July Zl, 1928 WILMET T E LI FE PLAYGROUND EVENTS Hot Finish in Dash Event, Feature of Annual Village Track Meel Two village-wide events will be on the calendar of the Wilmette playgrounds ne~t week, the seventh week. The final athletic badge contests are to be held at I :30 o'clock Wednesdav afternoon at the Village Green and on the following day the final jack-. stone contests at 2 o'clock at the Laurel playground. The week will also be devoted to preparation for the Wilmette Day parade wbich wilt have a special section . devoted to playgrounds. The children will march in . groups in the parade and prizes will be awarded to the three largest groups. The Btach playground won the 5ilver loving cup for the first prize last year and :s organizing to take the cu9 for the second consecutive year on Wilme~te Day. For handcraft work one hour a dav will be devoted to concreola work, wood carving, soap carving and a finishing uv of basket weavi)Jg held O\'er from last week. The regular beach day will he held as usual and the program for next Friday will be: Sail boat contest. Crawl stroke dash-Boys 10 and under. Crawl stroke dash-Girls 10 and \!.Pder. Crawl stroke dash-Boys 11, 12, 13 years. Crawl stroke dash-Girls 11, 12, 13 13 years. Crawl stroke dash-Boys 14, 15, 16 years. Cra\vl stroke dash-Girls 14, 15, 16 vears. Potato race-Boys 11, 12, 13 vears. Potato race-Girls 11. 12, 13 years. Chariot race-Boys 10 and under. Dive for kisses-Open. . A record field of boys and girls competed in contests held on Village Green and the winner turned up in Vattman Playground which scored 226 points. The com petition developed some interesting racing and a large crowd was present. (Lehle Photo) DID YOU KNOW THAT? It is estimated that the United States government expends $750,000,000 a year for the care of war veterans. This sum is equal to the cost of running the entire federal government, outside of the Post Office Department before the World War. Tax assessors of the District of Columbia estimate that the White House and the grounds surrounding it arc worth about $22,000,000. Only two Federal properties, the Capitol, and the Treasury Department building, are valued at higher figures. There are more than 148,000 physicians in the United States, not including osteopaths and others outside the regular fold. Dentists in the United States in 1925 by a Carnegie Foundation count, numbered 64,166. Naval activities cost $3,480,781,737 people, according to an estimate o{ the while military operations cost $16,- National Conference of Marketing and 283,569,220. Farm Credits. Enough food is wasted -annually in this country because of One million dollars worth of food is I premature spoilage to feed a city the wasted every day by the American size of New York, it is said. · Carpenter and Cabinet Work Are You Contemplating Having Those Alterations and Repairs Done Now? GLENVIEW DAY SEPT. 8, 9 Glenview Day will be celebrated this year September 8 and 9 and will be under the joint supervision of the Glenview Civic association and the \'illage firemen. Plans for the celebration are being formulated by committees from the two organizations. The program will be similar to that of past United States Treasury Department year~, except that it will be on a far figures indicate that the World War larger sca le, it is said. cost the United States $35,119,622,144. Remodeling and Porches Screened G.W.SAXTOM 546 Sterling Rd., Kenilworth, Kenil. 349 5-184 7 Dividend Notice HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of Public Service Company of Northern Illinois has declared the regular quarcerly dividend of $~.50 per share on the Com. . pany's 6% Preferred Stock, $1.75 per share on the ?% ·Preferred Stock, and $2.00 per share on the Common Stock, payable August 1, 1928, to stockholders of record, at the close of business, July 14, , 1928. GEORGE R. JONES, 'Treasurer T ~111111111111;·~~:~111111~~:~:~1111:~111111~~;~:;:111111~:~::;~·:;'""'~-i= Tenth Street and Central Avenue SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES 11 Wilmette, Ill. A. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting-S P. M. Sunday School Exercise 9 :4 5 A. M. July 29t 1928 Subject: u Love" Reading Room-1 16 J Wilmette Avenut HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.: Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M.; Saturday 9 A.M. to 'g P.M. PuaLtc ·sERVIcE CoMPANY OF NORTHERN IWNOI8 S~ng 6,000 squt're miles- 295 cit~s, ttnnJS and communities-with gas and Elearid17 The Bible and W orka of Mary &ker Eddy and all othn authorizld Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purcbtuld. THE PUBLIC II COIUliALLY INVITBD TO ATI"BND Till CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT TH8 RBADING ROOII 11111111111111111 1111111·rm··· I I 5!