WILMETTE LIFE M~y 18, 1928 Legion Prepares for Poppy Sales Here on May 28 The Alll('rican Legion, one of the several organizations participating in Poppy Oay, May 28, has is·.;ued a statement giving the re ults of its stewardship over funds received from the public last year in the sale of poppies. This year the Chicago City council has se t a ide May 28 as Poppy Day and 11] American legion posts are actively at work planning for the distribution of a flood of crimson poppies to the public in Cook county. These posts, last year, were entrusted with $39,641, the net proceeds of the Poppy sale, but since that time jt is stated that j hese Legion posts have ·3pent $86,000 for n·lief work among exservice men and their families both in the home and in hospitals. There was, in addition, appropriated from the De- Lewis B. Springer of 430 Maple avenue returned to Wilmette last week after having spent three weeks in the South. The trip was made by motor and t_hree days of it was spent in Miami, Fla., where Mr. Springer attended the Shriners' convention. Other points visited were Pensacola, Tallaha·,;s~e. Jackson and Vera Beach which is on the east coast of Florida. Mr. Springer. was enthusiastic over the Shriners' meeting and said the Chicago 28. In additio.n to the relief work car- representation was large, no less than ried on directly, these funds maintain 1.000 members from the Lake Michigan the American Legion ,;ervice office at city attending. 160 North LaSalte street, Chicago, in which office during the last year nearly Mr. and_ Mrs. Ralph Arnold of 1538 20,000 ex-service men were assisted in Elmwood avenue have returned to one way or another. their home after a trip to Montreal, Canada, where they visited for several The French discovered Indians minTh ey also is'ted Niagara Falb. days. ing lead in Illinois as early as 1659. partment of Illinois of the American Legion, $10,000 for providing small luxuries and comforts for soldiers still in hospitals and .$3,500 for the purcha·.; e of radium for the Speedway hospital, the government never h.aving provided the hospital with this essential equipment. . It is believed by Legion officials that the American Legion, in spending $43,000 more than was received from the public in relief work has provided a s~bstantial basis for its appeal to the public fur support on Poppy Day, May Lewis B. Springer Home From. Tour in Southland Gladys Hight Wi(l Give Ballet Unique on Sunday, June .1 " The Gladys Hight School of Dancing is presenting "Ballet Unique of 1928" at the Eighth Street theater Sunday afternoon, June 3. This is the tenth edition of this ballet. There will be 150 adult pupils appearing in the "Love Goddess" a J apanese ba11et written by Miss Hight. A Baby Ballet with more than a hundred children will appear in the "Story Book Ba11." . Many children from Highland Park, Lake Forest, Glencoe and Evanston are to be in the performance. Helen Joan and Mary Elizabeth Murphy of 975 Eastwood avenue, Glencoe, and Mignon Gaskill, Evanston, Dolly Bell of Wilmette : are among the long list of north shore children who will be seen. Gladys High~ will sail for Japan and China, where she will spend the summer studying and collecting inspiration for h~r coming seas~>n. She wi1J · stop in Honolulu and Ma11:ila on her way out. Mr. and Mrs. George E. ·Tarnow of 126 Fourth street entertained a number of relatives at a family re-union at ~heir home on Mother's day. Among those pre-.;ent were Mr. and Mrs. t 'harles Enger and daughter, Ruth, of Austin, and Mr. and . Mrs. Albert P. Louden. Mr. and Mrs. William Hanselman aud Mr. and Mrs. Bert Louden of Chicago. Each of Our Good Used Cars Creates a New Friend we sell satisfaction and E unusual value. VERY TIME we sell a used car That is why new customers become permanent customers and recommend our good used cars to their friends. You are cordially invited to inspect our display of good used models-they will certainly . pl<!ase your senses of .beauty and value. That Overhauling Job You want the old auto humming that smooth song that betokens mechanical perfection. A thorough overhauling will do it. When we finish your car it's right! There's no job too difficult for us to undertake. Our expert mechanics can take care of any job from a bent fender to a cracked cylinder. Cadillac J- 1 4 Brougham p.tH . ju" rd1ni~h.-d in blue duco . Tlw ll.lrnHull/ 1111( blu~ lllllll.lir inl~riur llwruughlr d,·.tn<J . Equipp,·d wirh ,l!tlCl absorbers . winra fn>nl. bump a~ . tr.:. A smuolh . pow~rful moror " m.-chaniolly 0 . K .tnJ curi,·s our \l.Jnd.anl II<' w C.lr w.1rr J nt y. T rur t JJil!Jc pride and com flirt lor $1, !JOO 'i Buick '2 7 Country Club Coupe Nash '26 Coupe An attrlctiv.- 4 p.ts~ . wth origin.tl oli\'c gr~cn tini~h and brown mohair interior in good condition . The 5 dis~ wheels add to thl' mappy appearancr. Is in excellent m .. clunical con dition . Full sport rquipment such a~ trunk.. Lorrlinc spot. ~ht)<'!.. ab~orbcr~ . heater, wintu fronr. ct.: . ') )\OOd tirl's . $!1'i0. Buick '2 7 Counr r.y Club l.nupt>. The sm.ut two p.1ssenga Fisha body with comfortabll' rumbh- StJI is tinishi!d in blue duco with d.trl gran mohJir intuior. 4 nl'w t iu~ . sp.Jrl'. Lov .. joy absorbers, bumpers . etc. Is mcch.tnic Jlly 0. K. ami priud Hf\' luw at s 1.250. Lincoln Cuatom Sedan pHs . D.-itrich Body . Ju~t in d.:ep gr~en duco. Cum plt'tl'ly renickelfd . The lurmunizing mohJir interior liJ..e n~w. 6 n~" <.oodri.:h 1\.1\loons. two mounr.·J for ward in fmdu wdls . Trunk uck, li e~<· Dy .. s. bumpas . etc. Mtchaniully 0 1\ A rt·JI \' Jiu.- "' J I in\<lln buyotr, 11116 7 Cadillac 3 - 1 4 Sedan 5 pass. 4 door. The original light blue duco and thf luxurious mohair interior in· uctllent condition . 'i good royal cord tires, l.orrJine spot light. shock absorbas, etc. lntaior acces'ories. MechJnically in A I condition. c.urying our stanJHd n~w , Jr wJr · rJnty, $2.0'>0. r~hnishrd Studebaker Big 6 Sedan 7 P.tss . utinish~J in dJrl blue due~ with blu~ mohJir interior iXCl'll~nt. Renichlid, 5 good tiro·s, shock absorb as. bumpus. et,. Th~ motor is smooth and mtduniCJily 0 . 1\ . Only $'i 7'>. We Don't Sell Cara-We Depend ONLY on Good' Repair Work to Merit Your Continued Patronage. ~! . ~ 'i 0 . The above cars may he purchased from i11come- The G. M. A. C. P/,:n LAKE AVENUE GARAGE . A. H. MODINE, Prop. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR .CO. Evanston Branch 1810 Ridge Avenue Telephone, Rogers Park 9132 General Repairing, Overhauling, Storage, Expert Mechanics Lake Ave. near Ridge Ave. Phone Wilmette 3040