June 29, 1928 WILM E'T T E· LIFE $224,000 BOND ISSUE 'i TO ENLARGE LAKE'PARK (Continued from Page 3) publication the ear of the public for the moment, may I refer to some ct:iticisms of the tnangement · of the bathing beach. I have before me a letter declining to purchase an . annual tticket permitting family use of the bathing beach, for the sum of $5, and containing the following paragraph : "In former years, we helped support the Wilmette · beach, but on account of the influx . on Sunday, particularly of Chicago's west side riffraff and all of its ramifications, we have concluded that the bathing beach is being operated for · their benefit and not for the people of Wilmette." In a Different Tone · I also have before me another letter reading as follows : "This refers to your notice covering the fee for the use of the Wilmette bathing beach. I just sold my home in Wilmette and wilt, therefore, be unable to take advantage of it. I wan ted you to know I enjoyed being in Wilmette the short time I was there and admired you for _the work you are doing." Jt should be borne in mind that the Wilmette parks were established under the state law authorizing public parks. We can no more exclude from these parks, except for misbehavior, any part of the public, than the Board of Lincoln park could exclude citizens of Wilmette. Our records, however, for the year 1927 do not bear out the above criticism. Criticism Unwarrant~d The number of season tickets issued was 1039, each of which entitled all members of the purchasers' families to the daily use of the beach and beach house \vithout additional cost, and they were generously ·Used. In addition, very many other Wilmette .people used the bathing beach without purchasing tickets, not availing themselves of the locker privileges. Of the 1039 tickets, 958 were issued to residents of Wilm.e tte. The tremainder were scattered as follows: Evanston, 58; Chicago, 16; Oak Park, 2; Glen View., 2; Morto:n Grove, 1; Kenilworth, 1; Maywood, 1. The sale of these tickets is not pushed outside of Wilmette, but they are of course available to others who may desire them. Puring the year, 1532 people paid 75 cents and 1408 paid 50 cents each for single admissions to the beach and beach house. The bathing beach is not a source of revenue. Some years we have been a little ahead, and some, a little in arrears. On an average, we have about broken even. The beach has often been referred to. by persons of wide e1Cperience as one of the best, and best managed in the country. oard might deHowever much the b_ sire to make it exclusively a Wilmette affair, it is beyond its power to do so and no better policy for its management than that which has prevailed has been suggeste,d by anyone. Mrs. F. ]. Pfahler entertained at a bunco ·party at her home, 204 Sixth street, last Friday in honor of her daughter-in--law, Mrs. John W. Pfahler of Evanston. -o--- rr===========:;:c::==============---==================n ...... . HAND LUGGAGE! -of Interest to Those Planning a Trip It will enhance the pleasure of your trip to unpack .your clothes as fresh looking and unwrinkled as when your journey started. But to do this requires the proper luggage-and enough of it. Over-crowded or incorrectly shaped cases cannot be expected to render satisfactory service. If you are not properly equipped, here you will find a generous stock of- SUIT CASES - TRAVELING BAGS OVERNIGHT BAGS - FITTED CASES - HAT BOXES GLADSTONE. BAGS, ETC. Being conveniently located close to your home, why not do most of you.r "going-away" shopping at this store? It will save you much time, just when time is the most valuable! WORTHEN~CARRICO 1146-1148 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 588 CO. M iss Ruth Harris, niece of Mrs. F.]. Pfahler of 204 Sixth street, who has been teach,ing in Chadron, Neb. for two years, is spending her vacation with the Pfahlers. --o- Mr. and Mrs. T. H. West have just returned to their home at 723 Ashland avenue from a short trip to Davenport, Iowa.