WILMETTE LIFE July 6, 1928 Strange history is being made in Chica~o. Public officials who were chosen for the spectal purpose of administering effectively the affa!rs IUUIID :I'IUDAY o· ·ACB w··K ~ of that great ctty 'LLOYD BOLLI8T·L JlfC. 1JU.UI. Central Ave.. Wilmette, Ill. Public Oflice and h a v e. used t h e i .r a.a-.o o61e: · No KlcbJpn L Ave. TeL Stat. lilt · · splendtd opportumI wlliiet&e iiii Publrc ServiCe ties for service as Aiidi&TIV· Puc·........... .. ...... .A. nn means of forwardOOIDIIl1l caUoiUI muat be accompanied bT the ing their own petty ends. Consequently rep. . . . aD4 dre1111 of the writer. Articles for publloatlon m118t nach the editor bT Wedneaday noon to resentative citizens have e~ ssumed a responsi' - " &ppe&l'&llce In current luue. bility which they should not have been obliged RellolaUona of condolence, card· of thanks, obltuute.. DoUcea of entertalnmenta or other aJralftl where to assume, namely, the responsibility of cleanu a4mlttance charce Ia publlehe4, will be charced at ncular advertlelnc ratee. ing up some of the mess made by these same delinquent officials. As a prominent and pubEdward A. Zimmerman, attorney, has lic spirited north shore citizen put it recently: had a glorious time during the past few "The people permit paid incompetency to hold weeks seeking to focus the spotlight of office ·and themselves assume the burden of public opinion upon himself. law enforcement." · R. I. P. As the hireling (paid or otherSuch treacherous conduct as that shown by wise) of a group whose interChicago officials d0es not occur on the North ests are purely mercenary he has s.o ught Shore. Some will say that the reason is eviby every means to stir up opposition to the dent : the population and stakes are too small. request of Schultz & Nord for a permit to . W.ere the p<>pulation up in the millions and operate a cleaning department in their were the money itself also up in the millions, plant in "Gasoline Alley." our boasted character could not stand the It would appear from one of his recent strain and the Chicago situation would recirculars that said Zintmerman was a bit peat itself on the North Shore. peeved at the editor and publisher of WILWe do not believe these statements. We do METTE LIFE because this paper did not not believe that we are flattering ourselves and become a party to his efforts in further our fellow citizens when we assert that our venting his spleen upon the residents of public officials have exhihited an intelligence this village. Unfortunately for Zimmerman and character that could not be defeated or the management of this paper has beeN in broken by millions of' people or dollars. the game too long to swallow the hook Public office is still regarded by many as an baited by the publicity seeker. opportunity for public service. To some people it might appear .1t Z_immerman was interested in this case Certain unpleasant things last a long, long merely because he felt if was his civic duty. time. In spite of all that is done, these eneTo those who know Zimmerman and his mies of man, of one kind or another, seem civic activities this is a joke. To those invulnerable. Yellow who know the motives back of the opposifever seemed impregThe Last of the tion the whole affair bears the flavor of a nable. Plagues seemed fresh breeze fron1 the stockyards. ZimMosquito. beyond man's control. merman may continue to flood the comOld age, at present, if munity with his rabid offerings but as far it may be called an enemy, seems destined not as we are concerned we will not again to yield to man's attacks upon it. Cancer conlower ourselves to his level by acknowltinues its deadly work. edging his outbursts. But man as scientist has conquered some of these enemies. Yell ow fever has yielded. l\1any plagues are now kept within bounds. Old One of the prime incentives active in proage will some day be rejuvenated. Cancer moting the endeavor of New Trier students to excel in literary composition is the annual cannot resist the advances of science. Henry P. Williams prize essay contest. We Two of man's enemies still persist in the are sure that many a boy or girl has received form of flying pests-the mosquito and the fly. from this source just the impulse that was But there seems not the slightest doubt that needed to move him or her, usually her, to the mosquito, at least on the North Shore, try out native and acquired .ability in this field. is doomed. \Vith the Sanitary District, the County OffiEveryone regrets the necessary absence of :h.Ir. Williams at the conferring of prizes. cials, and the respective Abatement Districts all co-operating to conquer this disagreeable and dangerous pest, victory this Some 1,205 Northwestern boys and girls, year is assured. with perhaps a slight sprinkling of adults, received degrees at the recent commenceOne of the auto highways which will be of ment exercises. We trust that these same great use to North Shore drivers is Harlem youths will not dispose of their books but A venue. It takes one directlv into the heart of will continue to study th~m. If one wants Chicago's western and southwestern suburbs, to remember what he learns in college he a boon t~ those who heretofore have been able must certainly review it several times after he graduates. to get from the North Shore to Oak Park and River Forest only by threading the traffic congested houlevards or by hunting one's non·Although in general prices are still up and descript and ever-varying way over \Vestern, will continue to stay there ior several more Irving Park Boulevard, Central Avenue, or years, still all of us ought to be to some degree what have you? thankful that mail rates are lower. \Ve are especially grateful to Uncle Sam for lowering the price for carrying picture post-cards. Not Two duties combine to give going away for that we are addicted to the habit of sending the summer a darkish, if not a black eye. such cards, but merely that we have often Th~se duties are getting ready' to start, with been annoyed to remember just after we have its packing up and saying good-bye, and getmailed a pretty Yiew of our handsome home ting ready on the return to go to work again, that we should haYe stuck on it a two-cent with its unpacking and shaking hands with one's fellow-workmen. stamp. SHORE LINES , LOVE Along the flowery path they walked together hand :" hand, Lover and maid, Attd as they 'lvat~hed the gloriot4s sunset fade, They droomed of the future bright, Of Life and Love. Presentl.y, they heard the notes of a nearby thrus/r.. Chanting his evening ·song, And as they stOIJd there in the hushed silence of the woods~loncFar from the noisy throng, There came to them the meani1~g of another sort of love, Somethit~g exalting and Divine. -Olivia Kingsley Heat Waves With E. T. trying to cool off in Decatur (ever try it?) and a short week because of the holiday, we were not surprised to encounter the hottest day of the year in the midst of our feverish toil . . . . . Beth shows up with a flaming red bathing suit. No, no it is done up in a neat package, (you're wrong again), and she allows as how she'll be going down to Elder lane beach tonight . . . ... we are thinking seriously or recruiting a guard of honor to signalize her inaugural stroll beachward . . . . The Old Plug has returned from the lair of the bangtails at Arlington with the firm avowal to henceforth lead a better life . . . . . . Doc and Doris appear with the news that they passed the week-end getting married, just by way of slipping in on the June procession . . . . . all the femmes venture forth in the season's display of summer finery and we know that it is July and only two weeks until V-a-c-a-t-i-o-n time. Friends Lonely I sit and think of you, Atld the da)'S thq.t have passed a·wa.v. Long have I been so true to you., But )'OU haven't a thing to sa)'. Those days Call never be agail't} Only friends we can be OHce more. And true frietzds we can be then, Friends-for evermore. -"Bud" Note: Happy to have it, Bud, and please repeat. ·=· 0 o ·· o 0 ················ 0 ······ ; ( ' ·· · 'c ' ,. . ·. l (· . ( ( v Scottish Humor And why the announced wedding of Doc and Doria should have ao pleased the Scotch preaamen, ia more than we can fathom. To My Own Silmcc Surrounds us With her impregnable cloak; The stillness Of evening Is softened by the moon; 5)tars Chuckle quieti)· A.11d dance abo<t'e the clouds- . I ~ ' A1ld )1et There is oue sozmd That comes geutly thru the dark: It is the so1tnd 0 f our hearts As they beat together as muThey croon In truest harmony To the love-song of my soulThe love song, · Our hearts, And silence-deep sileucc. - Y akumaia. "Gin" Saw Him Firat Having successfully disposed of his first muzzle, "Gin," the type-eating terrier, has now taken to the wire basket variety. . Catcher Charlie espied our hero 'tother day, bult, well, youill have to ask Charlie. 'Tennyrate, "Gin" now seems not to mind · the bite eradicator. And how did you enjoy the glorious Fourth? you would. Knew ,- . -MIQUE. . .;