~~~E:§§ 11111111111111111 1111111!1111 WILMETTE LIFE after they get through chastng a lttde ball unttl they smack tt tnto etgbteen lnde holes 1nto Is tt hard to smack the httle ball etghteen Itt de holes? Well JUSt look at the grouchy faces \\hen the "boys ' and "gtrls" count up the smacks but don't under any Circumstances ltsten for you may hear somethtng to lead you to behevt that your educatton has been neglected LESSON NUMBER ONE WIt where HAT IS thts gentle reader? ts a place on the north shore the boys and gtrls" go Are the "boys" and "gtrls" glad that the mce weather bas arnved? Yes they are and you'll find 'em, thousands of 'em, gleefully stanClng .lt the tee but they won't be so glee ful after they've chased the httle ball around the course because the season IS JUSt getttng under way and the Wtnter ktnks haven t been loosened up yet Will they stop playtng after getttng ' Ungleeful ? Yes they wtll-NOT Who are the persons you see tn the ptcture? They are persons who call themselves golfers Are they golfers ? Ask them not us E11ltor's nott·-1 he prot.-sslonal '"Ill gn e tht' rt>malnlng lt>ssons.