Do Your Hot ter Tell the Truth? With an EverHot Automatic Gas Water Heater in the basement they aiways mean what they say. Hot water plays an important part in the every day life of the entire family. It is one of the greatest factors in efficient housekeeping. No greater comfort can be brought to any home _ than a constant supply of running hot water at every faucet. I - - . The EverH~t Heater is entirely automatic; it will deliver a constant supply of hot water without any thought or attention and at a minimum cost for gas. For Sound Advice In the selection and proper installation of an automatic water heater, consult your local plumber. His experience with all types of water heaters will be an invaluable aid to you in getting the proper beater for your home. Your local plumber will be glad to help you solve your hot water problem. Phone him now·. EVERHOT DEALERS IN NORTH SHORE DISTRICT Kartla Jaeolt·ea w. B. Laeke Wa. Ian N. 1. Kerpa"al·r Pretl 0. NtiMa Benard 8telaer Joe ltelaer A. 8. Xeieaaa WILMETTE . . . Wlbaelte fU Bl418 . _ . tat Lake lt. 711 Prairie A.Ye. lftl WDaelte .l.Ye. 1117 Ceatnl A.Ye. llf. B. 8allroat AYe. EVANSTON WIL I WIL . . WIL 81 WIL_. WIL IMI WIL . . Aaerleaa PIJw. A BeaU.· Ce &eo. Beek lolla CaldD I. C. Carter A.. 1. Cllaal81oa Ball COel A.. 1. Clle·ter Pre4 Plater w. u. &ren BU'Q' . . . . . &eorp ItaratJ' wn. tnt ·-......... .......... 1111 Beatoa A.Ye. at 8rot'e IL KENILWORTH IH W. Railroad AYe. Kea. 1711 Cea&ral lt. _.. Cea&ral lt. 7M Waallla.... lt. 1111 BarriHa lt. 1118 1fellt7 .l.Yt. .......... Georre Wood :Max Flake VIe. 1. Ihllu, lae. Georn Park WINNETKA 17t Ill 711 171 Cater IL Ceater lt. Oak IL VIae .l.Ye. Waller B. Ie··· A. w. )[,-Je C. B. ·eArtll·r Gleaylew Plltl'· Co. GLENCOE · Venoa AYe. 174 Venoa .l.Ye. M8 Greeawooe AYe. , ....... , .·.. Wlaa. Ill lflaa. Iff n &lea. lltl GltL 1111 GleL Ill - ... ......... I · ·· IreJel GLENVIEW Wa·kepa Road Gl·aYiew IU·B Jlortoa Qroye ti·K NOes Ceater II· R NOel Ceater 41 MORTON CROVE NILES CENTER Geor·e Bowad lelia B. L IoDI&Il ·· L. O'Kalla DaTW Park Coara4 lell··l··er A.. . . . . . . . . Gee... lwlft ··re ·oore ··n Railroad A.Ye. A. Iau Georl't N. Xe,-er Llaeola A.Ye. . . . . 8&. Perry wauaee Geerp WI"· llt-1 Oak .l.Ye. IMI Ceatral lt. ltll Prairie A.Ye. .... Cellai: ... 1111 anal IL Ml Cllleap AYe. ·· Cllleap .l.Ye. lltl 811eniaaa .l.Te. 1711 ···raaa A.Yt. lllf Ceatnl lt. lDI Cldeqo .l.Ye. stt c11an11 at. Jill 1J· BaiJroa4 .l.Ye. Ual. 1':1 UIIL 711 UIILUIIL ·11 81HL IIIII UIII.INI UIIL Ill Ulll. It· &reeL IIH &reea. lfll Ual. Ill UaL 1111 Ual.ll UIIL Ill Ual. 1111 UaL 1171 UIIL 1111 UaL til UaL 1171 uat.· Ual.lfl U·L- Chicago Office, 4619 N. Western Ave. Phone Longbeach 5889-90