WILMETTE LIFE . Ju1y 27' 19 28 \VILMETTE STATE BANK NE\V BUSINESS CAMPAIGN ENDS TUESDAY, JULY 3 r T HE SKILL and lienee· \Vith ~\·hich the tnodcrn thief opens the strongest hou ehold or office safe is nothing short of uncanny . He comes to take your v a1 uablcs- a nd usua 11 y gets them~ ·There 's just one cet'·twn \\·ay to oun,·ir hin1. Put vour in1 papers and posse ions in our )trong ___-de Deposit \.,. .:ndt. 1-fc cannot get them therL' . po~tant .._/ .A S(iie Vepo , ..,tf J)o_\ htrttt LT!Uu ;h ur ni your pcrsonul o r hu.'->I.Qe.-..; ,.,u ll'l fnV r ~ull 1~ l r: u,;h [l) !t:ht· Ct:r t n·wfuh!t rn ~ll u ·< r ct dolfars U. l/UI( . })uf~· CUU.'t "fJUCt' ,-r,f ftl f t/l' ,!r {l.cft· . THE WILMETTE . STATE . BANK -Central A venue at ·T welfth Street '. HYour Home B t, nk"