·· WINS DEBATE CONTEST Park Chamberlain of Winnetka was declared the winner of the debate tourpament conducted by the Gavel club, New Trier High school forensic society, during the past semester. The tournament, which was an elimination affair evolving all members of the club. wa s concluded last week. A similar tournament conducted by the Freshman Debating club has not a s yet been completed. -oThe Sigma Chi fraternity will entertain at a supper dance at \Vestmoreland club Friday evening. May 25. \'VILME TTE . LIFE Mme. Eda Goedecke gave a musicale and tea at her home in Evanston Sun.day evening for her advanced pupils. Am~ng those taking part was Miss M~ne Flentye of 911 Central avenue, W1lmette. May 18, 1928 Festival Soloist Set June 2 as Date for Grammar School League Field Meet Jun.e 2 has been set as the date for the third annual Field Day of the North Shore Grammar school Athletic league. The decision on the date was made at a meeting thi's week of members of the league. The league is composed of the Wilmette public schools, the ] oseph Sears school of Kenilworth and the Holtwood school, Evanston. An invitation has been extended to all the other schools from Evanston to Highland Park to enter the competition. The meet probably will be held in Dyche stadium, Evanston, though a definite decision will not be taken on thi·; point until arrangements have been completed with Northwestern university. Arrangements for entering the meet can be made by communicating . with either Robert W. Townley, Kenilworth recreation director, or Daniel ~~. Davi~ director of the Wilmette Play ground and Recreation board. As in the past years, the competition will be conducted in three classes. The first class will be limited to boy s weighing less than 85 pounds. The ·second class will include those weighing between 85 and 100 pounds, and the third class will be composed of boys weighing more than 100 pounds. Kenilworth · last year won the Field Day comp_ etition, leading Wilmette by five points. ment ): soloist with St. Louis SymphonY orchestra, Dec. 11 ; soloist at Metropolitan theatre, Boston; soloist with Chicago Bach chorus, May 9~ Her season will close with a recital for the Margaret Booth school (commencement) in Montgomery, Ala., May 28. -o-:- Mr. and Mrs. George Ingham and family have moved into their new home on Highland avenue, west of the Ridge. The Inghams formerly resided at 346 Greenleaf avenue. -<>-Mrs. John Ling of the Linden Crest apartment's is spending a fortnight in New York. ~ .I Wilntette W otnan's Exchange 1024 Lake Ave. Tel. Wit. 2891 Saturday ro:oo to 1 Open daily 1o:oo to 5:oo :oo Hand made quilts, pillows, rugs, curtains, and gifts for all occasions. Also, canned goods, preserves, pickles, and .home made Jellies. Special bakery sale on Saturday. Our consigners are pleased. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Isabel Richardson Molter, of Witmctte, who sings the soprano rok in ~ Verdi's Requiem on the opening night 1 of the North Shore Festival at Patten 1 gymnasium, Evanston, has had a busy and very successful season, including among others, the following appearClean, fancy stock now growing in our own. greenhouses, priced ances: as low as $1.M per Dozen. Recitals at Elgin, 111.: \Yaukesha, Wis.; South Bend, Ind. ; Dubuque, Also a Clomplete line of bed· Iowa; Iowa City, Iowa; Omaha, Neb.; "" diDI . o~et opeei&IIJ prleed. { Quincy, Mass.; Owensboro, Ky. Two New York recitals, October and March, at Town hall and ·s teinway hall, respectively; Boston recital at Jordan hall; Chicago recital at the Mone· Ave., Rogers Park Playhouse, Feb. 5; soloist with People's Symphony, Boston (re-engage- Overstocked on Perennials l_ r Briargate Florists PAP AMTOKY & SONS SPECIALS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY Lima Beans, Grapes, Cherries, Melons, Red Raspberries, Strawberries, Watermelons, Mushrooms, etc. NEW POTATOES, 6 pounds ............................ . 25c ISc PEAS, 2 pounds LETTUCE, 3 heads . . . . . . . . . . . . RADISHES, 3 bunches SPINACH, peck ................ . FRESH PINEAPPLES, large size; 3 for . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. $1~00 FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, each ... : . ............ . FRESH RHUBARB, 3 pounds ............. . CARROTS, 3 bunches 25c 25c ARTICHOKES, 2 for ........................, ...... . 29c 25c 25c 35c 25c c Personal attention given to all phone orders 5-Free Deliveries Daily-5 PHONES 154 and 1361 . 1135 CENTRAL AVENUE PHONES 154 and 1361