(),. · · &:..· Browning's bit of - spriua. .. ecs=a "S "ng's at t he morn," aacJ a ' . pr1 a pa ·.... c '"'~~W?.::U';f<. r number, "Where the ftag is fuR of sta~s. ~ She was inspired by Mrs. Brief funen1 lit· foi', 0ic:ar John . Eligibility ~math s adgress to give "The Amer- I(utschker, a former resident of WitWilmette's municipal bastile might acans come as her extra Q.umber aad easily be mistaken for a lodging house ---------~------J nothing could have se"ed as a inore melt~ and Winnetka and a veteran of if one scanned too casually the annual ' the World war, who passed away in fitting climax to the evening. report . o~ Police Ghief Leggett subThe Legion Auxiliary never before :Monrosia, Cal, on April 3, wert held m·t!ed thas '!'eek to the Village board. held for its members such significance Lewis funeral parlor, in wu~ from the Mrs. Dailey's talk on Julian Eltinge In at the cht~f announces that during as on Tuesday evening, May 1, when the past fiscal year the police housed th~ ftag recently purchased by the unit was a pleasant diversion from the or- mette last Wednesday m6ming. Full military services were . conducted by 8M lodgers · in the nether regions of was dedicated by the national vice- dinary and proved most intc:resting. the Winnetka Post ·of ·th'e ·American the Village hall. . . president, Mrs. Bessie Smith. Legion immediately following at the This item in· the police statistics re- While the women gave the AwdliaRefreshments were capably managed :Memorial Park cemetery· .chapel. fer~, however, to the members of that ry salute, the ftag was presented by b>: Mrs. Irene Dahncke and her com- Burial was at Memorial Park.' rovang gentry commonly termed the the sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. Carl Ren:. mittee. Mr. Kutschker had gone west be~nights of !he Road . who possess a neckar. In a stirring address Mrs. cause of ill health contracted while in saxth sense m the matter of seeking Smith congratulated the organization The members are invited by Mrs. out hospitable over-night shelters. on acquiring the ftag, dedicated it to E. V. Cullison to meet at her home France with the Ameritan expediWilmette during the past year has the use of the \Vilmette unit, and 235 16th street, for an evening ·o f sew~ tionary forces. He is survived by his wife ~nd ~ne child. become a veritable mecca for these urged that the members dedicate ing on Wednesday evening, May 9. persons of leisure. Naturally, there themselves anew to God and country. were many "repeaters" but, even at She believes that the wearing of the The Ways and Means committee Lamp Paat ()aly Fatality that, all is changed now, for Chief Auxiliary pin carries a gigantic reare an~ouncing the final card party of in Cruh on Park Aftlaue Charley has called il hold on the pil- sponsibility, and added, "I can't tell the sprmg to be held at the Women's grimage and, hencefort.h, the caged you how proud I am to "·ear the pin. A collision between automobiles sections of the hall will be. reserved I'd rather belong to this organiza·tion club the evening of May 23; they hope driven by H. R. Hoffmann of Glenview to make this the most entertaining and Miss Alice Peterson of Evanston solely for those who come armed with than to any other in ~b~ w9rld." occurred at about 4 :30 o'clock Sunday the prescribed legal documents and Mrs. Smith, as an offic;ial delegate to venture of .the year. after.noon at the intersection of Witunder proper constabulary escort. the 2nd A. ~. F. to F{ance,· and as a With this helpful evening as a mete and Park avenues. A lamp post Beyond that. Chief Charley's annual member of the Commander's delegareport reads much a.s those of other tion which visited the ·vat:ious capitals back~ound, officers and members are at the northwest corner of the interyears, including such items as 260 ar- of Europe, is well fitted to describe inspired . anew: in organizing their section· was broken off by the Peterrests ; lost children, 53; missing per- this ex.pedition which last fall held the work for Poppy DaYJ May 28. This is son car, which was swerved into it sons, 13 ; burglaries, 34; hold-ups, 8: imagination of the world. She· has be- the day that gathers to itself . an the as the crash ·occurred. Only minor larceny, 82; lost and found ar.ticles come, from contact ori that trip with. cords of memory which wece touched damage w~s done to the two cars and flO one was injured. (not including humans), 142; and Gen. Pershing and other war leaders, upola ·by Mrs. Smith in her. ap~l stores f~und un.locked at night, 176. a firm believer in an adequate army .. , r. Under tlie headtng of general po6ce and navy as the best peace protection we find such entries as suicides 2. at- -the issue that was so . earnestly detempted suicides, 3; sudden de~th~ 3. bated at the recent National Defense taken to hospitals, 12; psychopathi~ Congress at Washington. the cases, 1; injured taken home 11· She sketched picture5quely _ broken lamp posts, 20; general' call~ course of the A. E. · F. through Euattended (not otherwise listed) 1376. rope-their meeting with kings and stolen autos, 12; stolen autos 'recov~ queens; lunching with England's glaered, 11; auto accidents . attended 181· morons prince, whom she described as fines assessed, $3,158; amount or' fine~ a modest, boyish young man, mueh . like our Lindy-rather embarrassed in collected, $1,848. his public appearance, ·but · makin~ a very good speech after being hilariTells Garden Club ously acclaimed in song a jolly good . fellow" by the Legionnaires; their Method of Making touching and sincere reception by the war:-wrecked in Belgium. a ·Livable Garden Touching veterans on France she said, (Contributed) "Don't ever let anyone tell you the The Kenilworth Garden club held its French people are ungrateful" · and meeting on April Zl, at the home of g'raphically · the proved it by describing Mrs. Harry Harrison on Abbottsford five mile line of march~ the streets·lined road, with an almost perfect attendance. Afrs. Harrison B. Riley of by enthusiastic French people, the old Evanston and Pasadena, gave one of crying and wringing their hands and y~ung throwing flowers and kisses. the most instructive and interesting the At every stop Old Glory was in e\·italks for the home gardener that the dence aod bands played the American club has. yet enjoyed. She called her talk "A Livable Garden," and by word, anthem. The flag was never meant so much gesture, and blackboard she brought an outline of her own liveable garden to her as when she saw it flying over which she has in recent years planned the American Legion lying at rest unfor her California home. She showed der the white crosses in the vast cemeclearly how the personal influences tery at Mon.tfaucon. "The flag is the and tendencies can be developed in the living symbol of the U. S. A. Our garden. illustrating by speaking of the men have fought and died for it; we general g~rdens of the various coun- are serving it still-a wonderful heritries. the influences of the nationality tage." She commended highly the spirit · This .almost new m~ern bome, well located on high wooded t~ be found in them, from the patio gardens of the Italian country, to the shown throughout by the Legiongrounds in the· notth eait sution of Winnetka, having 4 bedFrench ,.rardens with their exoanses naires. and the noble manner in which rooms and 3 baths (3 bedrooms with sleeping porch and 2 baths of lawn datin~ back to the Louis' and the National commander, . Howard Savage, bore himself under all. circumon .2nd 8oor, and maicf i room and bath on ltd, with large their elaborate lawn-fetes, or to the boxed-in and proper trardens of Eng- !dances. "These boys took into the storage space in addition). Hot water beat · with· qil hamer, land where the propert)· handed down 2nd A. E. F. the same wonderful spi- . attached garage; wonderfa' rear yard completely · fenced, with from father to son must be kept intact rit they carried into ·the war.~' Mrs. Smith concluded her address fine lawn and shrubs.. jus.t ~be ideal playground for the kiddies . and perfect, and to the American gardens with their varied background bv ' asking the · members to pledge -WORTH YOUR INVBSTIGATIONof inftu,.nces which must express the allegiance with her to the flag and by personalitv of the owner and meet reciting the beautiful tribute to the his or her. reouirements. It was a most flag which she as the Illinois delegat~ interesting t~lk and Mts. Riley has a gave as a toast overseas. Miss Adevery charminv manner of oresentin.,. laide Jones led "the assemblage in the her st1bject. One felt at the close of "Star Spangled Banner" and the cerethe afternoon an imoul~e to go home monies were concluded. Never did at once, studv the distances. the aoexes, the members feel more strongly the the size and veneral view. and then common ties that draw them into this to ~it down and olan the ~Yarden over organization-or more truly feel the again. It was a great stimulus for power and glory of the ftag that is ours. work. · . 1· Tho Who C11n Prove . s I 11 Today's Hotne SPecial $31,000 :Mrs. Wi11iam Edwartf K,.e and her 'Miss Adelaide Jones gave a group <Jaug'b~er. Thalia, of 13.17 Greenwood of songs well suited to her rich voice aTenue. have returned from the East and the spirit of the evening. She inwhere they spent their Easter vacation. eluded a charming arrangement of 543 Lincoln Avenue Phones 1544·45 WINNETKA