June 8, 1928 WILMETTE LlFE Wilmette Garden Club Holds Flower Show Former Wilmette Girl to Marry .James Doi1 On Saturday, June 16, Miss Frances Devere, daughter of Mrs. Mamie Devere of "Walnut Grove," .:aurmingham, Mich., will be married to James Doig, son of :Mr. and Mrs. John S. Doig, ~ Oakwood avenue. The ceremony_ will be read out of doors at "Walnut Grove" at 4:30 o'clock, .with Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd, recently of the Congregational church of Wilmette and now of Flint, officiating. Miss Devere's sister, Ro~alind, will be her only attendant and Edward Pernell of Evan·5ton will be the best man. Among the recent affairs given for Miss Devere was a kitchen shower on June 6, by Mrs. T. B. Hardwick, 757 Twelftl:t street. Tonwrrow evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green (Frances Dennett) will entertain frit:nds of Mr. Doig and Miss Devere in their honor at the Green's new home in Barrington, which has been recently completed. ' -Lehle Photo M ANY residents attended the annual Flower Show staged in the gardens at Mrs. C. N. Hurlbut's home at 715 Greenleaf avenue Friday, June 1. Among those seen in the picture above is Mrs. Frederick Fisher, president of the State Garden cJub.' Mrs. Fisher is standing at the extreme right and to her left is Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell, president of the Wilmette Garden club. Others in the . picture (left to right) are: Mrs. B. G. Calloway, Mrs. Edward L. Scheidenhelm, Mrs. A. E. Gebert, Mrs. C. R. Norman, Mrs. C. N. Hurlbut", Mrs. A. ]. Stinson, Mrs. A. E. Logie, Mrs. David Cook\., and Mrs. E. H. Burge. Lucile Ridgway ·Becomes Bride of George /Wolff AT WELLS COMMENCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ball and daughter, Adelaide, of Indian Hill, Winnetka, left on Thursday of this week for Aurora, N. Y., to attend the com mencement exercises at Wells college where Miss Paisley Ball is a member of the graduating class. Mrs. Ball is a member of the board of trustees of \Velh college. Webster Ball. a student at Exeter. will join the family party in New York City the following week. · { The marriage of Miss Lucile Ridgway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Clyde Ridgway of Evanston, to George E. \Volff. son of Mr. and Mrs . .Eberhard \Volff of 1235 Prairie avenue, was 3olemnizcd last Saturday evening at the Ridg\Yay home in Evanston, the Rev. James S. Ainslie 6f Chicago officiating. ~.fi·3s Lois Grant of Ev1nston and GARDEN VISIT \Villiam \Volff of Wilmette were the The Wilmette Garden only attendants. · well known gardens in Mr. \Volff and his bride will make the Arboretum · Friday, their home in Evanston. , Catherine Mitchell will The home and garden club will meet next ).fonday at the home of Mrs. Harry Vissering on Kenilworth avenue. A program by members will be given. Mrs. Howe will speak on "California Garden s" and Mrs. Frank Cherry will tell 0f. gardens of Lake Forest. To Reduce .. Elizabeth Arden recommends AMIRAL, famous French Reducing Soap. Absolutely harmless. Absorbed by the skin, breaks down fat by natural process. Reduction graaual, without wrinkles or flabbiness. Reduces just the part where used. Banishes fatness of neck, arms, hands, ankles, etc. Excellent for a double chin. Directions with each cake. $1. 50. ELIZABETH ARDEN has a scientific Preparation for every need of the skin. Her book, "The Quest of the Beautiful" outlines the correct care ,f the skin and the best use of her specialized Venetian Toilet Preparations. Ask for a copy at the toi· ~et goods counter. TODAY club is visiting Riverside and ] une· 8. Mi :;s acf as guide. Mrs. ]. F. Kletzing of 522 Washington avenue entertained at bridge last Tuesday afternoon. ORIENTAL Scatter Rugs for the -oMrs. Frank Cherrv of Kenilworth is enterta111111..~ her bridge club on Tues day of next week. JUNE BRIDE Show your good taste by giving the J nne Bride one or more of our exquisite Oriental Scatter Rugs. They come in a range of small sizes with deep sil.ky nap beautifuHy colored in mulberry, blue, rose, etc. · Many designs to select from. Prices range from £rust i!J. 1314 ~t4ul1! ~rnrral iuilbrrs ISABELLA ST. - WILMETTE -Phone W dterproof equipment for <trn. 71 0-J INSWINGING CASEMENTS. DOUBLE HUNG WINDOWS AJlow us estimate on your building requirements and remodeling jobs. $9.75 to $75.00' to Mestjian Bros. Inc. 51 I I Renneckar's Phones 28-29 Centralud Wilmette Aves. . ,. { Let w quote prices .on these dnd your screen requirements. our} ,... MAIN ST., WILMETTE Wil. 949 Univ. 5050