June 15, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE the witnef!~ stand yesterday to tell the be beyond explanation by the republic part he plays in the politics game and is this item : of election terrors, of felonies waived, and of gangsters freed by writs Qf habeas 'Public interest .manifested in the seleccorpus.' tioJ) of ei~ht of their judges 'Yesterday was slight. The vote was less than one· "Private citizens are making an in- fifth of what was available. In the entire vestigation at their own expense of county the total vote will probably not be found to have exceeded 300,000. In the alliance between crime and politics, Chicago alone there are 1,228,000 registhe responsibility for whicq they place tered voters, while in the country towns, on the shoulders of the State's At- where, with three exceptions, registration is not compulsory, there are easily, torney and some of the judges. An 150,000 more voters.' " editorial says: The greatest peril to the republic 'The on people Chicago between demand acorrupt show- today is the ,..... indifference of the intelclown theofalliance politics and organized law-breaking.' ligent citizens toward matters of .gov"ln view of above, what seems to ernment. 15 TO MAR'RY JUNE ZO The marriage of Miss Mabel Wilbar' and Orville ] . Borchers will take place at the First Methodist church of Wilmette Wednesday evening, June 20. Mr. Borchers was former choirmaster at the church and for several years was a member of the A Cappella choir which is to sing during his ' wedding ceremony. Dougla3 Davisson of G1enview is motoring home this week from Providence, R. I., with five other Brown university boys living on the north shore. The Voter's Column By Hoyt King If Charles Dickens were here today to write "American Notes," he would say: "I am thrilled at the tretnendous physical and cultural growth of the United States since my visit in 1842this, in spite of bad political conditions. Crime and administration of law in the republic are about what existed in Et~glaud in the time- of the despicable Judge Jeffreys 300 years . ago, maybe not so far back. "The Chicago papers for the past week have to say: 'A junkman was seriously wounded by an unlmown assailant, who fired a l'u ~ ill a d e of shells from behind the curtain' of a touring car and sped on. '\Vh en a j e alo~,ts suitor had finished blazing a way with his gun, his sweetheart ~nd his riYal lay dead in the parlor. 'Two robbers today held up the Schulze Baking Company and escaped with $2,849. Evanston Shop Open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evenings 1ff81IE(.)b ·Henrg C.lytton I Sons CHICAGO-State and Jackson EVANSTON-Orrington and Church $75,0.00. 'I'\ine bandits last night kidnapped John \\"ohl and t-hree kept him prisoner until the six confed e rate~ early today finished looting his store of gems valued at 'Mrs. Margaret Miller was robbed while returning from a moYie with her daughter. 'A middle-aged man bound Mrs. Smith to a tree on the pretext that she was to pose as an Indian captive about to b burned at the stake. Then he tortured her.' "In each case the criminals escaped. ,\.hile Chicago has 1,300 prisoners in jail awaiting trial, the judges are pretty bu sy trying each other. The Qapers report: 'Emanuel Eller, judge of the Criminal Co urt, was questioned for two hours on his conduct a ~"< :1. judge and his political ttcti\'iti e s in what has come to be known a s tht> 'Bloody Twentieth' \Varcl . ':\ nother a cc USl'd jucl~f was put upon Rich Silver Grays and Tans In aSelection That ·InCludes Every Smart Style_ and Pattern Idea With One or Two Trousers Soothes and Refreshes Motorists'· Eyes Eyes stra. ined by hours at the wheel and irritated by exposure to sun, wind and dust are instantly relieved by M·urine. It soothes away the tired, burning feeling; clears up the bloodshot condition. Carry it' with you on motor trips to refresh and protect your eyes. Also keep a bottle of Murine in your locker at the country club for use after golf, tennis, swimming and other sports. A month's supply ~of this beneficial lotion costs but 6oc. Try it! Write Murine Co., Chicago, for FREE books on Eye Beautv and Ey1 Can V lJRINL f.ORYOUR EYES ARIETY and Style are what count in deciding where to buy your clothes. · Hundreds of the very newest Suits here for men and young men. And when it comes to value-you know the economies of our tremendous volume. You always have received more for your money hereand you may depend upon it -you ~lways will. IN OUR EVANSTON SHOP