June l, 19'lH WILMETTE interesting, comprehensive manner, many things of outstanding interest concerning the company's operation. The cover of this year's book is a reproduction of a night-time photograph of the company's Waukegan generating station. In the front section are Chairman Insull's annual address to ·stockholders, a description of the company's growth and the development of its territory, the increase in all LIFE n transmission system by nieans 132,000-volt steel tower line now under construction. A 55,000- kilowatt generating unit is being installed here and probably will be placed in service late this summer. The new Year Book contains about 30 l?ages and is illustrated with 35 . photographs. It contains also a map of the company's territory and a list of the 295 communities served . . Hold Funeral Rites · for Bernice Bricker in Monmouth Today Brief. rites for Miss Bernice Bricker who died Monday ~fternoon at th~ Evans~on hospital from injuries sustained when struck by a southbound train on the North · Shore Line at the Wilm_ette· ,avenue station Monday mornmg, were conducted from the Lewis funet:al parlors Wednesday, following which the body was taken to Monmouth, Ill. Funeral service~ will be held in that city this afternoo.n from the home of her parents. Burial will be at Monmouth. At the time of the accident which resulted in Miss Bricker's death, she was on her wa v to work at her brother's bakery i~ Winnetka and was attempting to catch a northbound local train which stood on Greenleaf avenue awaiting the passing of the Limited train coming from the opposite direction. Miss Bricker. who wa:; 20 vears of age and lived with her brother at 400 Prairie avenue. failed to perceive the approachin~ southbound train and darten directly into its path. She "·as placed in a taxi bv Dr. B. L. ~fitchell and Jo eph Pettinger, driver of the cab, and rushed to the Evanston hospital where she passed a\\·ay a few hours later. At an inqu.est. held at the Lrwis funeral parlors Tue:;day afternoon, a \·erdict of accidental death was returned by the coroner's jury. branches of the company's business, its new super-power inter-connections and many other topics of especial interest. r_he new Powerton Generating st'!,tion being built by the Super-Power Co~pany of Illinois (of which the Public Service Company is part owner) is briefly described in this book. This station is being built on the Illinois River near Pekin and will be connected with the Public Service electric of ·a Evanston Shop Open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evenings ~(0) IIDlnJID Henrg C.Lytton 3 Sons CHICAGO-State and Jackson EVANSTON-Orrington and Church a;t$ Jhat Has Never ~t · .5\tet its &qual -·--*1. In Actual Numbers Fine Suits *2. In Style Newness *3. In Quality of Woolens ~ Selection o:f Christian Science Churches "A.ncirnt and 1-lodern Necromancy, alias ~f csmcrism and Hypnotism, De nounced" was thr suhjcct of the lesso n-sermon in all Churches of Chri t. Scientist. Sunday. ~~ ay 27. The Golden Text \\·as from ).[alachi 4:2. "l'nto you that fear my name :-hall the Son Qf righteousness ari .~e . \\·ith healing in his \\'ings." Among the citations which compri..;ed the lcsson- . ;crmon \\'as tlH. ' follo\\·ing from the Bible: "Behold, 1 giYc unto you p(lwer to tread on ~erpents ancl scorpion . , and O\'er all the po\\'er of the enenw: and nothing shall 1"' any means h~1;t you. 1\ot\\'ithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; hut rather rejoi c(:) hecause vour names arc writtrn in. hca\'en" ·(Luke 10 :19,20). The lcs5on-sermon also included the follo\\·ing passages from the Christian Science textbook. "Science and Health gift fT'OI11 a ritua)i.;;tic ] ebovah; but it was the demonstration of divinr Love casting out error and healing the sick, not mcrrlv in the name of Christ, or I Truth. hut in demonstration of Truth" (p. 13~ ). " ·ith KeY to thr Srrinturcs." by ~f arv Baker Eddy: "Christiani~· as J esu~s taught it was not a creed, nor a sistcm of crr~monies, nor a special *4. In Character of Tailoring *5. In VALUE · *Read why each of these statements is a pro'Jien fact. 1. We sell more Clothes at this price than does any other store in the world- carrying a greater assortment than most others .have at all prices combined. There are hundreds instead of handfuls to choose from-in you"· Size. 2. Our stocks move so rapidly that the season'~ newest ideas are arriving continually. 3 and 4. Our great volume reduces our selling costs to such a degree that we can, and do, pay for a higher grade of woolens and workmanship than is customary at this price. Y e~r ~ook Shows Great P. S. Comoanv Pro~ress Stockholders of -the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois and manv other interested persons now are receiving copies of the company's 1928 Year Book. Like its predecessors of otht>r "ear<: the 1928 Year Book sets forth in an 5. All of which produces beyond ·a question of doubt a Value·Givial Leadership not seriously approached elsewhere. With One and Two Trousers. PHONE Elite Employment Service for Your Domestic Help Male 8 Female Dept. WOMAN'S ATHLETIC CLUB I I I E. Pearson St. The Choicest of These in Our E'Yanston Shop Phone Superior 7481-2