June 15, 1928 I WILMETTE LIFE CIVES BAHA'I LECTURE t ... Dr. Albert R. Vail will be the Baha'i leCturer at the next lt;leeting for the public, Sunday afternoon, June 17, at 4 p. m., in foundation hall, at· Linden avenue, near Sheridan road. The subject will be : "Harmony between Religion and Science." No col .. lections are taken. Literature and many Baha'i publications may be examined at the hall. . Mr. and--M-rs_._R_o_y_M_.-K-irtland ot ·wilmette and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Callerman of Winnetka are leaving Tuesday for Lake Placid, N. Y. New Trier Track Emau Akely President of. N. S. Musical Society Stars Lose Meet The at1nual luncheon and business to Evanstonians meeting of the North Shore Musical New Trier's senior trackmen lost to Evanston in the final meet of the season, at Beardsley field last Friday, by a score of 46 to 76. The meet was a closer one than the score would indicate. The · first places were evenly divided, each team winning seven; but the well-balanced Evanston team ran up its big lead by getting most of the seconds and thirds. It was one of the best high ~chool meets of the year. · Conditions were perfect and Evanston meet records were broken in the half mile, quarter mile, discus throw and 12 pound shot put. The records in the relay and several other events were nearly equaled. Dixon High Pointer Dixon of Evanston, who was on t]~e winning relay team and won both hur ·· dle races, was high point man with 11-1/4 points. Kershaw, who won tl1e javeline throw and pole vault for New Trier, and Simmons, record breaker in the shot put and discus throw, each copped 10 points. · The quarter mile was an exciting duel between Simpson of Evanston atvi Marty Cassell, whose performances prior to Friday were about equal. Cassell had beaten Simpson twice but the Evanston runner placed in the state meet and his rival didn't. Simpson and his teammate De Gette started in the lead but Marty elbowed paq them on the first curve and kept ahf'ad until he hit the tape in the record time of 51 and 4/10 seconds. In the half mile Sanderson and Little made up for their teammates' defeat in the one lap race by keeping Ted Burgess from the pole for most of the race which resulted in his bein~ beatert by Sanderson although he fimshed before the broken tape hit the ground. The time, 2 minutes 3 and 3/10 seconds, was the fastest ever made on the Evanston track. Crashes Records Simmons, Evanston's star weight man, was responsible for breaking two records. He put the 12 pound shot 45 feet 10 inches and hurled the discus 12-l feet 9 inches. Hall. who won second place in the discus throw, was the only New Trier man to place in either of these events. Another outstanding performance was the way Homer Hilton won the mile from Hanawalt, the, Evanston miter. He ran his race in very fast time and spoiled Hanawalt's chances of even keeping up with him by a fast print at . the finish. Steve Windes who led the field at the beginning took thircl place for K ew Trier. Hoflman started the relay for ~ ew Trier and kept the Gray and Green ahead for tl1e first 200 yards but Dixon took the lead as he passed the baton to the second Evanstoniat1 and Evanston vept the lead to the tape. The time for the fast two laps \vas 1 minute and 33 second . · fooiummnrlt's society was held Monday, June 11, at tht> North Shore hotel. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Ernau Akely, president; Dorothy Rae, vice-president; Olive Ahara, secretary-treasurer; Elizabeth Weixel, assistant secretarytreasurer; Jean MacShane, membership chairman ; Marie Moll Pettibone, · assistant membership chairman ; Dorothy Cordts, program chairman; Elizabeth English, assistant program chairman; Margaret M. Geppert, social and publicity chairman ; Madeline S. Vaughn, assistant social and publicity chairman. The majority of the meetings for next year will be held in the Evanston Woman's club building. son (E), 3. Sanderson (E). Distance, 20 feet, 11%, inches. Pole Vault-1. Kershaw (N), 2. Tie between Kingsley of New Trier and Woodhead, Wineberg and Brood of Evanston Height, 10 feet, 6 inches. · Javelin Thow-1. Kershaw (N), 2. Haugan (E), 3. Raymond (E). Distance 127 feet. ' 'Public Forum · Wilmette, June · 9, 1928. Editor, WILME'l'Tt Lif't: The Women's Catholic Club of Wilmette wishes to express its appreciation · in your ready response to the publication of our appeal, "Who Will rlelp," in this week's paper. Hardly was the issue in circulation when we received the generous offering of a wheel chair for our litt 1 e patient. Thanking you again for your part -oin this charitable act, we remain, Mn. E. Anderson, 1123 Elmwood avenue, accomoanied Mr. and Mrs. Sincere}y, .. The Women's Catholic Club, Raymond Rapp on a motor trip per Mrs. J. P. Budinger, through· southern Illinois last week. Philanthropy Chairman. Mrs. Mary Tubbs, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Geeck, Mrs. Amelia Peterson, and Mrs. E lizabeth Mulver of Grand Rapids, and Miss Marian ~ckerman of Detroit were houseguests m the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ]. Tubbs . of 1350 Greenwood avenue for th e wedding of Miss Hazel Strand and Edward Weber Tubbs which took plac~ June 9. JANE·ANNE efalaJ (fjressing NO OILY TASTE which many people find so obJectionable. By carefully blendlnc a fine domestic vecetable oil with other lncredlents, JANE-ANNE has acquired a real home-made flavor. That's good-straight ahead! ALL 0. K. PROCEED! MADE WITH FRESH That's the word when you buy a good Used Car. Ready to drive the minute you get behind the wheel. Ready to give you plenty of dependable· mileage at a cost that is most economical. COUNTRY EGGS from nearby farms and other products of superior quality, I ANE·ANNE Is a nourishing food. It supplies energy for children and adults. A good Used Car. Be sure about the good ·part of it. The safe thing to do is to see what the authorized motor car dealers of the community are ·offering on the Want Ad Page- FLAVORED WITH REAL LEMONS JANE-ANNE has Just the rlcht tang to whet the appetite. For many years the choice recipe of a Chicago home woman, JANE-ANNE will win your In· stant approval, t,o. If, by chance, you think It's not the best salad dressing you've ever bought, return It and receive your money back. 100-Ynrd Dnsh-1. Owen (E), 2. Russell (E), (~) Ouy (~) . . Time, :10.1. ~~0- Yard Dash-1. Guy (N), 2. Russell (E) , ~. Owen (E). Time, :24. ·140-Ynrd Run-1. C'aRs(lll (~). 2. SimnS0'1 (E), ~. De G f' tte (E). Time, 51.4. Try the.small size 220- Yard" Low Hurdles-1. Dixon (E), 2. JohnRon (E), 3. Bartholomew (E). at your Time, :26.8. fi"OOer'· 120- Yard High Hurdles-1. Dixon (E), 2. Johnson (E), 3. Leach (N). Time, YOU'LL SOON BUY THII: PINT OR QUART SIZI: :1 6.8. Half ::\Til <'-1. Sanderson (E), 2. Burgess (K), ~. Little (E). 'l'ime, 2 :03.3. · WILMETTE DEALERS ARE: :.'\Tilt>-1. Hilton (N), 2. Hanawalt (E), Nick Bleser, 945 Ridge Ave · 3. Windes (N). Time, 4 :47.5. . Jane's Dellcatesst'n, 'ito Ridge Road Shot Put-1. Simmons (E), 2. Haugan B. F. Buscher, 811 Ridge Ave. (E), 3. Erlandsen (E). Distance, 45 feet, Klinge & White, Ridge and Lake 10 inches. A. s. VanDeusen, liiU Central Ave. Discus Thow-1. Simmons (E), 2. Hall Wilmette Gro. & Mkt., 11ft t!entral Ave. (N), 3. Erlandsen (El. Distance, 124 feet, Cosmos Bros., IUS Wilmette Ave · 9 inches. D. T. Boucblkas, 1!!08_Wilmette Ave· High .Jump-1. Hall (N), 2. Tie between J. W. KereTa.n, 13:14 WUmette Ave. Witt and Corker, both of Evanston. wm. Brinkman & Co., 1178 ·wnmette Ave. Height, 5 feet, 4 inches. J. W. Schloesser & Co., fot Linden Ave. Broad Jump-1. W~g~ (N), a ~h·jl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kenilworth Store, f!!t Rlehmond Bd. Find a good USED CAR in the CLASSIFIED COLUMNS today .and drive tomorrow! only 25C .... ·