'filL liE T T E· J;I:PE PRIZE Wilmette'· MarWe O.mp ":Make his dream come true," pleads the poster which won first prize of $25 in the annual Arden Shore poster contest for Edward Ryerson of Wilmette, a student at the Evanston Academ· of Fine Arts. ~ The poster depicts a street urchin with his dog, somber against a city fire plug, dreaming of the brilliant background which shows a beach scene at the Shore with children frolicking along the lake sands. The poster was made without models and is considered by school authorities unusuaDy weD done. The second prize, $10, went to Miss Harriet Woodcock of Wilmette, {or her "Help her to happiness" poster, showing a dejected little girl seated in "ash alley" on rickety steps. The third prize of $5 was awarded Russell Johnson. of Evanston. His slogan is "Give him a vacation, too," and his presentation is that of a newsboy wistfulJy watching the departing vacationists in a railway station·. Honorable mention went to George Bolton of Evanston and William Grover of Chicago. The 35 posters entered in the contest will be exhibited in Evanston and the North Shore towns appealing for aid for Arden Shore. The spring campaign for funds has been opened recently all along the north shore. F============;:::===========================:::=;l Wilmette's ·Grammar school Marble champion will be determined Saturday, May 12, when the shooters in the various grades meet at Stolp school at 9 o'clock in the second annual Marble tournament. The tournament is sponsored by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board, with Glen W. Gathercoal, instructor, in charge. Contestants will compete in two divisions,. junior and senior. The junior group mcludes all boys in Wilmette schools under the sixth grade and the senior group includes all bovs in the sixth, seventh and eighth. grades. winners in each division. Noithweateria Al...u to be Dec:iclecl TOIDOITOw Dedicate CelaturJ CAndle · A i!uge purple candle, 4 ·feet tall and 6 in~hes in diameter, Iuge enough to last more than 100 years, will be lighted for the first time on Candle Light· ing Night, May 16, by President Walter Dill Scott as a part of the annual candle lighting ceremony of North· western university. At the same hour, 8:01 p. m. standard time, smaller purple candles will be lighted by Northwestern alumni all over the world. The contestants will determine Prize marbles will be awarded to the whether the game be "big ring" or "fat." · ways when you dritle a GOOD USED CAR · · can FROCKS Will Locate 6Z4 D.&\'18 SDBBT, BVAIISTOR ................. Date Shopping is made easier in UPTOWN CHICAGO ld ,.slub OME say a day of shopping is the hardest work in the world. Others shop in Uptown Chi.. cago, come home rested, and bring some of the finest bargains Chicago bas to offer. They have learned that every big city shopping convenience is found near at home, in Uptown Chicago. Can can be parked close to anv desired store. Banb, offering every poaible service, are right beside the stores. Meals and re&eshments can be enjoyed in any of the many conven.. iendv close restaurants. If desired, · shopping may be carried on many evenings until late. And after a day of shopping why not dance to a snappy Uptown Orchestra or attend a theatre there? S the Classified Pages on ere led of UPTOWN CHICAGO s S.H 0 P P I N G CENTER OF A ------- .