PablUh«l WftldfJ bfJ the abool thddrm ol Wilmette IIIJder tupmJiaon of Wil~ttt PIIIVJtound 11nd RtcrtatiotJ Botztd. LIFE L!~ ~ · Told Pupils ' by I Receive Athletic ArDards at Stolp Assembly Apr. Z4 WJLMETTE, ILtiN OIS, MAY 4, 1928 / .., · ... ~· Two View/loints on Hot Dot Sale On Tueeclu, AprO the pupila of the Stolp echoof bad their ant assembly TH B.,-er alnce Jut February. "There certainly Is a crowd here. I It opened In the UBUal way, a ftag hope I don't ba'Ve to stand in line a 8&1ute and the slngtnc of America~ After lonr: Ume. No, I'm sorry I can't lend this Kl8a Hayes, the principal, turned you a. dime, that's all I'm supposed to the aaembly over to Daniel Jtf.. Davis, spend. Hey 'Peggy you know me, hand the recrea.Uon director. me over one of those hot dogs will you? Jlr. Davis gave a short talk on What you haven't got change for a atllletlea and then he called up three Quarter? Well, don't forget I:ve got 15 bop wboee work on their respective cents coming to me. Gee, that candy buketball teams had been outstanding. over there surely looks good; guess I'll Jack Stac~ouse gave a short talk on spend another nickel. Say Mary Jane, the work of the Pee Wee tt>am. The Pee o. you're waiting on someone else. Oh Weee had a bad season, winning one ThaHa please give me two cents worth and losing five. of this and some of that, a ll'ttle of those. Colin Finlayson represented the light- Yes those. Have you sold out already? welcht team whose season was excellent. You surely did quick work. Well it's . They won five and lost one. This team over but we had a lot of fun, didn't we?" was one of the best Wilmette ever had. Tile S.Jetmaa George Quinlan was the last speaker, "The crowds are gt>ttin~ worse every represenUng the hea vyweigbts whoee sea- minute. I don't suppose they will stand son aa also .successful. They won five in line, they all crowd around so. Please and lost tbne. walt just one minute. I can't walt on Kr. Gathen:oal. or "Hap,'" as he Is everyone at once. I ha\·en·t any change, cal! then awarded letters and stripes walt a second and I'll go get some. No, I to dane bop, Otta Gooch. Kenneth Kll- can't let you have a hot dog on credit, ler aad BIU Larlee-< He aJeo awarded rm sorry. Will I ~th-e you a hot dog stripes to Paul Soule. Jack Stackhouse, for nine cents? Well- 1 guess so. Are Colin Finlayson, Cecil Williams, Frank all the hot dogs and sandwiches gone Church, Hugh Saxon, George Eber, already? "We could h ave sold Io~s more Qeorwe Quinlan and Ray Kimball. These. if we had had them. Wtll that s over. boye receiYed their letters during foot- It surely was a rustle but after all it baD eeuon. To be ellclble for letters and . was a lot of fun, wasn't it?" . stripes you must have played in fifty' The candy sale wal" held Aprll 25. per cent ·of the came& · ReaUy we did have a lot of fun and we llr& Clark. the music supervisor, then made $15.15 profit.-Thalia Little, 8C led tile pupils in four soncs, ..America Stolp. Ute Beautiful," ..8alllntr.'· ·-carry Ve Back to Old Virginia,'· and ..Auld Lang Syne." and the assembly was dismissed. ~e _ Anderson, SC Stolp. 2·. The foUowlng people received tickets to the Norshore theater for wrftlng the best article In the JUNIOR LIFE for April 21: Eleanor Culver, Roller Skating story Lauretta Anderson, Goldfish story Emma Bickham, Recital story Donald Rogers. short story Florence Read, sport story Bob Hess, sport story Helen Born Edward Solomon, Court of Review story Mazie Mouat, Music Club story Alice Dernebl, Telephone story Maryane Donahue, Shrub editorial Ruth Sanderson, Offtcers' election story Ross Skelton, sport story Muriel Meye r and Betty Paddock, Travelogue club story Ruth Winberg, Teacher personal Paul Sterner Albert Ackerman, Inquiring R f:: porter -Albert Ackermann, 7A Howard Thia Group Wins Tickets Upper Grade Girls to Coo Coo Club Program Working Diligentl:v for Athletic Award The sixth, seventh and eighth grade girls of Howard are working hard to prepare for their Athletic Badge test8. There are three te8t8, but the second cannot be taken until the first is past, nor the third until the second Is past. Twentyfive points are obtained by passing the first, fifty points for passing the aecond and seventy-five for passing the third. The girls have been working for points all year, in various wayH, such aH stayIng for atter-!!!ehool games, keeping MCore, r efereeing games, and appearing In gymnasium class with gymnatdum bloomers and gymnasium shoe,~o~. The girlH who haw: the mOf~t poiDts at the end o! the year will receive letterR. Ten girls from each class, who have the highest number will be the proud wearerH of the~ badges. Th ~y are duplicates of the boys' badges, but th{' colorH are rt>verRed, being red with wbl~e lettering fnstt>arl of white with red lettering.,Jant-t McCtmnaughey, 8A Howard. Howard 88 is Winner Over Stolp Ball Nine On Tuesday evening, April 24, 8B Howard played B Stolp. Stolp got the tos.· up and took out!'. The first inning end~d 0 tQ.. 0 a5'l usual. In the fifth the !!!COre was 9 to 8 in fanJI· of the Howard team. The sixth inning end d anrl it was 10 to 8, still 8B Howard's fa WJr. Then the last inning ended 12 tt; S 8B Howard's favor. During the game the l-lC(Jre was tied three times. Bob \\rater~. our star home run hitter, hit two more homer.!-!. increasln~ his total to four thil'i s.::ason.Don Pavlicek, SB Howard. Add F. EqUlpm · ent to me H OW&rd SCboo) Grounds . . I. VISit to Poet Olice is Real Education.J Jaunt We went the tbiDp da)', April OM time. Firat we to the Post Oftlce to see how were done. We went Tuesl'l. Our whole class went at went tr> see the pigeon boles. 'fte plpon holefs are Uttle holes with aumbers on them. Each mailman has a aumber on hls cap. Then we went to see tbe ~ place whel't" they were stamping the letten. "nlen we saw where they put them ln the bags. After we saw the bags, we went to the nix)' desk where they try to sort out the lettent that are carelessly addressed. We I&W the way you can write out CENTBAL DEFE\TS HOWABD money orders. W"e learned a great deal Central 6C played a baSE-ball game with about the letters.-Xary Oglesbee. Grade Howard 6B on Thursday, April 26. How4 C...traL ward IB was late in coming so one of our pJayen quit and left. He was put WIN CLOSE GAME off the team. Howard finally came Tbunday afternoon Central 6C played and the game started. Howard Boward CC won by a score of H had us beat in the fir!it inning to 24. IC started with an eight to one four to two; then w.: had them in the lead in the ftnt inning but by the fourth lleCO~d. The:r had us in the thirrl and so 1antnc tB wu ahead. In the last Inning on. I left in the la~t innfng but I found ec had one more time up to bat and out later that l'·e won. Scort- 6f', 26; IB had two more timet~ to be at bat. 6C 6B Howard. 24.-Bill}· K atz, 6C ('..-ntral made ftve run& Then IB got up for the Jut time and made three I'UIUf and had .aiCBARD PRESTO~ ST .\RS two mep on bue when Pre.ton struck 6C played Howard 6A Thun:day, April out the Jut boy.-Dlek Hall. 6C %6. Howard had outs and up to about the fourth inning were beating t;C badly. 'I'BI8 WAS A KA-.ATBO~ In the fifth inning the seore was tied. "lhe 'lA Stolp and -:B Stolp had a base- In the eixth and venth inning SC ran INt.ll pme ·ODday after lldaooL At the up a acore of !6 to !4 In 6C's favor. eDd of tbe ant 7B had 4 and 7A Pitching the sixth and seYenth innin~. ...,. I. Tbe pme wu hard foucht this Richard Preston held them down well. time. At the eeeoad lnnl· 7B had 4 In the se_ Y enth Inning. he struck two ~ 7A bad 1 nma.. Tber& were about men out . and tagged one on his way taar or 8Ye llome rana. Jlarjorfe HoUJrh- to fim baM.--Charles Willlam~. 6C toD wa.a pu.shed over ao Bhe had to get CMit of tile pme. Tbe pme ended up LION STILL DliG · to 4 in TA·e fal"or.-Lorraine Borre. 6A Tigeres had a basketball game fB Stolp. against 6C Lions. At the . t-nd o! the ftrst half the score was Tiger~ -&, Lions 4. 1'0. . &TK TEAll We then had the second half. It was Ia u-na ...... PrldQ'. April !7, CC was ver.r excltinc as we- were a tie 11) to 10. two teaiD8 for games and We decided to nla:r It out for two more otMr tiiiDp Ill CJ'IDD&.IIIum time. Tbere mlnates. Tbe lions won 1! to !1>.aft eadl team. Sopbie Den- PhyW. Carleton. 6A Central MilD Ia ooe captain and Roth SoloiJl()n tile otber.--RMia 8olomoD. IC Central I'LOW.Eit8 FOB HACHE. lira. Jalian has be-en m. 80 the class · .AaD-POtT&·'I .ATTLE decided to send her a plant. Tom Antrim -....~. April 2-t. lin. Jallan'a room. ~t iL It was a blue Cyclamen plant. ~ aad JO.- Seotra room. Lions, lin. JaUan Mid. ..It iJJ just a· good ...,.. ~ Tbe ~re waa 1t to DOW U it wa.t1 wbea I ~r&t it."-Phyllls It t111e tilDe wu ap. The m&Jorit~ Carleton, lA Central . . . . . . tD ft .U -..J tile LloM WOD lt tiD U. ~ DeDbalm. IC ,f11tral P1TPIU 7 .AID! TESTS llr. HarDer le ..utnc the boyw and 1Rif'IWOMTT8F7JI. .. llrls of tile CentnJ 8dlool rMdy for o.t ., ..... . . - tlaat u .........,... a hicltM' He t now lri'riDC' us ...,. II&WI . . two AIBH of - Meel!.ell many tHb that we ha \"e to JNlU and .,._.¢!' . . P1Uie ... c.- we AU a~ wo~ hard t,. d() ·.-llarle tnl OJJcia. U CentraL . A.ldPr. IB Cftltral tis, teachers of the Howard school, were bost:essea at a surprise shower given for Miss Olga Stopka, the teacher of Physical Education at the Stolp school. She is to become the bride of Lester . F. Ball, the manual training teacher and Scout leader, on June 16. The guests were the teachers of the Howard school and Mesdames Harp ~ r and Todd. They played bridge, after which they were served with ice cream, cake and candy. . Before the guests d eparted, )liss Stopka let th~m take a peek at the ho()f: chest.-Dor!s Dodd, SB H oward. Teachen GiYe Party in Honor of Bride-to-be Stolp School 88 Team Oil Tuesday e\·ening, April 24, the Defeats 8C Clau Nine Mi&ses Aleda Lanon and Margaret Lof- During the past week at Howard playground, double and single turning barH have ~en erected. The bars were constructed and erected by "Ed," who is the engineer of Howard. A jungle-gym, 16 feet long, 13 feet high and 12 feet wide Is to be erected later in the r:~um tn("r. Thert> is to be other equipment putup such as teeter-totters, swings, rings. etc. We are all hoping for a modern playground over at Howard this AUmmer. All the erecting work is to bt· under the supervision of "F.d."-Kermit Slm()ns, 8B Howard. -f." I I Friday, April 19, at Stolp an exciting and good game was played between 8B and 8C. Both teams have b~~n looking forward to this game as thPy are rivals in gymnasium c lasses. Tht lineups of both teams follows: 8B sc S·Jhle C Ford Hes~ p Finlayson Howarc.l lb Parker r·rawford 2b Leonard Williams 3b Barker Zipperi<-k RF Parker llcLean CF \Iatthews Quinlan J.F .Arden YortSS B. Saxon Young SS "8B made a volley of nint> runs in the third inning. The outfielding and infieldir.g on ooth sides was good. Th~'· final ~core was 8B, 24; 8C, 19.-Bob H .. ss, 8B Stolp. HO~EBS FEAT~BE GA~E Boy Scout Troop 3 to Have Bean Feed Monthly Troop 3 of the Wilmette Boy Scouts decided to make the bean feed a monthly get-together, so we went down to church Tuesday at 6 o'clock. To our surprise we dldn·t get "catsupcovered" pebbles in mistake for beans. We had hot dogs, pie, and chocolatE> milk. After dinner we were told that there were a few hot dogs left over and anyone that would sing a. song would g et one. I did. As usual fourth patrol was ready to write everything we could think of durIng the hot dog session. Seventeen boys came up for promotion that night. Afterward we had a chariot race, some drilling, a story and adjournment.-Paul L' Amoreaux .,. I I I 'a On Friday, April 20, Howard 8B played 8A Stolp. It ·was the second game this season for the Howard team. Stolp got the toes up and took ins. 8B held 8.\ and when 8B got up 8A held 8B S(.t the first inning ended 0 to 0. It looked as though the game would be a tight one but in the fifth inning 8A got rattltd and let 8B score five runs. The fifth inning ended 8 to 0 8B's favor. In tbP sixth 8.A ~ored a run because a fl)· ball was caught and as soo nas it was caught, the runner on third base ran home scoring the only run for 8A Stolp. The game ended SB, 20 ; 8A, 1. Bob Waters and Albert Ztbble hit two home run!! each.-Don Pavlicek, 8B Howard. HOME BUNS FEATURE The game started at 3:30 o'clock hetween 6B and SC. The first Inning 6C was leading 2 to 1. The sixth inning was the Inning for . 6B. The ftrst man up for 6B singled. the next singled also, and the next rna n singled bringing In a run. With a man on third Paul Soule hit a borne run. There was another run on the third sack when Howard Herbon bit a homP run. The next inning we wert> pinch hitting. Paul Soule doubled. The next man singled, bringing in Paul. The next man was Howard Herbon. He hit another home run makiu the s<>ore. 6B. 18 ; 6C, H.-Howard Herbon. HOW.\RD DEFEATS ST· .JOSEPH Howard SA played St. Joseph Tuesday, April 25, and won with a score of ·g to 7. The lineup was as follows: Howard : McHale, Foslund. Jones, Jordan, Golden, Wolff, Hellmuth, Bayajian, Lind, s peeh t. s t. Joseph: Hoffman, Schinler. Schneider. Schuett, Raw. Schwartz. Bell, Wagner. The players of St. Joseph were changed during the game.-Lauretta Anderson, 8A ~oward. BAN9EB8 EN.JOY BIKE The Ran~rers went on a hike. Wt> went to tile Fore8t Preserve near Westmore· land Golf course. We went Saturday, Aorll 21. We left Saturday noon and hiked .to within five blocks of the car line. We got a ride In a taxi and a truck. We came back at 4 o'clock.-Billy ~owen, 6C Central · · ·wea · EASY FOB LOGAX The first game of the season played by the Logan school was with the 5A Central. When we started out to beat them, we did so without any trouble. Our score was ' thirty while the Central had to be satisfied with ftve. Howard ~II. the captai~ scored two homers, bnnging to four runs at one time. The next game 'Was 11rith the 5B Central. The Logan school won by the score of 31 to 17. The last strikes v.·ere not G~:de 5 co~~e::-liarguerlte Peterson, = -------- era·. u ... .. IC.-.,__. H..\ l.E SCIE"Xf'E EX.-\ll The eighth grades of Howard had their third Social Science examination last llonday. During the year, four pamphlets are studied and at the end of eaeh one a printed test is trtven. If you have studied all during tbe book tbetJe tNta sbould not bother you but tf XA.KE lfATUU POSTERS you haTea't ~ I think this f8 The llbth cracles of the Central achool a much better wa:; to study HistorY a mach mort" lntertsUng ont>.-LUC)' are maldng Nature posters. each taking 80me Idea of nature.-June KattheWB, llardiaoa, IB Howard. IC c~ntral.