dies at Augusta, IU. Mrs. Eva Blake Glass. formerly of Wilmette and Evanston, passed away Monday, April 23. Funeral services were conducted from the family residence in Augusta, 111., with burial at Augusta. Mrs. Glass was born in Evanston October 11, 1869. She resided in Evanston until 1898, when she moved to Wilmette, and making her home with her brother. Edgar 0. Blake, who formerly lived at 921 Tenth street. She was a teacher in the Kindergarten of the Wilmette schools until her marriage October 8, 1914, to Albert S. Glass of Augusta, Ill., where she lived at the time of her death. Mrs. Glass as survived by her husband and her brother, Edgar 0. Blake of 2518 Central Park avenue, Evanston. · Boys Get Tuned Up for .......................... Annual Marble Tourney PARTY GIFTS Parties for the children can be made more of a success when you· come to us for favors. Faoors Toys Games Books Nooelties Ridge Ave. Gift Shop Oppoaite St. Joseph Cbu.rcb Phone 171 Wilmette Marbles are next on the program of th<· \\'ilmette Playground and Recreation board. The annual tournament will be held Thursday, :May 12, at Stolp school grounds, it was announced from the board today. · The meet will begin at 9 o'clock in the morning and will follow the same line of events as the one of last year, the contestants choosing whether the game will be · "Big Ring". or "Fat." Any grammar school boy is eligible to participate in the tournament. Boys in grades under the sixth will contest in the Junior division and the boys in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades will compete in the Senior division. AJI boys interested in entering the PLANS CAMP SEASON tournament may register with Glen W. Robert W. Townley, Kenilworth Gathercoal before May 12, or may report at the Stolp school grounds that recreation director, is now making o spend the coming season at plans t_ morning. Duke Child's camp, Owakonza in Mrs. Joseph Campbell entertained Canarla. This wiJI be his fourth' seaa group of friends Thursday after- son at the ~amp and he will again noon at the residence of her daughter, be accompamed by a number of KenilMrs. Ralph Moody, 1235 Ashland ave.:- worth boys with whom he has worked for th_ e past several years. nue, with whom she lives. -oThe Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority Mrs. Irving B. Babcock, 229 Essex has set the date for its informal spring road, Kenilworth has returned from a party as Friday evening, May 11. The visit to Detroit. Prior to this visit party will take place at the sorority Mrs. Babcock spent a month i~ Florida. house. · I ' Hold Court of Award for KenDworth Scout Troops The regular monthly Court of Award for Kenilworth Scouts was held -last Tuesday night. Twelve Scouts of Troop 13 were presented by Scoutmaster Robert W. Townlev for Merit Badge awards; George Manlove re- · ceived First Class Scout standing and John Beckman was made a Second Class Scout. The Court was composed of Robert Burns and Harry Weese, assisted by Field Executive W. T.e d Grant. Merit Badge awards were as follows: Roger Barrett, Music and First Aid to Animals; John Beckman. Woodworking and Music; Billy Brassert, Interpreting and Basketry; Claude Hamilton, Basketry; Robert Knauer, Woodcraft; James Laing, W oodcarving: George Manlove, Music and Woodcarving; Ben Matthews, Woodworking; Tom Sinding, Swimming and Electricity ; Tom Smythe, Carpentry and .Woodcraft; 'rom White, Woodcarvmg and Art ; and Alphonse Verschure, Basketry. WHEN I SENT HIM A~ A BlRTKDAY GIFT THAT BOX OF FINE C&GAR'i FR.OM CRA-z.V,EH Ill ~RIOOE A_Vf PHARMACY Cigars for Uncle Henry and his Brother Ben. Candy for the folks at home and for the girl you're trying to please. This is a (amity meeting place .-.·. a drug store of superior service. SCRIBLERUS CLUB MEETS The Scriblerus club of New Trier High school met last week at the home of Delma Caldwell, 930 Linden avenue, Wilmette. The Scriblerus club is the writers' club, membership being given only to those whose literary contributions for "tryouts" are deemed of sufficient high caliber by the members of the club. Mrs. Elmer L. Young of 218 Dupee place entertained at -luncheon and bridge on Monday afternoon. There were three tables in play. ---o. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo H. Kuhl and dJlughter, Jean, of 630 Maple avenue, have returned from a three weeks ~tay in French Lick Springs, Ind. RIDGE AVENUE PHARMACY Opposite St. Joseph SchOol C. C. Rennecka,- Phone Wilmette 316